end0 writes on HIS hate blog Hillary Clinton Watch that I am a "hatemonger". This on a blog with the URL "hildebeestwatch". Because Hillary Clinton is a "beast". Also a witch.
By "Go Joe Biden Yourself" he means "Go F*ck Yourself". Yet, while he subs in "Joe Biden" for "F*ck" in the image above, in the image below (from end0's blog, HCW) you can see the swear printed very clearly on Bernie Sander's forehead (this image I use as my Gravatar to comment on WordPress).
Did I "highly and bigly" ask Blogger to remove my blog? No, I did not. In fact I asked g00gle to re-evaluate their determination that my blog WYM violates their HATE policy. And, After 18 days, Google sent me an email that said WYM was reinstated.
Though, while my blog was locked, end0 wrote several posts (on at least two other blogs) and many comments gloating about my blog being (temporarily) removed.
As for my Dervish Sanders Blog, it wasn't (at the time Edw@rd wrote his post for HCW) locked. Now (as of the date this post was published) it is locked.
As PREDICTED by end0, DSB has been removed. A prediction that turned out (just by coincidence) to be accurate, or does end0 know someone at g00gle who assured him that DSB would be wacked?
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