Below is an image created by the person who is harassing me.
According to him, I submitted this comment to his blog. He says (re an image of Joe Biden jogging on the beach in a thong), I wrote, "that pic makes me really horny". According to him, I submitted that "vile retort" in response to this post.
That is a lie. I authored no such "retort". The person in question (my harasser) created that image using photo editing software. I don't want Joe Biden to sit on my face and cut a wet fart.
I posted about this harassment previously, on another blog. That blog lasted 5 days before g00gle removed it. Because (the email I received says) I violated their HATE policy. Because blogging about being harassed is hate, apparently.
This person has managed to get g00gle to remove 4 of my blogs so far. The other three were blogs I had for years and put thousands of hours of work into. But they contained "hate". Maybe Google thinks not being a fan of donald tRump is "hate"?
Or blogging about someone harassing me, that's "hate"? Because this person has been harassing me for years. He told me (on one of the blogs that was removed) he's been trying to get my blogs taken down for a long time. He confessed that he had been reporting my "hate" to g00gle for quite some time, but never got anywhere. Until now. Now he can have any blog I create taken down.
At least it seems so. While he can continue to call me a fagg0t and threaten me with Hell (literally). When I die I'm going to "Fire Lake" where I will be impaled through my anus and scrotum with a meat hook. One that has been sharpened and heated.
What's next, g00gle? This blog is going to be removed too? How many days before that happens?

According to him, I submitted this comment to his blog. He says (re an image of Joe Biden jogging on the beach in a thong), I wrote, "that pic makes me really horny". According to him, I submitted that "vile retort" in response to this post.
That is a lie. I authored no such "retort". The person in question (my harasser) created that image using photo editing software. I don't want Joe Biden to sit on my face and cut a wet fart.
I posted about this harassment previously, on another blog. That blog lasted 5 days before g00gle removed it. Because (the email I received says) I violated their HATE policy. Because blogging about being harassed is hate, apparently.
This person has managed to get g00gle to remove 4 of my blogs so far. The other three were blogs I had for years and put thousands of hours of work into. But they contained "hate". Maybe Google thinks not being a fan of donald tRump is "hate"?
Or blogging about someone harassing me, that's "hate"? Because this person has been harassing me for years. He told me (on one of the blogs that was removed) he's been trying to get my blogs taken down for a long time. He confessed that he had been reporting my "hate" to g00gle for quite some time, but never got anywhere. Until now. Now he can have any blog I create taken down.
At least it seems so. While he can continue to call me a fagg0t and threaten me with Hell (literally). When I die I'm going to "Fire Lake" where I will be impaled through my anus and scrotum with a meat hook. One that has been sharpened and heated.
What's next, g00gle? This blog is going to be removed too? How many days before that happens?
Your blog titled "" has been removed Inbox Blogger. 8:54 AM (3 hours ago) to me Hello, As you may know, our Community Guidelines ( describe the boundaries for what we allow -- and don't allow -- on Blogger. Your blog titled "" was flagged to us for review. We have determined that it violates our guidelines and have made the URL unavailable to blog readers. Why was your blog removed? Your content has violated our HATE policy. Please visit our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more. If we feel that a blog's content does not fit within the expectations of our Policy, we no longer allow it to be publicly available. If you believe we made an error, you can request an appeal*******************. You may have the option to pursue your claims in court. If you have legal questions or wish to examine legal options that may be available to you, you may want to consult with your own legal counsel. Sincerely, The Blogger Team. |
Contacted Google re the removal of edwardendoisanasswipe...
ReplyDeleteI created this blog. On this blog I documented the harassment I have been suffering at the hands of another Blogger. Apparently Google doesn't like when someone documents their harassment? I assume, because it was removed for "hate". But the "hate" on this blog was HATE directed at me, by my harasser. It certainly appears to me that Google is assisting this person in their harassment of me. Does this person know someone at Google? This person lives in California, where Google is headquartered. Is that a factor in what is going on? Previously this person hacked into my Google account and deleted a post on my blog (a blog that has now been locked by Google). That was only a suspicion, but I don't know how else one specific post could be deleted. I changed my password and enabled 2 step verification. But NOW, it appears as though someone inside Google is assisting this person. Because (it certainly appears) as though any blog I put up will be removed within days. And review requests I submit will be ignored. I clicked the button for a re-evaluation (and the message onscreen said I'd get a response in 2 days), but I never received any responses. My re-evaluation requests are just trash canned? Along with these reports I've been submitting? Those are being trash canned as well? For the record, I used the URL I did because he had a blog with a similar URL. That blog (created by my harasser) had the URL dervishsandersisanasswipe. He has created many more blogs to harass me though. And they still exist despite me reporting them (blogs where he calls me a "faggot"). But that is FINE, apparently.