ed T end0 is a bigly comment faker. He steals the display names of other bloggers and their avatars and makes accounts he uses to impersonate people he hates. He has one such
account for me. There are several other people the asswipe created fake accounts for.
Regarding the
Dervish Sanders fake account, end0 created 11 fake blogs he attributes to me. Most of them duplicate blogs I have (or had, but are currently locked due to false reports to Google from end0).
But I do not have blogs titled
Miss-Adventures From My Active Bungholes,
Trumpturd Watch or
Josev Stalin Is A Bigly Hero. Or ever had blogs with any such names.
In 2018 end0 got into bigly trouble with WordPress for faking comments from me on his blog. The asswipe claims he was "hacked" and that one of my
boifriends used his account to make the fake comments. Apparently it was (in end0's delusions) a plot to take out end0's WordPress blogs. And the "plot" worked. WordPress removed several of end0's blog.
This is a lie (
one he has told before). end0 KNOWS he wasn't hacked. He knows this because he wrote the fake comments that I reported to WordPress. Anyway, that is why end0 is so angry with me. His quest for vengence has to do with the loss of his WordPress blogs. Which he "
highly and bigly" asked for by being naughty and violating the WordPress TOS. end0 got caught and blamed me when WordPress gave him a spanking.
Also, the events enbd0 lies about happened in 2018. So, less than 10 years ago. I searched my emails and found that I initially contacted Gravatar support on 4/17/2018.
end0's "Porky" account (this isn't another person, it's another alias he uses) was lost before this. Maybe that happened 10 years ago. I have no idea. All the talk about "Don Key", "Porky" and "we" is end0 pretending that the IDs he uses are all different people. When it's just him.
Also, it doesn't take 2 years to create a new Blogger ID. Blogger IDs can be created easily in minutes. end0 knows this too. He has created many IDs. "Porky" didn't need any help from a Google admin to get back ownership of the "Porky" blog (Porky's Big Payback aka PBP). All end0 would have had to do is create a new "Porky" account and invite that account to be an author on it. Given that end0 had access to that blog.
Unless it only had one author at the time. I don't know, but that could explain why end0 lost access to his
PBP. That could explain why all his IDs are listed as authors on his various blogs. So he doesn't lose access if he loses an account. Like he lost access to his Porky blog (if that acutally happened).
In any case, end0's whole story is almost all complete fiction. One true fact in end0's confabulating is that a person who uses the display name
Irl Hudnutt is a blog enemy of end0's. end0 trolled
this person's blog a long time ago. end0 claims he did some sleuthing and discovered that Irl's real name is "Donald Boratz III".
Irl (who emailed me a couple of times) told me that isn't his name. I believe him. Why? Because (according to end0) he "followed the digital breadcrumbs" and discovered that my real name is Anthony Sanders. But it isn't.
In a post from 2009,
Irl wrote "Mystere (Edward Endo) is off his medication". This was long before I ever encountered end0. end0 has been trolling blogs, making an ass of himself online and harassing other bloggers for a very long time.
For the record, I only communicated with Irl Hudnutt a couple of time by email. Irl also left a couple of comments on my blog. I haven't heard from him for years. And I never communicated with the blogger "This One". Though I have seen comments from him on
Lisa's blog. I do not know who "Lester Liberalman", LesterLib, or Liberalman are. Or even if these people exist.
Though apparently this Lester person is someone end0 used to argue with. I found a profile for
Lester@Lesterlib. By way of a conversation in which end0 accuses Lester of having a "hate site". end0 wrote (in a reply to Lester) "You did ban me from your hate site when I exposed you for the liar you really are".
So endo has a LONG history of falsely accusing people of "hate" and lying about them having "hate sites". Will he FINALLY pay a price for 14+ years of bad bevavior? Probably not. But the asswipe certainly should.
btw, I never hacked end0's account. Nobody hacked end0's account. But end0 hacked both my
Gravatar account and my
Google account. I looked into it and (as per Google) someone other than me accessed my account.
I access my Google account via my PC (windows/this device) and my tablet (Samsung Galaxy Tab). I did not (at the time) access Google via any other device, so the 3rd Windows device was definitely not recognized. According to what was displayed, the unknown Windows device last signed into my account on 4/21/2019. Now (in 2024) it would say I accessed my Google account using my PC and my motorola phone (I don't use the Samsung Galaxy Tab anymore).
But, yes, this was definitely a hack. Could I have reported this to Google? I don't think so. They wanted me to "secure my account". I didn't see an option to tell them I was hacked and have them do something about it. But it WAS end0. I know this because end0 told me it was him. He notified me that a post of mine was missing. I knew nothing about it, but looked into it... and yeah, the post in question was gone.
This is a post I know end0 didn't like. And I know I didn't delete it. So I looked into it and found that another Windows device was signed into my Google account. Clearly that was end0 (or a friend of end0). Hacking confirmed. Unlike end0's totally fake hack that he falsely claims on PTL and falsely attributes to Irl Hudnutt and "This One".
btw, end0 never lost access to PBP. I just looked into it and that definitely appears to be a bigly lie. I found a post about it on the Porky blog.
end0 authored the post using his Rattrapper account. So end0 still had access to PBP. He could have just created a new Porky ID and invited that ID to be an author on PBP. So he would not have needed any help from a Google Admin (a new employee who wasn't around when Porky got banned) to regain access to PBP. He NEVER lost access.