Monday, May 13, 2024

ed T end0 Confessed To Attacking My Blogs In 2019

ed T end0 is a blog attacker by his own admission. Now he denies having anything to do with 6 of my blogs being locked by g00gle for fake T0S violations (see sidebar). One (so far) was re-evaluated and reinstated. But (as of the publication of this post) 5 blogs remain locked. Below is a screengrab (from his own blog) of one of his many denials.

Sure, edward. I believe you. Not. Given the fact that you confessed that you were attacking my blogs with false T0S violation reports to g00gle. As seen in the screen grab below.

end0 says he's going to go after Whoz Yo Mama. Concidently that is the blog that was locked first (but is now reinstated). He might say that he wrote he MIGHT go after my blog. But then he decided not to. And did no reporting to g00gle at all. Some other blog enemy went after the same blog that end0 threatened and got it taken down. Sure, that's believable.

I knew it was him right away. I didn't remember this comment, but I knew he was angry with me because he lost several WordPress blogs for (real, not imaginary) T0S infractions that caused him to get spanked for being naughty (he faked comments from me).

I think the comment above is some pretty sold evidence it was him, though. Below is a screengrab of Rusty Shackleford's Blogger profile. He has two blogs, though there isn't much content on either. The comment in question was posted to "Mr. Mackey Speaks". There is only one post on that blog.

end0's comment is undated because that is how Rusty set things up. Knowing this, I added the date to my comment. 5/7/2019 is when I saw ed's comment. I'm not sure how long before that he made it. It could have been awhile.

Post authored by Dervish Sanders. EEH024.

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