Saturday, April 27, 2024

ed T end0, J!zz Gurgling F@g

Image: ...the official name for the music played in Star Wars by such classic musical acts as Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes or The Max Rebo Band is Jizz Music.

J!zz is a form of music in the Star Wars galaxy? Who knew? J!zz music isn't what the greasy slime with an ignorant mind, edward end0 is referring to in the comment below, however.

As you can see, the hom0phobe is harassing other bloggers with his g@y fantasies again. Well, not again, but as always. Though, most of the time when he writes such comments, he does so anonymously. This time he used his Q-Anon/Q-Taro account. Proof that that ALL (most?) of other such similar comments were written by him.

Here is a comment in which Edw@rd (posting using his Porky account) confesses to being the person posting all the "fag" comments on Lisa's WYD blog.

end0 thinks that adding "Player" to all his "Porky" comments is the perfect disguise (it proves he is a "badd ass"). If you believe Porky, I confessed to calling myself a f@g (along with others -- but mostly myself). And he thinks that's believable? He probably does, but he's a moron.

Above is another comment Edw@rd faked. Although end0 denies it and blames me, writing "the comments above not labeled mystere's moonbat slayer club or Rattrapper are authored by Assface Derpish Sanders. Assface appears to be confessing to the crime".

Again he says my NON-confession is me admitting I faked the comment by my fellow liberal blogger, Dave Dubya. And WHY would I do that, end0?

Again I got called out for faking a comment by Dave Duyba. I don't know, edward. I bet that, if you asked Dave Dubya, he would say you're the one faking him.

And see the last comment there? Apparently that's me calling myself a fag. Remember, I did give a "backhanded confession" to being the person who keeps calling myself (primarily) and other liberal bloggers fags. Also faking comments from them in which they "confess" to being "fags". That's me doing that too.

If you believe end0, that is. Then it's me who is guilty of harassing liberal bloggers (including myself) with hom0phobic slurs. Or maybe (if you aren't an idiot) you can conclude that it is OBVIOUSLY end0 who is doing this. Though, if you're a rightturd, you'll probably won't say anything. Because you think Edw@rd's behavior is hilarious.

Obviously end0 thinks it's hilarious to tell such obvious lies. That is what their magaturd Orange Turd cult leader does, and they all love it.

Dave Dubya (fake Edw@rd End0 comment). March 7, 2024 at 9:04 AM.
Oh my head hurts! I need some coffee. I feel I drank too much last night and embarrassed myself.

Dervish Z Sanders. March 10, 2024 at 2:37 PM.
^^Another fake Mystere comment^^

Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! March 11, 2024 at 8:14 AM.
Another admission from Dervish Sanders faking Dave Dubya.

Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! March 11, 2024 at 8:17 AM.
Dervish Sanders [said] "I want to slurp Pete Bootygig's delicious man juice."
There, fixed it for ya, Dervish. You're welcome!

Dervish Z Sanders. March 11, 2024 at 10:04 AM.
Mystere [said] I want to slurp Pete Bootygig's delicious man juice.
I didn't need to know that, Mystere. I did not want to know that.
btw, there is no such person as "Pete Bootygig".

Anonymous (ed end0). March 11, 2024 at 3:44 PM.

Post authored by Dervish Sanders. EEH012.

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