ed T end0 Death Threats & Slanders

Comnments made by the bl0g Turd ed T end0 in which he threatens me with eternal suffering in Hell. Or accuses me of being a racist or some other slander. This is only a sampling, there are MANY more. MDR is Mystere Donkey's Revenge. PTL is Political Tea Leaves.

10/28/2024. He sounds like one of your own, Dervy. You should know your own kind. After all, your snake mosque in Paris breeds your kind of butt buddies. Don't forget how your boy Joey spoke highly about having a good "butt buddy" when he was in office with your emperor 0bama back in 2011. And before you get your queer-boy thong panties and Klan Burqa into a twist, Joey wasn't referring to "Butt Buddy" in a queer boy term at that time. As usual, you come to the defense of the political clown. Anything from the Bible can be misquoted and twisted by agents of Satan to condone evil, which al-Mansour does.

10/29/2024. Your hallucinations are out of control, Dylan. What's in the 'stools you're smoking? No retort, Dervy? Are you blushing?

10/29/2024. Dylan is a real life "Tommy Boy" but unlike Chris Farley, Dervnac isn't funny. In fact, Dylan Dervish Mulvaney Sanders keeps tripping over hir "blue dress" falling flat on her face. A real life Tommie Boi! Or is it a ßeta ẞhemale?

11/03/2024. Dervish hasn't come here yet to wheeze, oink and squeal yet? He's been wheezing and grunting at my blog site today. It seems he can't keep up trying to counterfeit my posts on his counterfeit Donkey's Revenge Blog. PTL.

11/04/2024. Nothing from Dervish?

11/04/2024. Joebiden yourself Derpwood. And so do far left liberal Klansmen like the misogynist Dylan Dervish Mulvaney Sanders.

11/04/2024. Dervish is 0bama's court jester.

11/04/2024. Dervish hasn't come by to sneer at the post, yet?

11/05/2024. Hey there, Dervy! You can do your community service by taking those Nicaraguan aliens into your brothel. That $750 that your Mamala gave you will pay for a bag of beans and tortillas to make burritos for them. I'm sure you can get your shotgun out to shoot raccoons and squirrels for meat. It'll only cost you peanuts to go hunting with Joe, Elmer, Fred and Timi, your Bigly best butt buddies. DWSC.

11/06/2024. Dervish wept!

11/06/2024. Dervish wept!πŸ˜†πŸΏπŸ˜†πŸΏπŸ˜†πŸΏπŸ˜†πŸΏπŸ˜†πŸΏπŸ˜†πŸΏπŸ˜†πŸΏπŸ˜†πŸΏπŸ˜†πŸΏπŸ˜†πŸΏ

11/06/2024. Dervish must be suffering constipation? No retort from him?

11/06/2024. How ya feelin', Dervish? I hear you ran out of Imodium AD yesterday after consuming gallons of it.πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† Rounding up and imprisoning people is your sick fantasy, Dervish, not mine. I don't have fantasies. I wish for others to come to know Jesus Christ as his or her own personal savior and Lord God.

11/06/2024. Funny how the bonfire turned into the backfire. Dervy got blackfaced! Poor Dervish! Crying Bigly?

11/09/2024. Dervish is fixated on feces. Dervish wallows in feces and gloats about it.

11/11/2024. Be very careful what you wish for, Dervish. It might just happen to you instead. JoeJoe Bidet is Derpwood's god. Derpwood has the brain of a dung beetle. Dervish is the expert on gaslighting himself. He pulls his pants down, lights a match, then cuts a super long fart. The flames that shoot out constantly lights him on fire.

11/13/2024. When the Pharisees called an act of Jesus an act of Beelzebub, Yeshua warned them of doing that knowingly endangered their eternity. You just lit your eternity on fire, Dervish.

11/18/2024. I agree with you for once, Dervish. YOU shouldn't bend over and do your jiggly wiggly in your butt buddies' faces. You might have a massive diarrhea attack and spray them with it by accident. Dervish's favorite 80s bands are Bronski Beat, Frankie Goes To Hollywood and Culture Club. Dervish worships the Church Of The Poisoned Mind and thinks he's a small town boy. Listen to Frankie and relax, Dervnac! When your Hairballz constipation goes away, you can do your jigglies for your Johnnies again. Your Tiny Timi will shake, rumble and roll again.

11/20/2025. Dervy's angry because the Democrats got caught cheating. Rules don't apply to imaginary people like d0n0ld tRump because d0n0ld tRump is a figment of Dervish's drug induced delusions. PTL.

11/22/2024. How's your pink 89 Yugo running, Dervy?

11/22/2024. Derpwood's occultic spells keep boomeranging back at him. His fixation on Mystere keeps boomeranging back as he tries to cast baseless curses. PTL.

11/22/2024. Dervish loves to screw the pooch. Dervish loves biting into bigly whoppers. Dervish loves to suck bigly whoppers. PTL.

11/22/2025. Dervish keeps screwing the pooch. PTL.

11/22/2024. Dervish wept.

11/24/2024. How's that 1989 pink Yugo of yours running, Dervy? PTL.

11/24/2024. Dervy's IQ is 69 at the highest. Dervish needs to stop sniffing the sloppy seconds. d0n0ld voters are the figment of Dervish's drug induced delusions. Dervish is upset because he lost a huge chunk of cash by donating to Kamala's campaign. Now how much did you lose, Dervy? Close to $3800? And now your Internet is being throttled because your sugar daddy can't pay your bills? Getting squirrely, Dervish? PTL.

11/25/2024. Dervish claimed he invented some looney contraption and named it Mystere. And now he claims it's praying to Satan for Kamala to die in the next 4 years. Hey Dervish, you do realize machines don't pray, don't you? Your machine is going to break down and malfunction when you least expect it to.πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† PTL.

11/25/2024. Got your handcuffs ready Joe? Dervish is threatening to lead a hostile takeover. He's probably not counting on going to jail for inciting and staging riots. PTL.

11/25/2024. By the way, Dervish stopped by my blog site recently. He showed up in his Ku Klux Klan Burqa, in hopes of getting me deported illegally. He thinks America is for far left wing extremist whites only. If you're not white and far left wing extremist liberal, you're an illegal alien. link PTL.

11/25/2024. Wow Dervish! Another whopper being spot out of your mouth! I expressed not liking Communist Chinese and Vietnamese Communists invading our government offices by stolen elections, and you play the race card, like the typical Ku Klux Klansman you really are. Your straw man type argument shows how desperate you are to get your way and usurp the legal way of entering and legally staying in the USA. ... And about the Communist Chinese agents coming here illegally and invading the USA, you better believe I oppose having them sneaking across the border through Canada and Mexico. ... I will call the CCP members Chinamen because they deserve the insult. The same goes to Communist Vietnamese being called Vietcong. I will hurl every insult against commies that I can find. What's it like being raised in the Ku Klux Klan, Dervish? Does it give you a bigly thrill when you go after blacks who refuse to be a good negro when they find out how evil your party is and try to leave your party behind? Be careful when you pull your pants down and light a match before you rip a long and loud one, Dervish. The huge flames can backfire and burn your buns when the residual gas burns up and sets your skin on fire. PTL.

11/27/2024. Dervish dumped in his jock straps over this.πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† In your queer delusions, Dervish. You're the queertard, Dervish, fixated on seeing Donald Trump's genitals and buttocks, and the proof is in what you posted. Oh Dervish, it's okay to admit you watched the video and had a bathroom accident in your jockstraps. PTL.

11/28/2024. You can joebiden yourself, Dervish. PTL.

11/28/2024. Funny how you finally blabbed out the truth that you worship Satan and cast spells, Dervish. You sold your soul to Satan by default Dervish. He stole your money and your soul because you gave them up to him.

11/30/2024. Descovy, Wegovy, Biktarvy, Dovato, Apretude and Cavenuva don't exist, Dervish? They seem to be interacting with those fatso pills you're taking, such as Ozempic and Jardiance. Maybe that explains why you got upset when I let you know that someone sent me that secret recording of the side effects you got. You certainly let them rip, as if you were in Bidet's 0ffal 0ffice, sitting on the porcelain white seat. PTL.

11/30/2024. Your fixation on orange colored turds is proof you need another cootie shot, Dervish. Your quack doctor Fowchee announced another round of cootie shots has become available. You really should take that cootie shot, Dervnac. It might get you to stop hallucinating and cure you of your queer fixations. PTL.

11/30/2024. Hey Player! You keep calling everybody "Mystere" even though Mystere hasn't been by on this post, Dervish. And you keep posting all them liberal whoppers as if they were truth. You're gonna suffer spinal sclerosis if you keep bending over to light those matches behind your bare buttocks and that rancid stink hole every time you pass your flatulence out of your rotting carcass. Your flatulent retorts make you look and sound like a dumb dodo bird cawing up a big stink. PTL.

12/01/2024. Biktarvy, Dovato, Apretude, Wegovy, Descovy, Ozempic and Jardiance seem to be interacting in your carcass, Dervnac. I hear that flatulence is one of the TD symptoms along with the wiggly jiggly face dance you do to satisfy your chubby love toy. Your hallucinations are also part of the side effects. PTL.

12/01/2024. Wow, you just confessed to all the crimes you committed Dervish. Those boys you boinked will someday come back and haunt you, Dervy. CHOP CHOP! PTL.

12/02/2024. Funny how you named your flatulence machine Mystere. So your flatulence machine doors the wiggly jiggly for you, Dervish? You made the machine out of the inflatable rubber sex doll from the Liberty Mutual Al Bundy Dodge, eh? So now you're subbing as Limu Emu, now that Dodobyrd took his dirt nap and flew South? PTL.

12/02/2024. Your queer fixations and fantasies of Donald Trump show us how bad your mental illness is, Dervish. Satan has you in his chokehold, and Satan's not letting go of you, because YOU let him do it.

12/03/2024. Joe, did you see the new header on Derpy's Mama blog? He ditched his queer Joe Biden image on his new head job. Dervy's hiding in the closet now, after the humiliating November 5th BIGLY DEFEAT he suffered. Hey Player! Why did you take down your old header at your original Whoz Yo Mama blog? Were you finally blushing after your Mamala got wupped badly on November 5th? Are you now ashamed of your boy because he got a public spanking at the polls? That vibe of queerness you displayed since 2021 with that queer looking image of your pants pooping boy Biden not sitting too well with ya, now? It must have hurt getting your bare buttocks spanked while doing the jiggly wiggly in front of your boys on November 5th after each of your clients spanked your monkey. Your pledge to let your customers spank the monkey if Mamala lost the election went south in a flash, eh Player? The Screencap of your old queer header lives on, Player! And calling JD Vance Just Dumb Vance was a foolish move you made, Dervish.

12/03/2024. What happened to your header on your Mama blog, Dervy? You ditched the queer image of Joey Biden on your new head. Your queer vibes not doing you any good lately, Dervy? OH WAIT, MY BAD! You had a new queerness coming but had to change the header because Mamala and Tampon Timi lost Bigly. It hurt so badly when Tampon Timi and Mamala Hoebama Empoxx lost Bigly and you couldn't get yourself to redesign the new Mamala header featuring Tampon Timi in his full shame.

12/05/2024. Perhaps Dervish's family line will die out, as Dervish casts curses at the Trump Family Line. Hey Dervy, if you want your bloodline to continue, you better stop casting curses at the Trump bloodline. God doesn't take lightly to those casting curses at others. Your hate keeps backfiring and boomeranging back at you.

12/08/2024. Too late Joe. Dervish snorted Sloppy Joe seconds of Joe's smiley face crack right after Joe bent over and cut the Parmesan Cheese.

12/09/2024. OH, and it's not 3 billion barrels of castor oil, Dervish. It won't help your constipation.

12/09/2024.πŸ”ΊSays the prophet of Satan Dervish SandersπŸ”Ί Dervish is a Bigly Jew hater. Dervish Sanders wept bigly and bitterly. His golden camel got nuked and taken down. Dervish got his golden camel nuked when his fatwas boomeranged back at him.

12/12/2024. What's wrong Dervy? Did you pop your balloon again? Are you wheezing for something to post on your hate sites? Your Moonbutt Poker site is out of gas? πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† Now that's a throwback post, FJ. And Dervish can't hide what he "sneezed" out of his lower orifices. Screenshots are forever. PTL

12/12/2024. "Human Rights" in the likes of Dervish's kind are agreeing with the left to punish everyone who disagrees with them, delivering to those whom the left disagrees with, the most cruel and unusual punishment created by Satan. PTL.

12/17/2024. Dervish provides sanctuary for Muslim queer groomers at his gay brothel on Highway 69 in Paris. He especially loves the fatsos who sit on his face and pass gas. He's just upset right now because his OnlyFans account appears to be allegedly reported to the Feds for allegedly posting queer gay child porn.

12/17/2024. Dervish is the guru of all vile things I've never heard of before he squeals about them. I never heard of Boofing until he oinked about it. And now that he farted out Only fans, I saw the Wikipedia definition of it being some kind of queer porn site, something that turns Dervish on. Queertard Sicko! PTL.

12/17/2024. You probably have an OnlyFans account, given that you just made a baseless slanderous accusation against me, you sick pervert. Is it true that you're a highly active card carrying member of NAMBLA, you sick freak? After all, NAMBLA members see it fit to create sick queer videos for sickos like you to get their jollies over. Go joebiden yourself, you sick freak! Dervish Sanders is a card carrying member of NAMBLA, a sick queertard jackal. PTL.

12/18/2024. Hey Dervish, why don't you sponsor a Haitian refugee or other refugees by hosting them at your "house"? Let them take your pooches for a long walk around your neighborhood, unsupervised by you. PTL.

12/25/2025. Wishing death upon someone you venomously hate is a sin God Almighty sees and doesn't delight in, Assface Dervish. Your hate and death wish on Donald Trump and his family angers God Almighty. Keep poking the bear if you dare, Ass plug Dervish. You'll accelerate your own demise by telling God to take out the Trump Family. Keep cursing your own bloodline, Dervish, by begging God to take down Trump. Satan wants you to keep doing him a favor, while Satan laughs at you simultaneously, ready to rip you apart when you send yourself to hell for your dirty deeds done dirt cheap. By the way, I don't delight in telling you this, either. PTL.

12/25/2025. Hey Assplug Derpwood, you're not Jesus Christ. Your birthday is April 1st, LIAR. PTL.

12/26/2025. Your Mystere Derangement Syndrome keeps getting worse, Dervy. You keep becoming more delusional by the second after snorting sloppy seconds from your boofing butt buddies. PTL.

12/27/2024. HEY PLAYER! WHERE ART THOU? Art thou at thine gay brothel with thine gay concubines, Dervish? Art thou with thine pet mongrels Schweinhund, Buttstink and Jigaboo? Thou callest that marriage, player? PTL.

12/27/2024. Hey Dervy! Did the Haitian illegals start arriving at your brothel in Paris? Your flea ridden mutts Schweinhund, Buttstink and Jigaboo will look like an easy feast when they invade your hostel. PTL.

12/29/2024. You just admitted you're not a decent person, Dervish.πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† By the way, God Almighty heard the Fatwa you declared against Donald Trump and J D Vance's families. Your wishes got duly noted and noticed by God Almighty. PTL.

01/01/2025. Dervish is playing with fire, Joe. He'll screw up Bigly and set his own carcass on eternal fire. PTL.

01/01/2025. Dervish, you have some serious problems with your mental illness that your prescription drugs can't treat. Your seances only aggravate your condition. You will eventually end up in Fire Lake if you refuse to acknowledge and turn away from your sins. Your queer fixations will bring strange terminal diseases to your carcass if you don't stop your sinning and idol worship. PTL.

01/01/2025. Dervy's a queer, as evidence of his queerness has been screencapped from his blogs. Anyone who proudly displays queer cartoons of Donald Trump showering with men, looking at their private parts, posting queer sex gadgets named Donald Trump vibrator and displaying naked Donald Trump wax statues with Trump body parts sculpted by some queer guy fantasizing what Trump's penis looks like proves how queer and mentally ill Dervish is. PTL.

01/02/2025. You're quite amusing when you talk to yourself, Dervy. But that counterfeit Mystere account of yours keeps giving Satan permission to inflict a stronger stranglehold on your soul, Dervy. PTL.

01/02/2025. You felt some hot molten lava flowing out of your joebidenhole after your gay Santa stuffed hot coals down your mantyhose and queer thongs while playing at your queer brothel? That's what you get for being super naughty, Derpwood. PTL.

01/05/2025. That wasn't very bright of you, Dervish, to use your fart machine Mystere to threaten burning down Barack 0bama's house. You and your gay Ku Klux Klansman plan to cross state lines to set Barack 0bama on fire? PTL.

01/04/2025. Those Haitians at Dervy's Gay Brothel in Paris are getting deported? Hmmm... not good for the fate of Derpy's pet mongrels. Derpwood's pet mutts Schweinhund Buttstink and Jigaboos might be BBQ's next victims when the Haitians butcher Derpwood's flea ridden mutts and take them to Haiti.

01/09/2025. And when Dervish mentions Mystere, he speaks about the fart machine he made and named Mystere. Mystere is his queer fart machine he uses to capture his flatulence to sniff later. MDR.

01/12/2025. Issuing death threats is a Federal Crime, Dervish, when issuing them across the state lines. And your prayers to Satan got spotted by God Almighty Dervish. If you really want that molten lava eternal real estate Fire Lake, it's waiting and begging for you to come soon. PTL.

01/31/2025. You soiled your Ku Klux Klan Burqa again, eh Dervish? Those brown streaks at the back bottom of your Klan Burqa must have embarrassed you at the last Henry County Tennessee KKK meeting you organized eh? MDR.

01/31/2025. Keep piling on those curses, Derpy. You're going to accelerate your destination with eternity by doing that. Your master Satan is gloating with glee. Your dumpster is getting hotter and hotter, Derpwood. MDR.

02/07/2025. Keep poking God's Eyes Dervish. That way, you'll be getting your just rewards soon in Eternity.

02/10/2025. Your dumpster fire's going to fuel your home in Fire Lake, Dervish.

02/10/2025. You host Drag Queen Story Hour at your queer brothel, Dervy? Grooming kids to be queer is a BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD THING! MDR.

2/10/2025. That lava flow at your eternal rest home Fire Lake is getting hotter by the second, Dervish. MDR.

2/11/2025. You worship that dirty Chinaman Xi Ding Dung and the Dirty Chinese Communist Party. MDR.

2/11/2024. No one wants to watch your queer selfie porno flicks, Dervish. And that's raising the temperature of the molten lava oozing at your eternal home at Fire Lake. MDR.

02/12/2025 Dervish is a Grand Kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan. PTL.

02/14/2025. As you keep bowing to your master and daddy Satan, you keep seeing the chances to escape the eternal punishment waiting for you at Fire Lake, Dervish. Keep it up, Dervish. That way, you'll accelerate your downfall quickly and pay for the curses you inflict upon others. After all, that's what you seem to want. MDR.

02/14/2025. Go ahead, Dervish. In fact, make a huge demand to God Almighty. Tell Him he is wrong, and demand that He put Kamala Harris into the office of President immediately and take Donald Trump and J. D. Vance out. And to raise the stakes, demand it in the name and blood of Jesus Christ. After all, you think you're smarter than God. So go ahead and do it, Dervish. Let's see what happens when you do that. And so you know, God is waiting for you to make your demand heard between you and Him. MDR.

02/14/2025. You shouldn't post links to queer porn sites, Dervish. I toss those things out as soon as possible. MDR.

2/16/2025. The lava at Fire Lake is turning white hot. MDR.

2/16/2025. I told you before that the team isn't going to tolerate your queer pornography links, Dervy. MDR.

02/16/2025. You just hate Kash because he's not one of your Ku Klux Klan approved race hustling slaves, Dervish. MDR.

02/16/2025. Racist retorts are not tolerated, Dervish. MDR.

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