Friday, May 3, 2024

ed T end0 Blogs Removed For T0S Violations

The reason for this? edward T end0 is a bigly T0S violator and blog harasser. end0 has had both Blogger and WordPress blogs removed due to his bad behavior. He keeps getting caught yet he continues to blame others for his rule-breaking.

Like his bullplop account of him being "hacked". This fictional hacking is why (he says) his WordPress blogs were removed. In his delusions WordPress punished him because someone took control of his WordPress account and violated the WordPress T0S. He was just an innocent victim.

Meanwhile end0 actually did hack my blog. I have the evidence that proves my g00gle account was hacked and that end0 was the one responsible. He (as he always does) just took my (accurate/truthful) accusations and turned them around, accusing me of what he did. He KNOWS this. Although I'm not sure how insane end0 actually is. So it's possible that he really believes he is the victim and I am his harasser. As opposed to it being the other way around.

Removed blog #1
Blog Name: Inside Donny's Head AKA Irl Hudnutt Is A Jackass.
Platform: WordPress.
Last Post Title: Another Misadventure Of Dervish Sanders & His Butt Buddies.
Last posted: 6 years ago.
Status: is no longer available. This site has been archived or suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service.

Removed blog #2
Blog Name: Irl Hudnutt's Pigpen.
Platform: WordPress.
Last Post Title: Pookie Toot Toot's Drivel.
Last posted: 6 years ago.
Status: is no longer available. This site has been archived or suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service.

Removed blog #3
Blog Name: Lester Liberaldude Is A Dingbat.
Platform: WordPress.
Last Post Title: Fartbreath al Dervish Sanders Gets Punked.
Last posted: 6 years ago.
Status: is no longer available. This site has been archived or suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service.

Removed blog #4
Blog Name: Mystere's Moonbat Spanker.
Platform: WordPress.
Last Post Title: Midterm Elections Are Crucial In California.
Last Posted: 5 years ago.
Status: is no longer available. This site has been archived or suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service.

Removed blog #5
Blog Name: myfoxmystere's big mouth
Platform: Typepad.
Last Post Title: Dervish Sanders is a queertard.
Last posted: 5 years ago.
Status: Authorization Required. This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials required.

Removed blog #6
Blog Name: Liberalmann Is A Dingbat.
Last Post Title: Dervish Feeling Loopy After Shroom Binge.
Last posted: 5 years ago.
Status: Blog has been removed. Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.

Removed blog #7
Blog Name: Liberal Troll Watch.
Platform: Blogger.
Last Post Title: Dervish Got Spooked.
Last posted: 5 years ago.
Status: Blog has been removed. Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.

Removed blog #8
Blog Name: Chopped Wackos.
Platform: Blogger.
Last Post Title: From The Inside Donny's Head Archives March 2018.
Last posted: 5 years ago.
Status: Blog has been removed. Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.

Removed blog #9
Blog Name: Funny Misadventures Of A Troll.
Platform: Blogger.
Last Post Title: Dervish Farted.
Last posted: 5 years ago.
Status: Blog has been removed. Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.

Removed blog #10
Blog Name: Dervish Sanders' Death Angel.
Platform: Blogger.
Last Post Title: Joe Biden's 2024 Legacy.
Last posted: 1 month ago.
Status: Blog has been removed. Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.
Note: Edw@rd replaced this blog with another Dervish Sanders' Death Angel located at the URL

Removed blog #11
Blog Name: Whoz Yo Leader! (Fake Joe Biden Blog).
Platform: Blogger.
Last Post Title: Happy St. Patrick's Day.
Last posted: Sunday, December 24, 2023.
Status: Blog has been removed. Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.

Removed blog #12
Blog Name: Whoz Yo Mama! (Fake Dervish Sanders Blog).
Platform: Blogger.
Last Post Title: The Famous Actress & The Scene Featuring Full Frontal Nudity.
Last posted: 5 weeks ago.
Status: Blog has been removed. Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.

Removed blog #13
Blog Name: Josev Stalin Is A Bigly Hero (Fake Dervish Sanders Blog).
Last Post Title: I Imitated My Idol Josev Stalin Biden in Public.
Last posted: 2 weeks ago.
Status: Blog has been removed. Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.
Note: Edw@Яd replaced this blog with a new one. He calls the new one Josev Stalin Is My Bigly Hero. This one is authored by two Edw@rd End0 fake accounts. Fake Dervish Sanders and Fake Joe Biden.

That is 13 blogs end0 had removed for being naughty (so far). Or maybe only 12. I don't know what the status of his TypePad blog is. I clicked the link and it said I needed a password to proceed. So maybe he just abandoned it. Instead of losing it.

Still, that's a lot of spankings. Over a period of 6+ years. Yet Edw@Яd has not learned his lesson. Obviously he will never learn. Why I believe he should be booted permanately from WordPress and Blogger. Punishing an offender like Edw@rd (while allowing him to keep his accounts) only makes him determined to be naughtier.

end0 blames others for what he does and has convinced himself he can do anything to exact "revenge". Things like creating fake accounts to fake the identities of other people and creating fake blogs using his fake accounts. And writing nasty comments in which he says the person he is replying to is going to burn in Hell. All to harass people who have "done him wrong" in his delusions. The only way to stop end0's bad behavior would be to take away his ability to continue harassing people using a blogging platform.

end0 also harasses me by reporting my blogs for fake T0S infractions. He probably reports other people's blogs as well. Like Dave Dubya. I would not be surprised if his blog Freedom Rants has been reported by Edw@Яd for fake T0S violations. I never thought this would go anywhere (and therefore was not worried) because there aren't any T0S infractions on any of my blogs.

Yet (for some mysterious reason) g00gle reacted to Edw@Яd's false reports and l0cked several of my blogs. Right now 4 blogs are l0cked. I appealed and G00gle said they would re-evaluate and get back to me. One blog was re-evaluated and reinstated. What on WYM did g00gle think might violate their T0S? They never said. Which is extremely frustrating. HOW am I supposed to not potentially run afoul of their T0S again if I have no idea why my blog was flagged to begin with?

I can only guess. Which I did after WYM was reinstated. I guessed and made some changes. Will this prevent future a future WYM removal? I don't know. Could WYM be removed gain? I think it could. Especially given that Edw@Яd likely resumed reporting WYM for imaginary T0S infractions as soon as he was aware it was reinstated.

Even though the facts are clear. It is end0 who is the T0S violater. Proven by the fact that he has had 12 blogs removed (that I know of). Yes, I had 5 blogs removed. But one was re-evaluated and re-instated. While (so far) none of Edw@rd's removed blogs have ever been reinstated.

Hopefully I will have my other l0cked blogs restored. Because there were no T0S violations on any of them. Therefore (when re-evaluated) they should be cleared and unl0cked. Though they NEVER should have been locked to begin with.

Will edward end0 ever receive the blog spanking the serial harasser and T0S violator bigly and highly deserves (removal of ALL of his blogs, bl0gger Profiles and Gravatar accounts)? Probably not. But (for sure) he will continue to have blogs removed. He'll just make more. But (if the blog removed) is one with a lot of content and has been around for many years? That's a spanking that might cause the a$swipe to shed some tears.

Post authored by Dervish Sanders. EEH016.

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