The image above is "pornographic" according to the moron ed T. end0. Seriously.
Apparently this cartoon made end0 really angry. So angry that he stewed over it for years. And (no doubt) this cartoon was the subject of one (of many) complaints he filed agaisnt me with Blogger. Probably in regards to "Adult content".
I wrote that I set a blog of mine to "invited readers only" (to prevent it from being reported and taken down again by ed) and he replied, "Good! Dervy's queer porn is for his butt buddies only".
And he also wrote "Goodbye fake Trump pornographic images". But the images he refers to are not gone. I got them from elsewhere on the internet. And the images remain in their original locations. Additionally, end0 posted them all to his own blogs!
Here are some more images that made him angry. Screencapped by end0 from WYM to MSC (screencapped from my blog by end0 and posted to his blog, Mystere's Moonbat Slayer Club) :P

Mystere. April 15, 2024.
These sewage leaking sites are down for the moment. If the appeals get denied, the blogs become ancient history along with every dirty thing posted on them. Goodbye fake Trump pornographic images!
Mystere. April 17, 2024 at 1:41 PM.
By the way Dervy, I don't deal with pornography. But you post porno on your blogs. You need to put out warning shields of adult content on your sites.
Mystere. March 9, 2018.
Dervish's butt buddies have joined in on the blog attacks, spewing hate and gay pornography in their vile mean spirited retorts.
Caption: Dervish Sanders goes after Donald Trump with fake liberal whoppers.
Marco Rubio: Donald, the Liberals are spreading their queer fantasies of sex crimes you comitted with Jeffery Epstein.
Donald Trump: Marco, that sick freak Dervish Sanders will spew lies, saying we're both part of Epstein's child pornography ring. That sick freak Dervish fantasizes about seeing our weenies too.
The image above is from end0's Foxturds blog. He downloaded it from my blog and used some image editing software to change the caption and text in the word balloons. He retitled the image "dervish-sanders-fantasy-trump-epstein". He considers this "pornograpy". Because it takes place in a shower, although there is zero nudity depicted.
end0 says "you post porno on your blogs" and that "you need to put out warning shields of adult content on your sites". But (as you can see) he posted the SAME "pornographic" images (and worse) on his blogs. So, his statement "I don't deal with pornography"? That's a lie. Though not really, because those images aren't "pornographic". But apparently (to him) they are. And there aren't any warnings on his blogs.
By the way, that political cartoon was about the republican potus debates of 2016. It had nothing to do with Jeffery Epstein or any allegations that dotard donald tRump was involved in a child pornography ring. Although donald tRump and Jeff Epstein DID take turns raping Katie Johnson when she 13 years old in 1994. The gang rape took place at Jeff's Manhattan townhouse.
The Ted, Marco and donald in the shower pic also appears attached to a 9/1/2023 TDR post titled, Lucifer's Slave Boy Dervish's Self Inflicted Curses. As per this post, I have a "queer fixation on DJT".
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