Saturday, May 4, 2024

Ed T end0's Newest Identity, Helmut Von Streudelstein

"Helmut" is issuing threats. What a non surprise.

Helmut Von Streudelstein. April 11, 2024 at 9:37 PM. WYD.
Be very careful about what you say, Dave Dubya. Baseless insults boomerang back badly.

Helmut Von Streudelstein. April 9, 2024 at 8:10 AM. WYD.
Big Disaster in the making for "Anonymous".

Helmut Von Streudelstein. March 17, 2024 at 8:39 AM. WYD.
The ghosts of the goons of the WW2 Era are the ones possessing Dave Dubya and Dervish Sanders, 2 of the most hate filled demon possessed nimrods on this post.

Helmut Von Streudelstein. March 22, 2024 at 10:00 AM. PTL.
That's hilarious!

end0 started commenting as "Helmut" on Political Tea Leaves. That's how I know that it's him. I remember a few other comments, but that was the only one I could find. The PTL comments were without an account. Now he has created one. Another identity among MANY he uses.

Additionally he calls himself Mystere, Rattrapper, Donkey's Revenge, Porky Da Badd Ass, Q-Taro and President Joseph Robbinit Biden Jr. He also uses my display name to fake comments from me as well as an account he uses to fake comments from Les Carpenter.

end0 is also always talking about things "boomeranging back". end0 doesn't like Dave Duyba, who he threatens above. It is very obviously him.

end0's Blogger Accounts
Mystere #12059909696097340275.
Rattrapper #09848063025913868226.
Donkey's Revenge #11084997110989400136.
Porky Da Badd Ass #09143761344385652419.
Q-Taro #06382558531848301666.
Helmut #10532385535262028357.
Fake Joe Biden #14267985365045878651.
Fake Adolf Hitler #06529978322356634891.
Fake Dervish Sanders #07321860230628753158.
Fake Les Carpenter #11918074609374420164.

Post authored by Dervish Sanders. EEH017.


  1. The detective work is quite good Dervish. The guy like the one you are pointing out (w/multiple personalities) ought to be frozen out of blogger for an eon ot two.

    He's one of the stinkiest type of human forms i've ran across in a very long while.

  2. I don't understand why G00gle, when Edw@rd falsely reported my blogs for "hate", listened to him. He said himself (on my DSB blog which is locked) that he'd been reporting things for awhile. Now suddenly they're taking his fake reports seriously? 2 that I want back are still locked. There are 2 other locked ones (total 4) but I'm ok with losing those. I already recreated them. He had a blog about Joe Stalin being my hero that got taken down -- and he recreated it.

    "Joe Stalin is a bigly hero" became "Joe Stalin is my bigly hero". Me and Joe Biden author that blog together.
