Sunday, April 7, 2024

ed T end0 Laid Some Bait And I Fell For It?

Posting a (fake) photo of Joe Biden holding a Bible upside down is bait? How so, end0?

So, what is this Asswipe talking about? Seems he knows this image is fake. Biden never posed for a photo while holding a Bible upside down.

Apparently I "fell" for end0's "gag" by posting the following comment.

One problem... I didn't author that comment. That's one of end0's fake comments. He wrote it using the account he uses to impersonate me.

So, according to this moron, his prank was successfull because I commented. But "my" comment is actually him pretending to be me.

Maybe he thought I would reply. And that I'd say, "no, it was donald tRump who held the Bible upside down".

I did hear that. And I could totally believe that donald tRump held the Bible upside down. But PolitiFact says he didn't.

Though, as per NPR, "The plaza between St. John's Church and Lafayette Park was full of people nonviolently protesting [the murder of George Floyd] late Monday afternoon [6/1/2020] when US Park Police and National Guard troops, with the use of tear gas, suddenly started pushing them away for no apparent reason. And then it became clear".

It became clear that the protestors were being dispersed so predisent dotard donald could hold up a Bible in front of St. John's Church for a photo op.

Mariann Edgar Budde (Episcopal bishop of Washington, with oversight responsibilities for the church) wasn't pleased. She said "There was no reaching out, no sense that it would require some sort of authorization before using the church as a backdrop in that way".

The a-hole pictured above (as per end0) is "God's chosen leader". Sure. I believe that. NOT. Although, apparently (again, as per end0) I need to "repent" and stop lying about the many (fake) prophets who say dotard donald, the fat Orange Turd, is going to return to power in 2025. After being reelected to the presidency.

Because I say these "propehts" are lying, I'm "poking God in the eyes". end0 probably thinks that, because I call these fake propehts liars, he is justified in his harassment of me. Via fake comments (like the one above) and fake blogs. Also unending threats of me being judged by God and being sent to "Fire Lake" (aka Hell). Where I will suffer eternal torment.

Is g00gle cool with end0's harassment of me? It seems like they are. Because I've been reporting end0's harassment and (so far) they've done nothing. Nothing except lock 3 of my blogs. In response to the asswipe end0 falsely reporting them for "hate".

Post authored by Dervish Sanders. EEH-B.

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