ed T end0 (an evil hatemonger and fake Christian) is issuing threats on his donkeyturds blog. Does he think he can do this with impunity? Or does he WANT his donkeyturds blog wiped out by g00gle? I don't know, but he's been acting extremely cocky since he had 4 blogs of mine locked by Google via false reports.
end0 is clearly threatening the people he hates. Dave Dubya, Dave Miller, Les Carpenter and myself.
Below is a 3/27/2024 threat from the trumper blog Who's Your Daddy. He says Blogger will punish Mr. Carpenter. WHY would Blogger "punish" people for writing things YOU don't like, end0?
In the comment below end0 threatens Dave Dubya with "irreversible disaster". And he levies his oft made "Jew Hater" false accusation.
"Jew Haters", according to Mystere, are liberals who are saying something about all the deaths occuring in Gaza via Israeli missiles and by starvation. I'm not talking about Gazan citizens who are members of Hamas. They should be killed. They are cold blooded murderers. I'm only talking about innocent Gazan citizens who knew nothing beforehand about the attacks against Israel. Gazan citizens who had nothing to do with those attacks.
Innocent men, women and children, who (if you don't want all these people to die) then you're a "Jew Hater". According to end0.
I made blog enemies with my "hate". "Hate" that includes thinking Israel is being too careless in their attacks against Hamas. That they aren't that concerned about the loss of innocent life in Gaza. Or, at least Nuttenyahoo isn't. But criticizing Nuttenyahoo also makes a person a "Jew hater". Because Nuttenyahoo is "God's chosen leader".
Below is a comment in which the mentally ill nutter threatens Les CaЯp#nter with prison for "death threats" that end0 imagined.
What Mr. Carpenter says is that he hopes the rule of law will prevail. There was no "death threat". Except in end0's delusions. I don't know HOW someone could possibly be convicted of threatening the life of the Orange Turd... because they said "the rule of law will take care of that".
Did you report this "death threat" to the FBI, end0? Did you know that filing a false report with the authorities is a crime, end0? Though I doubt the FBI will ever use that screencap against Mr. Carpenter. Because end0 didn't forward it to the FBI. Or file a false report. Because end0 is full of sh!t.
Well, in regards to false reports he could get in trouble for filing. I have no doubt he files LOTS of false reports with g00gle. Against me and (probably) against others. However, while there are consequences for filing false police reports, there apparently aren't any for filing false reports with g00gle. But I think there should be. Especially when the person in question has a long history of harassing people online.
Mystere: Cry all you want, Dervish, because even I have no idea who reported your hate blogs to g00gle. You think free speech is only for your kind, the far left wing extremists. You made many blog enemies with your hate. The same goes to you, Dave Dubya, Oxcaca Dave Miller and Lester Alden Carpenter III.
Mystere: Les ... Carpenter III isn't very bright when it comes to spewing things on the Internet. He recently in the past few months blurted out things that could land himself in the Federal Pokey for the rest of his life. He had the gall to issue some dangerous statements on Progressive Eruptions which are now screen captured for the Federal Bureau Of Investigations to use against him if they decide to. I have quoted him here to show you what he peeped and muttered on Shaw Kenawe's hate site.
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