ed T end0 sez, "Where art thou, oh Assface Dervi$h bin §atan-§ander$666? Your idol is in the pants and hands of that Chinese warlord. You are so proud of that warmongering White China man".
The "white China man" that end0 is referring to is Joe Biden. But Joe Biden is 0% Chinese. Regarding the 46th President's ethnicity, "Biden's family is mostly descended from the British Isles, with most of their ancestors coming from Ireland and England, and a smaller number descending from the French".
Regarding ed end0's ethnicity, he says "I'm of 100% Japanese blood". G00gle says that end0 "is the 38th most common Japanese surname".
end0, in a comment from the blog of "The Mad Jewess" says his people "turned a blind eye and deaf ear to the Gospel". end0 is a rightturd Christian who thinks that "prophets" (speaking for God) say dotard donald tRump will return to the White House next year.
There will be "judgments" upon Japan because "Satan got a stranglehold on my people". That's unfortunate, end0. Yet, even though Satan is in control in Japan, it seems that end0 shares his people's hate for China.
"Anti-Chinese sentiment has been present in Japan Anti-Chinese sentiment has been present in Japan since ancient times".
So, Joe Biden is a "White Chinese man" who is in the "pants and hands" of Xi Jinping? What the heck is end0 babbling about? Does he think that Xi and Joe are gay lovers? Well, he also thinks that Jill Biden is having a sexual affair with Merrick Garland. He brings up "Jill Biden's dirty deeds done in bed with Merrick Garland" in a 8/9/2022 comment.

You think Biden loves Xi more than donald tRump, edward? It wasn't that long ago that the Orange Turd gushed, "I like President Xi a lot, he was a very good friend of mine during my term".
Xi Jinping is rooting for tRump to return to the White House in 2025. While tRump was predisent China spent $5.6 million at Trump Tower in New York and Trump International Hotels in Washington DC and Las Vegas (CNN 1/4/2024).
Below are some fake comments in which end0 pretends that Les Carpter and myself are conversing. Apparently Edw@rd believes that Chinese people are smuggling marijuana into the United State inside their bodies.
Les Carpenter (Mystere fake). January 27, 2024 at 11:42 AM.
There's nothing to see here. It's time we take a break and kick back with some high quality weed. I enjoy the high quality marijuana coming across the border. Some of the mules carry it up their anal cavities, giving the marijuana a flavoring of home made tacos and burritos. The ones brought in by Chinese migrants smell and taste like chop suey or sweet and sour pork.
Dervish Sanders (end0 fake). January 27, 2024 at 12:02 PM.
Chinamen import the best tasting monkey bean coffee into the United States too, Les. It's superly bigly tasty when the beans pass out of their anal cavities and dry out before being roasted and ground. The chow mein and chop suey flavors make the monkey beans a superb coffee to sip and savor.
According to end0, weed that has been up a Chinese person's butt takes on the flavor of "chop suey or sweet and sour pork". Obviously this is false. And stupid. But it also sounds racist. Does all this mean that ed end0 is an anti-Chinese bigot? I say yes. Given other facts I say it's pretty obvious.
What are these other facts you say? It seems he believes that Democrats are CCP allies and spies. And Chinese soldiers are sneaking across the border with Mexico. I'll give some more details in my next post. It's really nutty stuff. But end0 is clearly very paranoid. And very insane.
myfoxmystere. August 8, 2023 at 3:17 PM.
I'm of 100% Japanese blood (my late parents were born in the US and went back to Japan as kids when my paternal grandparents and my maternal grandmother went back 90 – 100 years ago. My maternal grandfather returned to Japan after WW2 when he left the Tule Lake prison camp. My older maternal uncle and my maternal aunt (my mother's big brother & big sister) returned to Japan with my grandfather in 1946.) My people have had numerous chances to listen to Yeshua, but as a nation, they turned a blind eye and deaf ear to the Gospel. They brought it upon themselves centuries before in the late 1500s to early 1600s when the warlords persecuted Japanese Christians and spread lies. The same warlords who drove the crazed Chinese Warlords out of Japan by defeating them in fierce battles turned their back on God Almighty, letting Satan get a stranglehold on my people. My autistic prophet friend who is also pure Japanese blood saw judgements on Japan, including the 2011 Quake, Tsunami and nuclear Fukushima disaster that was meant to warn my people of further judgement coming their way. It's not going to go well for Japan. The commie CCP assassin who assassinated PM Shinzo Abé helped bring on more judgement, as Abé was secretly a believer in Yeshua. In Japanese politics, the believers must be careful in revealing their faith, like Esther had to be in the Old Testament Times. Abé was about to expose some corruption, but got assassinated before he could. link
The Fukushima disaster was a warning from God? Doesn't sound insane to you? It definitely sounds like crazy nuttery to me. Was Shinzo Abe secretly a Christian? The person who assassinated him said he did so because Abe had ties to the Unification Church.
"The Unification Church is a new religious movement, derived from Christianity, whose members are called Unificationists or sometimes informally Moonies. [The Church's founder] Sun Myung Moon ... considered himself the Second Coming of Christ".
The assassin who killed Abe, Tetsuya Yamagami, "said he didn't have a grudge against Abe's political beliefs". So, NO, Yamagami wasn't a CCP assassin. Was Abe a Christian? I don't think so. Not if he was a member of the Unification Church. The Moonies are a false church founded by a crazy person with a Messiah complex. People who follow false teachers are not true Christians (see Romans 16:17–18).
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