Friday, April 12, 2024

ed T end0 Celebrates The Reinstatement Of WYM

Your blog titled "" has been reinstated.
From: Blogger.
2:14 PM (1 hour ago).
To: me.
Hello, We have re-evaluated your blog against Blogger Community Guidelines Upon review, the blog has been reinstated. You may access the blog at Thank you for understanding. Sincerely, The Blogger Team.

OK, so I don't see why my other blogs shouldn't be reinstated. Given that, if there was any post I authored that violated any Google policy, it would be on WYM. I found some info on the internet and copied it over to WYM. Info (collected and placed on WYM) that edward might have considered "doxxing".

Though the email I received from g00gle didn't mention doxxing. It said WYM was being removed for "hate". And there definitely was (and is) no HATE on WYM. That was a bullplop accusation.

There CERTAINLY wasn't anything on my Dervish Sanders Blog or Oligarachic Stooge Talk that violated any g00gle policy. Though (in regards to both) the HATE policy was cited as the reason they were locked (and remain locked as of the publication of this post).

But, if WYM passed a re-evaluation and was reinstated, then DSB and OST should definitely be reinstated. There is no hate on DSB or OST. Also nothing that could be considered to be "doxxing". Not that Google ever brought that up.

I did go into the settings for WYM and change them so only invited readers can access it. If anyone wants to get an invitation, please comment here and I will grant you access. For now I am going to keep WYM hidden. I am going to wait and see what happens re my other locked blogs.

btw, I don't believe end0 is celebrating at all. I know it was him that reported my blogs and it was because of his reports my blogs were locked. If anything, he will be upset that WYM has been reinstated. I know he was bigly celebrating the closure of WYM, DSB and OST. He wrote posts on three of his blogs that I've seen in which he gloated with glee.

Photo above is supposed to represent edward. end0 says he is an Asian man. I have no reason to doubt him. He is also in his 60s. Does he look anything like the man in the picture? Probably not. I've seen pictures of end0. The man in this picture is much more handsome. Though Ed*ward might be sad that WYM has been reinstated. Like the man in the picture who is sad -- though not fugly (like end0).

btw, the reason given that WYM was locked was that it violated g00gle's HATE policy (like I said). But that was obviously BS, given that (if there had been hate) the verdict would have been that WYM would remain locked. Then deleted. So there was no hate.

Do I care that Edward En*do is Asian? Absolutely not. I care that he is an asswipe and a right wing "christian" nutter who has a history of harassing other bloggers and impersonating people (with IDs he creates using their display names and avatars).

Not liking a harassing asswipe isn't hate. Now confirmed via the reinstatement of WYM. WYM, now CONFIRMED to be hate free. So I better not have any problems in the future with WYM again being locked after FALSELY being accused of "hate". Because there is none.

Post authored by the ANTI-hatemonger Dervish Sanders. EEH002.

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