I call BS. Rattrapper is telling this story about something that happened to him and Mystere -- but Rattrapper and Mystere are both Blogger accounts created by Edw@rd End0. These aren't two different people.
I know there were acutal Navajo Code Talkers. The Nick Cage movie was a fictionalized account of real historical events. But I absolutely do NOT believe that Edw@rd was told anything by the son of a Navajo code talker. Or "Rattraper". He wasn't told anything either.
"He saw fit to tell me and Mystere about this". No, he didn't. If this person exists, it isn't someone Edw@rd knows. Maybe it's someone he read about. Or someone he made up after watching Windtalkers.
"What I see going on with J6 is similar to how the Japanese got treated during WW2". No. It isn't. At all. None of the criminals who participated in the insurrection have been sent to internment camps. Or deported. Or killed. None ever will be. Many served prison sentences and have been released.
In a post on his Donkeyturds blog (see below), Edw@rd claims Ronald Reagan said "the D'Allesandro family is a well oiled corrupt Democrat Crime Clan". This didn't happen. As per FactCheck.org, Ronald Reagan never said that Nancy Pelosi "comes from the Baltimore democrat corruption machine the D'Alesandro family". PolitiFact rates the quote as "Pants on Fire".
As per a Reuters fact check, "Melissa Giller, chief marketing officer at The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute, told Reuters ... "Not only did President Reagan never say this, but I searched all of his presidential speeches from all 8 years, and he never mentions Nancy Pelosi even once".
Near the end of his commentary, Edw@rd claims that "the son of the Navajo code talker who told me and Mystere about what the WEF was plotting for the future told us about the plot to kill off a huge number of Russians". No, that didn't happen. Unless "me and Mystere" (aka Edw@rd End0) was talking to a person who was completely insane.
Apparently (in Edw@rd's tinfoil hat delusions) the WEF planned (half a century ago) that Vlad Putin would invade Ukraine. Then the WEF would have the proxy war they wanted. After successfully manipulating Putin into doing what they wanted, they would instruct the United States to send military assistance to Ukraine so they could kill the large number of Russians the evil geniuses at the WEF wanted dead.
That all sounds very plausible? Sure, probably if you are a crazy nutter. As Edw@rd clearly is. In Edw@rd's tiny pea brain there is no doubt that Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates got together and hatched some diabolically evil plans.
This being but one of several of their evil plans. Another was the release of covid to cause a global pandemic (for population control). Another evil plan involves forcing everyone to eat bugs.
Rattrapper (Myst3re sockpuppet). March 22, 2024 at 5:56 PM.
Q, did you know that what Pigloser did was from an old FDR WW2 blueprint FDR & General John DeWitt created in the late 30s in a plot to deport all Japanese from North, Central and South America? Pigloser's pappy Thomas D'Allesandro Sr was privy to FDR's plot and passed down the information to Nanshee later on. Nanshee's pappy hated the Japanese as much as DeWitt and FDR did. A son of a Navajo code talker told me and my friend Mystere back in 1982 about the plot FDR had hatched with General John DeWitt in 1938 to deport the Japanese from all the Americas. This Navajo man had a Japanese wife he married in the 1950s. The code talker's son served in the Korean War in Okinawa. He met his wife in Japan, and she came to the US as his bride. He saw fit to tell me and Mystere about this. What I see going on with J6 is similar to how the Japanese got treated during WW2.
Rattrapper (Myst3re sockpuppet). Sunday, April 28, 2024
J6 Parallels The Dirty FDR-General DeWitt 1939 Plot To Deport All Japanese From North, Central and South America.
Back in the late 1930s, FDR was looking to deport all Japanese people from North, Central and South America. In 1938, FDR and Army General John DeWitt concocted a plan to deport all those of Japanese blood from North America, Hawaii, Central America and South America by rounding them up into prison camps, charging them as spies for Japan.
As President Ronald Wilson Reagan Sr. said, the D'Allesandro family is a well oiled corrupt Democrat Crime Clan. Pelosi's pappy had very close ties with FDR and General John DeWitt when they plotted to try deporting the Japanese from all the Americas. Mystere and I learned about this secret plot from a Navajo man in 1982, a son of a Navajo code talker who served in the Army during WW2. This Navajo man served in the Army during the Korean War when he became of Military age, and met his bride while in Japan. He had a daughter our age attending the college Mystere and I were attending at the time. He told us things about the cabal running the World Economic Forum that we are now seeing happening in front of our eyes.
Pelosi used the 1930s blueprints FDR & General John DeWitt used in February 1942 to round up January 6 protestors and others seen at DC near the Capitol to imprison them and possibly execute a number of them over bogus charges including treason. This plot of injustice is about to backfire badly and boomerang back at Pelosi's cronies.
Pelosi conveniently forgets that the original plot to deport the Japanese backfired against FDR and General DeWitt. When FDR & DeWitt tried to bully countries in North, Central and South America to deport the Japanese living in their countries to the United States prison camps during WW2, most of them refused to deport them. Panama deported the Japanese to the prison camps in the USA, with many of them ending up in Piston Arizona, Rohwer Arkansas, Topaz Utah, Manzanar California and Tule Lake California. The plot failed because God Almighty told prophets ahead of time about the dirty deeds being hatched by FDR and DeWitt. FDR also helped Hitler slaughter Jews by not allowing many of them to emigrate to the USA when Hitler started engaging his reign of terror against all Jews in Europe. At that time, God spoke to prophets in Holland, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Poland to engage them in rescue missions. God also made Lithuania a safe haven for Jews escaping from Hitler's reign of death by promoting believers to help them escape with visas issues to them.
Pelosi's dirty deals with the RINOs have gotten exposed to prophets, and many have closed up spiritual portals to prevent evil from happening. Over 40+ years ago, the son of the Navajo code talker who told me and Mystere about what the WEF was plotting for the future told us about the plot to kill off a huge number of Russians through multiple ways such as wars started by Ukrainian and others in the Communist Countries allied with Russia. China is one of the nations involved in this.
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