From the WYM Archives: This post was originally published as "Sick Pervert Mystere Uses Tenderloinz As A Euphemism For Genitals Many Times, Then Lies About Doing So" on 8/30/2017 at 9:29 AM. wym006.
Note: the proprietor of the blog (that the comments below are from) deleted her post. So all my links display a message that says "Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist". She often does this. Don't ask me why. But these comments were cut and pasted into the MY post before HER post was trashed/removed.
Frequent commenter on the trumpanzee blog Who's Your Daddy, Mystere (aka ed T end0) typed in "tenderloinz" many times as a euphemism for male genitals, then lied about it when I called out the sick pervert.
Two examples as follows...
The key word here is "loins" (although Mystere spells it "loinz"), which defines as "the part or parts of the human body or of a quadruped animal on either side of the spinal column, between the false ribs and hipbone".
Clearly, when Mystere refers to tenderloinz, he's talking about either the anus (example comment #1) or the genitals (example comment #2).
Yet he lied when I called him on his use of "tenderloinz" re the following exchange.
Next the low IQ trumper (after lying about his use of tenderloinz) called me a "mental midget" and claimed I was having a "meltdown" in response to his lie. Despite the fact that everyone can see his prior use of "tenderloinz" to refer to human genitals and the anus.
"Quackobyrd" is what Mystere calls the blogger Ducky's Here. The "turd sandwich" (I'm guessing), is both Ducky and myself referring to White Nationalists loving tRump's "many sides" comment (and our "binkie" is our alleged playing of the race card).>
Mystere thinks he debunked the accusation. According to Mystere, Trump "kept blasting the racist groups, calling them out, making them run for protection".
A claim that is laughable, given the fact that White Nationalist Richard Spencer tweeted "Trump has never denounced the Alt-Right. Nor will he". The headline, "Really Proud of Him: Alt-Right Leaders Praise Trump's Comments" (8/15/2017 Atlantic article), proves Myst3re's claim that tRump's comments caused the Alt-Right to "run for protection" is utter rubbish and that Edw@rd is a MASSIVELY deluded trumpanzee.
DJT lies, and end0 believes him (and fabricates LOL-able narratives to cover for Fart). Mystere is gobbling up predisent Fart's sloppy turd sandwiches (in his parlance). That tRump's Charlottesville comments caused the Alt-Right to "run for protection" is total bullplop.
Mystere refers to "Ambulance Chaser Gloria Allred's tenderloinz" in a 5/4/2017 comment, so "tenderloinz" can also be a reference to female genitals. What we can be ABOSOLUTELY postive about is that the idiot is NOT talking about a "soft cut of meat from an animal carcass". What a stupid and obvious lie.

Note: the proprietor of the blog (that the comments below are from) deleted her post. So all my links display a message that says "Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist". She often does this. Don't ask me why. But these comments were cut and pasted into the MY post before HER post was trashed/removed.
Frequent commenter on the trumpanzee blog Who's Your Daddy, Mystere (aka ed T end0) typed in "tenderloinz" many times as a euphemism for male genitals, then lied about it when I called out the sick pervert.
Two examples as follows...
Mystere: Poor Dervish and Quackobyrd! They lost their binkies, so now they yank their turd sandwiches out of their tenderloinz! I hear their chomping noises as they guzzle up their turd sandwiches in a hurry. 8/21/2017 at 8:13am.
Mystere: Anonymous feels a Chrissie Matthews tingle up his tenderloinz. 8/21/2017 at 8:17am. |
The key word here is "loins" (although Mystere spells it "loinz"), which defines as "the part or parts of the human body or of a quadruped animal on either side of the spinal column, between the false ribs and hipbone".
Clearly, when Mystere refers to tenderloinz, he's talking about either the anus (example comment #1) or the genitals (example comment #2).
Yet he lied when I called him on his use of "tenderloinz" re the following exchange.
Mystere: Wow! Dervish is fixated on President Trump's genitals! What a sick pervert! 8/23/2017 at 4:32pm.
Dervish Sanders: Pointing out that Trump might have syphilis (as per Dr. Steven Beutler) isn't a "fixation". You are the one who always jumps on what you perceive as a "fixation" on genitals by commenters you dislike. Add to that YOUR fixation on "tenderloinz"... The obvious conclusion is that it is Mystere who is the sick pervert. 8/23/2017 at 5:48pm. Mystere: Tenderloins are a soft cut of meat from an animal carcass. They are from the least worked part of an animal before it goes to the slaughterhouse. Poor braindead Dervish seems to think it's the male genitals of the body. Dervish is a mental midget. 8/25/2017 at 11:52am. |
Next the low IQ trumper (after lying about his use of tenderloinz) called me a "mental midget" and claimed I was having a "meltdown" in response to his lie. Despite the fact that everyone can see his prior use of "tenderloinz" to refer to human genitals and the anus.
"Quackobyrd" is what Mystere calls the blogger Ducky's Here. The "turd sandwich" (I'm guessing), is both Ducky and myself referring to White Nationalists loving tRump's "many sides" comment (and our "binkie" is our alleged playing of the race card).>
Mystere thinks he debunked the accusation. According to Mystere, Trump "kept blasting the racist groups, calling them out, making them run for protection".
A claim that is laughable, given the fact that White Nationalist Richard Spencer tweeted "Trump has never denounced the Alt-Right. Nor will he". The headline, "Really Proud of Him: Alt-Right Leaders Praise Trump's Comments" (8/15/2017 Atlantic article), proves Myst3re's claim that tRump's comments caused the Alt-Right to "run for protection" is utter rubbish and that Edw@rd is a MASSIVELY deluded trumpanzee.
DJT lies, and end0 believes him (and fabricates LOL-able narratives to cover for Fart). Mystere is gobbling up predisent Fart's sloppy turd sandwiches (in his parlance). That tRump's Charlottesville comments caused the Alt-Right to "run for protection" is total bullplop.
Mystere refers to "Ambulance Chaser Gloria Allred's tenderloinz" in a 5/4/2017 comment, so "tenderloinz" can also be a reference to female genitals. What we can be ABOSOLUTELY postive about is that the idiot is NOT talking about a "soft cut of meat from an animal carcass". What a stupid and obvious lie.
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