The above image is from the ed T end0 WordPress blog, Cleveland Foxturds. The name attached to the file is "dervish-sanders-tranny-model". Apparently this is a pic of a trans woman? The answer is yes. I did a reverse image search using TinEye, and discovered that this is a picture of the UK trans model, Gigi Hari.
Do I want to participate in a threesome with Gigi and Rational Nation? No. I never even heard of this person. And I'm not specifically attracted to trans women.
This is an edward end0 delusion. I've never been seen in public with a "queer guy in a dress". I did say (though I don't recall where) that, if I ever married, it would probably be to a woman. Not a trans woman. I don't have anything against trans women. I certainly don't hate them, as edward does. But not hating trans women mean (in end0's hate-fueled delusions) that I "love shemales bigly".
end0 believes that anyone who says we should love our fellow man, as per the Bible (Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, Matthew 22:37–39), is on the side of evil. And that adhearing to God's call for tolerance "must stop".
The Bible's basis for tolerance.
The Bible promotes tolerance. It says: "Let your reasonableness become known to all men" (Philippians 4:5). The Bible encourages us to treat others in a considerate, courteous, and fair way. Those who apply this advice may not agree with or adopt another person's values, but they allow that one to behave according to his or her own choice. The Bible, however, reveals that God has standards for human behavior. It states: "[God] has told you, O man, what is good" (Micah 6:8). It reveals God's direction, given to help people enjoy the best life possible (Isaiah 48:17, 18). God does not authorize us to judge others. According to the Bible, "There is only one who is Lawgiver and Judge ... Who are you to be judging your neighbor?" (James 4:12). God allows each one of us the freedom to make choices for which we are personally responsible (Deuteronomy 30:19). |
edward reject's God's words because he is a fake Christian Evilvangelical. Any time end0 sees calls for tolerance and acceptance he calls it "evil" and demands that laws be passed to enforce the hate and descrimination he desires.
As per a 5/20/2023 TDR post, Boston Piggy Loves Her Shemales. Edw@rd writes, "Once again, Shenehneh steps into her pig manure and wallows for her wicked demon possessed slobs. Shenehneh loves her left wing extremist freaks and whackjobs who are destroying The USA with their vulgar wicked freak show. This needs to stop".
end0 is referring to the PE (Progressive Eruptions) blogger, Shaw Kenawe. Who he calls either "Boston Piggy" or "Shenehneh". Regarding his objections, why does this need to stop, end0? Trans people are not destroying the USA. Trans people living their best lives isn't a "vulgar wicked freak show".
Well, unless you're a fake Christian evilvangelical like end0. Then trans and gay people are DEFINITELY "destroying the USA". aka not harming anyone. In fact, it your HATE that is harming people, end0. Which is why it is such a JOKE that Google flagged my blogs (and locked them) for "hate" (after being falsely reported by the asswipe end0).
Mystere says... Dervish Loves The She-Males. Dervish Sanders claims he will only date "women" and marry a "woman" if he ever gets married. However, we know Dervish is very liberal and there are remarks in his name on blogs, stating how much he likes fantasizing about sniffing fat gay men's bare buttocks. Far left liberals do not have a definition of a woman, as illustrated when lefty liberal justice nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson got asked "what is a woman". Jackson balked and declared she doesn't know what a woman is. So apparently, Dervish doesn't know what a woman is, either.
In the desires of Dervish, he prefers she-males so that he can appear in public to be with a woman, while being with some queer guy in a dress. Dervish loves the she-males, BIGLY! 8/13/2023.
2 comments from end0's TDR Post, "Boston Piggy Loves Her Shemales"
Dervish Z Sanders. June 15, 2023 at 8:34 PM.
Adam Schiff is a fantastic congressperson! He's going to run for the Senate (Barbara Boxer's seat)... He's going to be an awesome Senator! Mystere's hate for trans and gay people is disgusting. Also dangerous. Hate like Mystere's gets people killed.
Rattrapper (end0). June 23, 2023 at 3:13 PM.
Dervish §atan-§ander$666 worships Satan's turds running to ruin and finish off the United States of America by putting in freaks and creeps into government offices. Watermelonhead is a sick pervert loving creep who is bent on destroying America with his lust for power. Watermelonhead will be taken out by God for crimes of High Treason when the military gets ready to hold tribunals and starts raiding offices during upcoming martial law declarations.
Dervish §atan-§ander$666's fixation and grand delysion of smearing and spewing lies about Mystere hasn't gone unnoticed by The High Courts Of Heaven. THREAT--> Derpi$$ §atan-§ander$666's sins of Satan Worship and Spirit Cooking haven't gone unnoticed by God Almighty, and will be severely punished.
I am not involved in any Satan worshipping or Spirit Cooking, asswipe. Yet edward believes God Almighty will "severly punish" me for his delusions. God Almighty isn't going to ever "notice" me doing things I have never done. GFY, asswipe.
Note: The image is also posted on his m00nbat slayer bl0g.
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