Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Edw@rd En*d0's Fake Joe Biden Blog Was Removed

What happened to Edw@rd end0's fake Joe Biden blog, Whoz Yo Leader located at the URL It seems Blogger removed it for some reason.

I guess it's a mystere. I asked Edw@rd what happened, but I doubt he will tell me. Did he appeal and ask for a re-evaluation re whatever reason Google gave him? Will his blog be restored? We'll just have to wait and see.

The image above is a screenshot of the fake Joe Biden Blogger profile created by Edw@rd. According to Google's content policy "We do allow parody, satire, and the use of pseudonyms or pen names -- just avoid content that is likely to mislead your audience about your true identity".

Did Google conclude that this fake blog (which says it was authored by Joe Biden) should be removed because someone might really think the US potus actually authored the posts in question? I doubt it. Given that the posts were clearly written by a complete moron.

Though the moron could claim it is "parody". So why was it taken down? Not that I care about this blog. Edw@rd has many other blogs that violate Google policy and should go. Like all the fake blogs the @sswipe created using the account he created to impersonate me.

Post authored by Dervish Sanders. EEH007.

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