The above images are from a 6/17/2019 MSC (Mystere's Moonbat Slayer Club) blog post titled, "Donald Trump Smashes Governor Moonbeam's Koo Koo Train; Governor Gaffing Gavin Freaks Out Over Financial Derailment".
The image below is from a 9/21/2019 TDR (The Donkey's Revenge) post titled, Spammers Probe Dervish's Blog. As per the post, "Dervish Gets His Anus Probed".

The text from this post says "I never thought I would see the day when some whackjobs would come by Dervish's hate site and spam it with a bunch of links to snake oil from African nations. Someone spanked Antoine's monkey, probing his blog anus. Oh, this is quite ripe!"
end0 never thought he see spammers trying to post links on people's blogs? Blogs are highly targeted for spam. But Edw@rd, being a moron, is obviously unaware.
But back to these images... Obviously Edw@rd is obsessed with interracial gay sex. And is projecting his desires onto me. That, or he is a bigly hate-filled hom0phobe who says I'm gay because that's what he does.
Below is a screenshot from Edw@rd's fake Dervish Sander's Death Angel blog. This is one of his many blogs where he writes moronity while pretending to be me.
There is no such thing as a "Hunter Biden vibrator". Obviously Edw@rd likes to imagine there is. He also likes to imagine that it is ME who needs "adult material warnings" on my blog.
Well, maybe my blog (this one) does need a "adult materials warning"? Due to me displaying images from Edw@rd's blogs? I don't know. end0 has no such warnings on his blogs, so why should I?
ed end0: I've been superly bigly busy lately. My spy cameras caught this photo of dotard donald tRump pooping on a gold toilet. I got a superly bigly hard on when I saw those steamy pictures. To relieve my bigly hard ons, I put my bigly Hunter Biden vibrator on full speed up my bung hole. My stiff coq got so superly bigly schlonged that I wet my Bernie panties in public. I got so excited and got bent. My bung hole is so superly sexy every time I get a bigly hard on. I made a hugely superly bigliestly killing at my brothel. I need more fresh Bernie panties; I keep wetting my panties every time I see a naked dotard donald tRump photo. Even my Bernie boxers get tight when my hard ons get superly bigly schlonged out. 2/29/2024.
end0's Post, "I've Been Superly Bigly Busy Lately" received 7 comments
Dervish Sanders (fake Mystere-authored comment). March 13, 2024 at 3:17 PM.
I love looking at dotard donald tRump's sexy bigly schlong and bunghole. I get bigly hard-ons when I spy on dotard donald.
Porky Da Badd Ass (a Mystere alias). March 13, 2024 at 3:30 PM.
Hey Player! That's quite a confession you're giving, Dervish. You're a very sick mutt, Dervish. You need mental help.
Dervish Z Sanders (real comment). March 18, 2024 at 3:17 PM.
That's your fake comment, Mystere. No doubt that is what you'd like to do.
Dervish Z Sanders (real comment). March 18, 2024 at 3:18 PM.
dotard donald has a SMALL schlong, Mystere. Stormy Daniels confirmed it.
Porky Da Badd Ass. March 20, 2024 at 9:54 PM.
"dotard donald has a SMALL schlong, Mystere".
Your obsession over Donald Trump's private parts shows everyone how sick you really are. How long has Sheriff Josh Frey had you registered as a queertard, Dervish?
Dervish Z Sanders (fake Mystere-authored comment). March 23, 2024 at 11:18 AM.
Sheriff Josh Frey is a bigly Barney Fife dotard Hitler fag loving asshole, Mystere. And no, I'm not on any sex offender registry, unlike you.
Dervish Has Groupies? Wednesday, February 14, 2024. This idiotic edward end0 post contains both the interracial gay sex images above.
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