Clearly edward T end0 is embarassed, as he writes his confession in German.
In a comment attached to a post on his Donkeyturds blog, end0 writes, "Ich kribble meinen Hodensack, wenn ich meine Kugeln an mein Po-Loch klebe".
According to g00gle translate, in English this means, "I tingle my scrotum when I glue my balls to my butt hole".
end0 is so embarassed (because he knows his behavior is exceedingly queer) that he uses the account he created to impersonate me.
The image above was included in end0's post. Does such a song actually exist? end0 included 3 links to YouTube videos. Are these videos of the artists performing their song? Maybe. I don't know. I did not click any of links to investigate.
As per text at the bottom of his post, this is end0's new favorite song. He feels the groove and gets funky with it.
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