Saturday, May 11, 2024

ed T end0's Dad Met His Mom At A Donkey Show?

This is an image from a post titled "Met Your Mama At A Donkey Show". Posted 5/9/2024 to one of Edw@rd End0's blogs.

"A Donkey Show is a type of live sex show in which a woman engages in Interspecies Erotica with a donkey..."

The title of the post is a reference to something Edw@rd's dad told him. She was there as the main attraction. Well, her and the donkey that she performed sex acts on. Edw@rd's pappy was very taken with how she fellated the donkey's member. Or that is what I'm guessing. He doesn't go into any details.

He does post a link to some Youtube video. Apparently this is a song. So end0 would likely claim that the post title is a reference to the song, and not about how his parents met. Though his post does not say that. He only posts the pic at the top of this post (and another one) plus the link to the video.

So he leaves it to his readers to fill in the blanks. I left a comment which he apparently did not like, as he deleted it. I guessed that he is into donkey shows. Though ones in which a man performs sex acts on a jack, not a jenny. Another guess. But who is to say my guesses are not accurate? end0 didn't.

end0 could have deleted my comments in anger. What upset him? The fact that I accurately surmised the true reason he posted about donkey shows. Some video existing on YouTube being just a coincidence. A song about what some guy's dad told him about how he met his son's mother. And that matched exactly the circumstances of ed's parent's meeting.

Unless he comes here and leaves a comment disputing this. Though he had the chance to do that on his blog and passed. Because he was so enraged and embarassed that I somehow knew the truth. Yeah, so if he was to issue a denial here I would not believe it. In fact I'd take it as a confirmation and admission that his parents DID meet at a donkey show. One in which his mother was the performer.

Or maybe it was his dad. It was a gay bar in which ed's mother worked serving drinks. And his dad got on stage and performed a live sex show with a ass. He orally pleasured the animal's organ. Then the donkey inserted it's jack into the end0 of ed's dad. I think that sounds more likely.

Post authored by the Anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. EEH023.

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