Me: I saw the confession posted by "Donald John Trump". You deleted it because it told the truth about the Orange Turd that you refuse to believe.
end0: ...I took the comment down because God said take it down.
end0 says I wrote the comment in question. And that the facts concerning donald tRump wanting to bang his daughter (that were cited in the comment) are false.
This nutter is referring to a comment posted by Donald John Trump (or someone who entered the name "Donald John Trump") in which "Donald" confessed that he wants to have sex with his daughter, Ivanka.
That dotard donald tRump wants to bang is daughter has been confirmed. By people who worked with him in the White House. Also by his own admission.
So why would God tell end0 to delete a comment that gave the facts about how much of a pervert donald tRump is?
The answer is that this didn't happen. God did not "tell" Edw@rd to delete a comment on his blog. As if God would even care about a comment on a blog read by very few people. Or want to protect a sick pervert like donald tRump.
What I'm wondering is if end0 acutally heard "God" speak to him? Or did he just have a feeling that "God" wanted him to delete the truthful comment about how badly dotard donald wants to bang his daughter? Or how badly he wants to bang her again? If he has ever had sex with her.
Has he? I doubt it. Though it is possible he has. I do KNOW FOR CERTAIN that he has fantasized about it. Many times. And mentioned it to other people. Sorry, end0, but that is the truth.

The image above shows Jesus and Edw@rd discussing moderating comments on his blog. According to Jesus, his Dad says the Orange scumbag is "God's chosen leader". Or that is what end0 hears in his delusions.
Mystere. August 7, 2023 at 6:22 PM.
You really don't give up on your gig of being a prophet of Satan, Dervi$h bin §atan-§ander$666. I pity the grand delusion Satan inflicted upon you when you invited him to. When God holds you accountable for harming and killing children and harming your pooches, you will end up hanging off a meat hook next to your idols Stalin and Hitler. And that is not something to gloat over, either. And just to be clear, I am not a prophet. But I am told things at times, and I just follow orders. Your infantile temper tantrums prove I'm on the right track. Your false accusations against me are boomeranging back at your diseased rotting carcass, Dervish. Your symptoms of AIDS going full blown in your rotting carcass is making you quite touchy, Assface Dervi$h bin §atan-§ander$666.
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