Friday, May 17, 2024

ed T end0 Hid His Blog, Homme Mystere Lingerie For Men?

According to a recent comment by ed T end0, he hid his blog that used to be called Donkey's Liberal Heel Kick and was located at the URL

Rattrapper (Mystere sockpuppet). May 16, 2024 at 8:32 PM.
Are you enjoying making a BIGLY ASS of yourself, Dervish? Have at it. Funny thing is you have no idea of what the name of the original blog turned into. Google didn't take the blog down. We changed the name and blog address, then revamped it a bit. It's funny because you won't be able to find it. You'll have to hack my account to get in and find it. :P

Really, edward? I won't be able to find it unless I hack your account? Well what about this? This is a blog called "Homme Mystere Lingerie For Men". You said you changed the name and revamped it. Is this the blog you changed the name and address of? Looks like a strong possibility to me. Given that you call yourself Mystere on Blogger. And myfoxmystere on WordPress.

Why did you hide your blog, edward? Embarassed about the "revamped" content? Maybe (due to embarassment) you'll refute that "Homme Mystere" is your blog? Go ahead. I'll allow you to comment here. btw, if you don't dispute that "Homme Mystere" your blog, I'm going to assume that it is.

Post authored by the hilarous jokester Dervish Sanders. EEH027.

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