ed end0 linked to this video in a post titled "Karine Farted" from his blog "Porky's Big Payback" dated 4/10/2024.
Who is Karine? Is it the horse's name? The video doesn't name the horse. The video is titled "ultimate horse fart". I wouldn't say that. Not that I'm into videos of horses farting. Unlike the eproctophile end0. I bet he really wishes he had been there. No doubt he'd have gotten his face right up close to the horse's anu$ and inhaled deeply. Something else I've heard about end0 is that his fantasy is to blow a gift horse. LOL! |
Monday, May 27, 2024
ed T end0 Huffs Horse Farts
Saturday, May 25, 2024
Fake Prophet Predicts Bioweapon Attack On Crowd In Large American City

As per the False Prophet Deborah Williams, China will invade and conquer the United States (perhaps with the cooperation of the Biden administration). Then hold a parade in NY city. Hundreds of thousands will be forced to attend. During the parade the Chinese soldiers (parading down a street next to the Hudson river) will launch a bioweapon attacking, killing thousands!
This is a fake prophecy the false prophet Deborah Williams says God sent to her in a dream. I gleened the details from the transcript of the video Edw@rd linked to on his blog. As you can see (from the VERY long transcript) the false prophet Deborah babbles on long after she relates her fake prophecy.
Deborah the false prophet babbles for so long I didn't know if I was going to be able to get through all of her babbling. I don't expect anyone to read the full transcript below (if anyone reads this post at all). Skip to the bottom for my summary.
Shocking Prophetic Dream... Vaporizing Chemical. Biological Weapon To Be Used On A Crowd In A Large American City. Posted on January 16, 2022 by myfoxmystere.
YouTube Video Link.
Midnight Cry with Fake Prophet Deborah Williams. January 11, 2022.
hi. this is midnight cry with deborah my name is deborah williams and today is january 11, 2022. it's been a while since i've been on here to make a video and basically because michael and i have been busy packing and looking at furniture and traveling back and forth from where where we lived where we're moving and i just want to say thank you for all of you who have continued to support us you've been such a blessing. and we just bless you in the name of the lord we thank you for all your love and your gifts and your kindnesses toward us.
especially all of your christmas cards and new year's greetings. and we just want to say happy new year to to you. and i think for many it's going to be a wonderful new year. it's going to be a a tough new year but it's going to be a good one and we are so blessed to be be alive to be alive at this time in history. there's no other time like it and i just want to share with you a word that the lord gave.
well he's given me a lot of words but i haven't really had the time to get on here and put it together and get the word out. but i wanted to share with you actually a dream. the lord gave me this dream weeks ago. and it's a bit windy and kind of cool here today i know some of you are really cold up north. and i just pray for you. that the lord will give you shelter and protection and keep you.
but this dream that i received was probably in late november. might have been early december but i think it was further back than that. and it was such a -- well i hate to say it but it was an awful dream -- and i didn't even want to tell it i didn't want to write it down. i have been so troubled over it it has been a burden to me ever since, uh, i've dreamed it i've cried out to god about it i didn't want to share it. and i can't seem to get rid of it. so i'm going to be obedient. because i feel an urgency from god to make it known.
➜ here's the dream. i was in a huge crowd of people and i knew that i was in a very large city in america. and i was also aware that i was next to a body of water. i wasn't exactly sure what the body of water was and people were lining the streets of the city by the hundreds of thousands. i would if i was going to be estimating, which i'm no good at counting numbers of people, but i would say millions of people were on the streets. and they were not a happy group of people. they were there to watch a parade and it was not a happy parade. it was as though they were all -- including myself -- were being made to attend this parade.
there were so many people that were forced to come that bleachers had been erected all up and down the streets as far as i could see. there were bleachers on both sides of the streets. as well as seven eight deep down on the ground level. seven eight bodies a group of people would have been like eight people deep. so these bleachers were set up to accommodate the crowds. and this was an not an ordinary parade. it was a military parade. and ➜ they were not wearing american military uniforms but foreign uniforms.
i looked everywhere for that uniform after after this video. sorry after this dream and i just couldn't find that exact, uh, uniform. they were a drab dark green. icky kind of green. and their faces were stern. their jaws were set. and ➜they were very definitely asian descent. as they marched along -- high stepping with their legs going out straight in front of them -- one very fierce soldier stood out to me. he was right down in front of me and as they were slowly moving. i saw that this stern looking man was a leader -- and he was gazing up into the stands the bleachers next to where i was.
and i realized that his gaze was on the eyes of a general. and he was waiting for instructions from this very decorated general that -- as i followed his gaze down here -- and looked up to where he was looking -- i saw this general at the top of the next row of bleachers. and he had a box around him as if he had a box seat. and this general was just above me. he was staring down at this leader as if he had been waiting for this leader to come along.
i felt like we were at the end of this parade. the end was very near. and he was staring at this -- look[ing] down at this leader who was staring up at this general. and i watched the general intently. up here above me. and then i saw it. an almost imperceptible nod of the head. like you know you know what i'm talking about. you've seen someone give it an order like that. they just go. and this man did that. and when i saw the nod of his head.
then i looked immediately at the man down below. and it was because it was clear to me. he was giving the man on the street an order. and i instantly look back at this leader on the street. and seemingly out of nowhere he had produced the barrel of a tank cannon. it was not sitting on the tank on a tank but he was balancing on his left shoulder as if he had the strength and the power to direct this cannon wherever he wanted it.
so it was on his left shoulder. as the all the other shoulder [huh?]. as all the other soldiers continued to march forth. and he reached up somewhere hidden and he pulled a lever. and ➜ when he pulled this lever a brownish yellow yucky liquid began to flow from the end of the barrel. way out behind him onto the street it was a thin stream of brownish yellowish liquid. very thick. a very thin -- sorry -- and as it hit the street behind him i suddenly realized it's going to turn into a vapor as it hits the ground because the ground was warm.
so apparently if it hit a certain temperature it vaporized instantly. i looked across a number of heads in the crowd on the bleachers with me to find michael. he was just right over there and it was clear to me that we had not been allowed to be next to each other. i caught his eye and he mine at that very moment and i yelled with all of my strength in my voice -- run. both of us ran to the top of the bleacher and leaped off the back onto what seemed to be a metal cat walk that was behind the bleachers.
i could hear michael's footsteps as he ran behind me. i ran as far as the catwalk allowed us to go and then i leaped further down onto another one that was below us. and then i kept on running. all the time i'm getting further and further away from that street -- from that general -- from the crowd and from the gas that's vaporizing. then we came to a cement stairway. and i ran down it until we came to a cement sidewalk. i could still hear michael running behind me which was really amazing because i probably couldn't run a hundred feet like that.
and there was then at that moment i noticed a large body of water beside us. because all the way down the sidewalk was a metal railing to keep people or cars from going over the edge into what looked like the river. i almost instinctively felt -- i can't say this absolutely positively -- but i felt like it was the hudden ➜ hudson river. and you know that's in new york which is the biggest city, uh, that's on the hudson. a lot of smaller cities are on the hudson.
i just kept running and running and running down this sidewalk next to this body of water. and i suddenly woke up. i was not alarmed and i was not afraid -- afraid when i woke up. number one these are the things that i knew immediately upon awaking. number one ➜ i knew the dream was from god. even though i didn't want the dream. i didn't want to know the dream. i didn't want to understand the dream. i wanted to forget it. yeah really we get stuff like that. and we don't want to tell it because it's so worrisome. it's such a burden. it's such a grief to our hearts. this was a great grief i've carried -- this grief for weeks and weeks. until i can't carry it any longer.
and i have felt so strongly [this was] from the lord. that i had to release this. so these are the things i knew. ➜ number one i knew it was a dream from god. number two i knew he was revealing the plans of the enemy to me. understand when i say the enemy -- i am not saying a country in america that's against america. i am not talking about a real country i'm talking about a demonic power. number three, i knew in the dream that the brown liquid coming out of the barrel of the cannon was going to kill many thousands of people.
not now you know your computer comes up with this stuff. tells you when it wants to do something. well, we're not doing it, um, i know i knew that it was going to vaporize as it hit the street. i knew that hundreds of thousands of those people were going to be trapped. i knew the lord had revealed it to me to spare us. and the many who are going to hear this warning. here's the next thing i knew -- i also knew that there was no way a man could hold a barrel of a cannon on his shoulder. so this was obviously ➜ a supernatural attack. the lord was revealing something that perhaps was not going to happen literally -- was going to happen instead spiritually.
here's the seventh thing i knew -- it was clear to me that michael and i were delivered. but i was amazed [that] all the people in the crowd seemed to be oblivious to my warning and to the immediate threat that they were under. it grieved me to understand that many of the people were going to die. another thing that seemed very odd is that none of the military on parade nor their leader nor the general were wearing any protective gear to this poison gas. and that in itself tells me a lot. that maybe this is not literal.
but i do want to say it has to do with this body of water. and this city in this body of water. here's number eight -- and this is the most important thing -- that i knew -- i knew that my ability to flee from this destruction was limitless. in the dream, the more i ran, the more strength i had to run. hallelujah! and that is the most amazing thing of all -- because i knew that my running was supernatural. so i want to share with you one of my favorite scriptures that came to me as i was writing this dream down a couple of days ago.
behold the nations are as a drop in a bucket and are counted as the small dust on the scales. look, he lifts up the aisles as a very little thing. verse 17. i'm in isaiah 40. that was verse 15. verse 17 says all nations before him are as nothing and they are counted by him less than nothing and worthless.
in whom then will you liken god or what likeness will you compare to him. then i want to skip to verse 20. because that next verse talks about idols. verse 20 says whoever is too impoverished for such a contribution -- meaning of idols -- chooses a tree that will not rot. he seeks for himself a skillful workman to prepare a carved image that will not totter.
that's the kind of gods -- they choose the enemy. ➜ the enemy is worshiping devils -- know that of a surety -- and this enemy that is in my dream is the devil. and it is all of the demons that are working for him and the principalities. and the powers that are using evil men to accomplish what he wants to accomplish. but i love this part of the scripture. there's several verses here...
have you not known -- have you not heard has it not been told -- you from the beginning have you not understood from the foundations of the earth. it is he who sits above the circle of the earth. and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers who stretches out the heavens like a curtain and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in. he brings the princes to nothing. he makes the judges of earth useless. scarcely shall they be planted scarcely. shall they be sown scarcely. shall their stock take root in the earth.
i'm in chapter 40 of isaiah verse 24. when he also will blow on them and they will wither. and the whirlwind will take them away like stubble. that's what's coming, beloved. to then whom then will you liken me or to whom shall i be equal says the lord. hallelujah says the holy one of israel. lift up your eyes on high and see who has created these things who brings out their hosts. by number he calls them all by name. by the greatness of his might and the strength of his power.
not one is missing. why do you say oh jacob. i'd like to just say, oh church and speak, oh israel my way is hidden from the lord. and my just claimed is passed over by god. there's a lot of people who are disappointed right now. a lot of people discouraged. a lot of people feeling defeated. like there's no hope. ➜ i'm here to tell you things are about to get wild. and god is about to come on the scene.
have you not known? have you not heard the everlasting god? the lord the creator of the ends of the earth neither faints nor is weary. his understanding is unsearchable. he gives power to the weak. that's me. and to those who have no might he increases strength. even the youths shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall. but those who wait on the lord shall renew their strength. they shall mount up with wings like eagles. they shall run and not be weary. they shall walk and not thank -- that's what was happening to me in that dream. in the end of the dream.
after all of the horror that i had seen. and that i knew was about to happen. i knew to run. and as i knew to run. i also knew that god was going to enable me and michael to get away. i want you to know you can do the same. that's what the lord is wanting us to know that no matter what the enemy does -- ➜ no matter what kind of bio weapon he devises -- no matter what kind of chemical warfare he does on the people -- those who do know their god are going to be strong enough to run to outrun.
remember elijah after he had called down fire. and fire is coming. i'm just going to tell you the fire of god's about to fall on this earth. and we are going to see it. and the glory of the lord is going to be revealed, beloved. hallelujah! do you know that god is going to give us the strength. first of all he's going to give us the knowledge and the understanding to know what to do. stop worrying. stop being troubled. i just want to say to you that are fearful -- you that are discouraged -- don't be discouraged. i'm not discouraged.
i'm not worried. i know that my life belongs to god. i know that the enemy can't kill me until god is through with me. and then what's going to happen is i'm going to go home for eternity. eternity is a very very long time. i heard somebody say recently. and i just want you to know that that's where we're going. we're going to be with god forever. but before that happens the lord is not about to take us out of here. because the bride is now. ready to go -- she's not ready to go because she hasn't finished her job [the fake prophet deborah williams is talking about herself in the third person here?].
many of you have the call of god on your lives. many of you, uh, are still waiting. you're like deborah when am i going to get to do you -- you. you're already doing what god's wanting you to do now. i haven't even begun. i haven't even begun to get done what god wants me to do, beloved. listen to me -- ➜ i have waited for years for the restoration. since 2005.
i knew that when i walked away from a situation that i was in. that was going to be the end of my ministry. as i knew it god sent me into nursing -- that was not something i want to do. it was something god wanted me to do and he enabled me to do it. and he took me through nursing school and flying colors. yes it was hard and yes i've waited a long time. and yes i know without a doubt that god told me that he was going to lift up me up again. and no man would be able to say i helped her get there. he told me to take nothing from the people.
i walked away from -- because god said when i lift you up -- no one will be able to say i helped her get there. i'm going to tell you right now -- the same thing many of you -- the call of god is on your life. ➜ hundreds of thousands of you -- as many as listen to this video [hundreds of thousands of people aren't going to watch this video]. and i -- please share this with anyone that you think is being discouraged. because this is not the day to be discouraged. this is a day to get our focus on god. you're not going to have to worry. he said i've never -- david said this in the psalms -- i think it was 84 -- i'm not sure haven't had a chance to look it up. he said i've never seen the righteous forsaken nor this his seed begging for bread.
you are the seed of god, beloved. hallelujah! the lord jesus christ has given you -- supernaturally -- life from god. it is the life that jesus had in him when he was resurrected from the dead. you have within you. resurrection life. and i'm just here to tell you that when you get a hold of that -- and you begin to do the work that god's called you to do -- don't think it's going to start out big. lord have mercy. this youtube channel started out with a few friends on facebook.
listen to me. god can do anything with your obedience. all he's wanting you to do is simply hear him and obey him. do it not because it's a job. do it because you love him. i did it because i loved him. i started this youtube channel a year, oh, year and a half ago now. and i never knew it would ever amount to anything. i just knew i was supposed to be obedient, beloved. friends, be obedient. you've been given gifts. stop thinking about, well it'll stop. even listening to the devil who says it's never going to amount to anything. you're never going to amount to anything.
the devil is such a liar. listen to me. god is not through with america. hallelujah! god is not through. there's a fire coming. i want to tell you about the fire that's coming. it's the fire that's in the book of daniel. you know it well. it's the fire that the three hebrew children went through. and god is trying to bring us to the place that we are in love with him more than we are in love with anything. and that will do whatever he wants us to do. doesn't matter what it is. does it matter if it's dangerous. doesn't matter if everybody gets mad at us. all that matters is that we hear the lord -- to know what he wants us to do and then we do it.
and that's exactly what the hebrew children did in daniel. the third chapter. they were supposed to bow to the image the king nebuchadnezzar had built to make himself look great. and you know what they wouldn't bow to an idol. and they said to nebuchadnezzar -- when they were brought, hauled in before him -- and told the king that the others that that saw that they wouldn't worship. told the king, hey look these guys, these are -- these hebrews that that are from israel that you brought up here as slaves -- and they are not bowing to your image. and they -- that he, he wanted to give them a chance. he said please, i want you to answer me in this matter. there's no god that can deliver you out of my hands.
don't you know that, okay. and and he they knew that they might get thrown into a fiery furnace. because of it. and and so this is what they answered. this king who was king over the whole known world at that time. the king of babylon. if that is the case -- is in daniel 3 verse 17 -- this is what they say to him -- if that is the case, our god whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace. and he will deliver us. so if we live or die we're going to be delivered. didn't matter. and but if not, let it be known to you, o king, that we do not serve your gods nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up.
listen to me, the ones who have made up their minds -- they're going to serve god and they're not going to bow down. they're not going to do what the enemy is wanting them to do -- trying to pressure them to. do they lose their jobs? so be it. i'm going to tell you those of you who lose your jobs -- because you obeyed god and you didn't do what they -- you would not be pressured into taking the, uh, the thing that that they're wanting you to take. i'm just here to tell you right now -- god is gonna deliver you.
and if he doesn't? then you're going to heaven. i want you to know that god who loves you -- and who has a call on your life -- who has a purpose for your life -- he is saying to you right now, listen -- listen to me. give me your job. give me your family. give me your life. ve me your relationships. give me your money. give me everything. god is saying -- give me everything in your life and i'll take care of you. you see if he doesn't have it he can't take care of it.
but if you give it to him your children, your spouse, if you give everything to god? guess what it belongs to god now. and he can take care of it. so all of those things that you're worrying about, stop it. i've told you this dream not to make you afraid of what the enemy may try to do. what i've -- why the lord has told me to tell you this dream -- first of all, is to warn you. i wouldn't get in a crowd with a hundred thousand people. just saying okay, i'm not. and i wouldn't really wouldn't want to feel pressured into doing anything that they're trying to pressure me into doing. and the biggest reason is god is going to give you the strength to endure anything that comes your way. god knows the repercussions that you may suffer as a result of not doing something that the enemy wants to pressure you into doing.
i want to read the rest of this. you know what happened. this is what happened. i'm trying to get to the end of this. i really am. i know i'm already. almost 30 minutes into this. but this is -- this is so important. when they threw them into the fiery furnace they were bound with with ropes. the men that threw them in fell down dead at the opening of the furnace. and then the king stood up and -- it says he was astonished. he rose in haste. and he spoke saying to his counselors, did we not cast three men bound into the midst of the fire. this is daniel 3 verse 24. they answered and said to the king, true o king look, he answered. i see four men loose walking in the midst of the fire. and they are not hurt. and the former.
the fourth is like the son of god. he told him of course to come out. and he promoted them. and he said nobody better speak a word against this god of meshach shadrach and abednego. because he's obviously more powerful than any god we know anything about he called them out of the mouth and he said servants of the most high god come out and they came out of the mouth of that fiery furnace and they came and stood before him and they didn't look they saw these men on whose bodies the fire had no power the hair of their head was not singed nor were their garments affected. and the smell of fire was not on them. and nebuchadnezzar spoke, saying blessed be the god of shadrach meshach and abednego who sent his angel. and delivered his servants who trusted in him.
we're -- that's what we're in. we're in a place in time in our walk with god -- and in our nation -- and in the world -- we're going to see who trusts in their god. he said who sent his angel and delivered his servants who trusted in him. and they have frustrated the king's word and yielded their bodies that they should not serve nor worship any god except their own god. therefore i make a decree that any people nation or language which speaks anything against a miss -- against the god of shadrach meshach and abednego -- shall be cut in pieces and their houses shall be made an ash heap. because there is no other god who can deliver like this.
listen we all want to have a testimony, but you don't have a testimony without a test. i know that sounds trite. i know some of you are going through some really really bad times. but i want you to know your god is with you in this fight. i want you to know that our god is with america in this fight. ➜ i want donald trump to know god is with him in this fight. listen to me psalms 67 -- leaped off the page a few days ago when i read these verses -- psalm 67 verse 1 -- god be merciful to us and bless us and all.
i could do right then was begin to pray for america and all of the people in america. including you, my friend. be merciful to us. no, we don't deserve mercy. i'm here to tell you that no one deserves mercy, but our god is a merciful god. god be merciful to us and bless us and cause his face to shine upon us. that sounds familiar, doesn't it? that's what happened to moses. moses went up on the mountain and he came down from being with god. and his face shone so much that he had to put a veil over his face so that the people could look at him. he was so bright he's shown like god. that's what god is saying. he -- he said he's -- that's what god is telling us to pray. cause your face to shine upon us when you that's what happens when you get into the presence of god. now there's a reason why god is wanting us to pray this -- that your way may be known on the earth.
that's what meshach, shadrach and abednego was revealing to the evil king and the people of their day. where they were in captivity literally. i believe that we as americans are in captivity. you in australia are in captivity. many of you are suffering the consequences for your decisions. i'm here to tell you to be encouraged to be strengthened. many in israel are in captivity. those in canada -- many places all over the world are in literally in captivity to ➜ the evil despotic government. that have been governments that have been taken over by the cabal [the cabal is Joe Biden, Barack Obama, The Clintons].
but i'm here to tell you right now -- this is not the end of the matter -- god is going to have his way. listen, this is what he's going to do -- he is raising up a people that will not be afraid -- he is raising up a people that will keep on standing -- he is raising up a people that will get into the presence of god. and when they go out of the presence of god. their faces are going to shine. and when they shine the way of god is going to be known upon the earth. and then it goes on and says your salvation among all nations. so when we come out full of the glory of god -- don't you think those hebrew children came out of that fire full of the glory of god? you know, they were just with jesus in the fire and when they came out they didn't have the smell of smoke on them.
we're not going to have to worry about some evil vapor -- vaporized, uh, fluid -- that's going to be dumped on some city. i'm here to tell you -- be warned, be careful. go where god tells you to go and do what god tells you to do. that is the only thing you have to do. that is really the only thing you have to do. the other thing is that you need to realize that god just wants you to be in his presence. do you know that if you are in your pl present in his presence -- and if you are worshiping -- and you are praising -- that the glory of god is going to come. the glory of god came into that prison over there in, uh, it's in acts chapter 16 where paul and silas paul delivered a girl -- that was filled with the spirit of divination. and one thing led to another they ended up getting beat and thrown into prison. they were given to the, uh, the prison guard and told to keep them fast until they knew what to do with them.
and he put them in the inner prison in stocks. but about midnight they started praising god. when are we going to start praising god in the midst of our, uh, bad circumstances and our troubles and our trials? listen to me -- god is saying right now to you -- he's saying to me -- he's saying to everyone listening to this video -- start worshiping me. start praising me. spend time in my presence. it doesn't mean you can't work -- you can spend time with god at your job. i did as a nurse. i want you to know that god is about to do miraculous things for his people. not only through his people, but for his people he's going to enable you to do whatever you need to do.
that's what that dream to me was all about -- i could run and run and run and run -- because why i had waited upon the lord. i if i needed to i could have flown because god is going to give you the glory. and the glory is everything that he is and everything that he has. that's what the word means in the greek language -- is the word doxa -- and it means everything that god is and everything that god has. so jesus talked about the glory that he wanted us to have -- the glory and to be united in the glory. that's what's going to unite the body of christ, is the glory of god.
hallelujah! over there in john 17 he talks about it, beloved. listen i gotta finish reading this. let the peoples praise you -- what happened to to paul and cyrus silas when they were praising the lord at midnight. god came on the scene -- an earthquake shook the prison -- all of the gates and doors flew open in everybody's bands. and the whole prison fell off. now listen to this -- the jailer was quite sure when he came out of his -- whatever god had put on him -- when he came out of this sleep he saw the prison doors were open -- assumed that all the prisoners were all gone -- and drew his sword to kill himself because they were probably going to torture him and he knew it -- when it was found out all the prisoners has escaped.
and paul says do yourself no harm. we are all here. that means none of the prisoners who had just been set free left. have you ever seen a prison break -- like that have you ever heard of one -- like that, well of course not -- because god had them so spellbound that they knew god had showed up. the prisoners had been listening. it said that they were singing praises and praying to god in the prison. paul and cyrus silas and the people heard them. i keep saying cyrus -- i wonder if there's a reason for that?
listen, god is going to use us, let the peoples praise you. oh god, let all the peoples praise you. oh, let the nations be glad and sing for joy -- for you shall judge the people righteously and govern the nations on earth. that's what's about to happen. the true governor is about to stand up. let the peoples praise you. oh, god let all the peoples praise you. then the earth shall yield her increase. you know we were called the bread basket of the world. we are going again to feed the world i don't know if we're going to feed them literally or feed them just spiritually -- but if we feed them all spiritually god is going to bless them the earth shall yield our increase.
god, our own god shall bless us god bless us. and all the ends of the earth shall fear him. hallelujah! wow that's what's about to happen. hallelujah! i want to pray for you. will you just pray with me right now? lord god, you are the king of all the earth and there is nothing too hard for you. and you're gonna enable your people to stand in the day of trouble. and the remnant that you are strengthening are gonna have supernatural strength. i come against the spirits that are coming against your people right now. i come against the spirits that are coming against america. the principalities and the powers and the rulers of the darkness of this world and wickedness in high places right now in. the name of jesus we take your authority and we bind every single one of them.
will you agree with me? we have authority. do you know we have all authority and all power over everything that god wants us to pray about that god wants us to take authority over. because he gives us that right. in fact he told his disciples and they weren't even baptizing the holy ghost. he said i give you power over devils. i give you power over sicknesses and disease. i want you to heal the sick and cast out devils. i want you right now to realize that the power of god is in you you need to cast that spirit of depression off of you.
shake it off of you and say devi, you're a liar -- i don't receive your spirit of depression -- get out, in the name of jesus, stop looking back in your rear view mirror. what we look at empowers us look at jesus. look at god almighty -- he is about to empower us with power we've never known -- we've never experienced. so i bind right now. everything that keeps you from running the race. i bind you -- every every single spirit -- every single demonic power that keeps you from having the joy of the lord. every distraction that keeps you distracted. every worry that keeps you fearful and worried and distressed. in the name of jesus i bind you right now. say it with me -- i bind you back this video up and bind all these things that i'm telling to be about.
i'm commanding the demons off of your children. in the name of jesus listen to me. there are many already writing to me and telling me that their kids are getting delivered. their kids are coming back home. their kids are being set free. listen, you have authority over your children. did you know that i don't care if they're grown -- it doesn't matter. they are your seed. and god has given you your seed and you have authority over the demons that think that they're going to take your seed out of this world -- or to take your seed to hell. but you have to stop worrying about them and you have to give them to the lord.
remember, abraham faced that test and he won. and you are going to face that test -- have already been facing that test. and you are going to win. and you know how i know? because the bible tells me. so, amen. you've got to begin to start running to god instead of everyone else. instead of getting on the phone and calling your friends. instead of getting on facebook to drown yourself and all of the stuff that's out there. i want you to know -- just spend some time with the lord; he is going to shine on you. he is going to bless you and when all the nations of the earth. see it. they're going to know the way of god. the people around you are going to be amazed.
stop being concerned about whether they like you or not. god did not put us here to be liked. in fact, you know, and i'm going to tell you again, but you've heard it before -- if you're not liked right now you need to count yourself worthy. because god has set you free from the fear of man. stop being concerned. stop being concerned about your job right now. i lose better jobs -- on everyone who doesn't have a job. in the name of jesus ➜ i command that your houses be paid off in the name of jesus. [jesus will pay my mortgage?]
that your mortgages be set free from bondage. as well as you and your family. in the name of jesus, ➜ i rebuke the spirit of covid. i rebuke the spirit that makes people think they have to obey doctors. because doctors no longer care about you. they only care about their jobs. most of them -- many of them -- we have wonderful doctors. like america -- america's frontline doctors -- we have doctors that are quietly doing what they know is right. under the radar. we need to pray for doctors. and pray for nurses that are standing up. but there are many that are company doctors. and they're doing whatever they are told by the company.
and we have conglomerate hospitals. that -- i wouldn't go to if it meant i was gonna die. i wouldn't go to them because -- in the fine print they say what they're gonna give you -- and you sign that paper -- and they you are giving them the right to for them to give you anything that they want to. you know what i'm talking about. so know this -- of a surety god is with you. and i pray right now, in the name of jesus, that god's peace falls on you. i pray right now that god's joy wells up in your heart. i pray right now the baptism of the holy spirit just begins to flow out of you. in jesus name, that the peace of god the joy of the lord and the holy spirit will pour out of your life -- on everyone around you.
god be with you. god give you his grace. god give you the strength to run and run and run. hallelujah! i keep waiting for a friend of mine to send me something -- but they haven't been able to yet. so i guess i'll have to make another video tomorrow and share that with you. god be with you. god bless you. i love you. be strengthened in the strength and the might of the lord. in jesus name, amen! see you soon.
01. China is going to invade & conquer the United States.
02. China, after invading & conquering the US, will force the citzens of NY to attend a military parade.
03. China will attack the citizens of NY with chemical weapons, killing thousands.
04. China is in league with demonic powers.
05. Democrats aka "the enemy" worship Satan.
06. Things are about to get wild.
07. Soon all all Christians will be reunified.
08. Hundreds of thousands of people listen/watch "Midnight Cry" with Deborah Williams.
09. God is with donald tRump.
10. The evil democrat cabal has taken over many governments around the world.
11. Deborah commands that your houses be paid off in the name of Jesus.
12. Deborah rebukes the spirit of covid.
13. Deborah rebukes the spirit that makes people think they have to obey doctors.
14. Doctors don't care about you. They only care about their jobs.
Posted: Saturday, May 25, 2024 at 6:54 PM. Labels: Fake Prophet, tRump, Anti Chinese.
Post authored by the prophet hater Dervish Sanders. EEH029.
Anti Chinese,
Deborah Williams,
Fake Prophet,
Monday, May 20, 2024
ed T end0 Has Been Detected As An Evil Fake Christian By Bing's AI Copilot

Dervish Sanders: Bing AI Copilot, how would you describe what you are?
Bing AI Copilot: I'm an AI companion designed to assist users by providing information, answering questions, and engaging in conversation. My primary role is to be helpful and supportive. If you have any other queries, feel free to ask!
Dervish Sanders: Can you tell me what information is available about the evil fake christian blogger who calls himself Mystere?
Copilot: Detecting counterfeit Christians is essential, as they can mislead others and hinder genuine evangelism efforts. Here are seven questions that can help you spot a fake Christian...
01. Are they controlled by the Holy Spirit? When someone receives Christ, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within them. Walking in the flesh instead of the Spirit can be a telltale sign that something is amiss.
02. Do they exhibit a new nature? Genuine believers become new creations with new desires, a renewed mind, and a transformed heart. If there's no evidence of these changes, it's cause for concern.
03. Do they demonstrate Christ's agape love for others? Jesus said that love for one another would identify His disciples. Agape love is a sacrificial love that unites and heals. We see the love of God through the cross of Jesus Christ. This love saves and restores humanity in the face of sin and death. The word "agape" is used 106 times throughout the New Testament, with the most use in the book of 1 John.
04. Do they obey God's commandments? While Christians won't be sinless, there should be evidence of obedience to God's Word.
05. Is there fruit in their life? Good fruit -- such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control -- should be evident in a believer's life.
Remember, genuine Christians are imperfect but strive to live in alignment with God’s truth. As for the specific blogger “Mystere,” I don't have information about an individual by that name. If you have more context or details, feel free to share, and I’ll do my best to assist!
Dervish Sanders: Thank you, that was useful information. The blogger Mystere does not demonstrate Christ's agape love for others. He is consumed with hate for people not like himself. Yet he claims to be a Christian. What do you make of that?
Copilot: It's disheartening when someone claims to follow Christ but exhibits behavior contrary to His teachings. The discrepancy between professed faith and actions can be puzzling. Here are a few possible explanations...
01. Misunderstanding or Immaturity: Sometimes, individuals may not fully grasp the depth of Christ's love or the transformation it brings. Immaturity in faith can lead to inconsistencies.
02. Hypocrisy: Sadly, hypocrisy exists among believers. Some people wear the label of Christianity without truly living it. Jesus Himself confronted religious leaders who exhibited hypocrisy.
03. Personal Struggles: We all battle our own weaknesses and temptations. It's possible that Mystere struggles with personal issues that hinder his ability to love others as Christ does.
04. Deception: There are wolves in sheep's clothing -- people who intentionally deceive others by pretending to be Christians while harboring hatred or ulterior motives.
05. Spiritual Blindness: Mystere may be spiritually blind, unable to see the contradiction between his actions and Christ's love. Regardless, it's essential to pray for Mystere and extend grace. As believers, we're called to love even those who oppose us. Perhaps through prayer and genuine conversations, Mystere's heart can soften, and he'll experience the transformative power of Christ's love.

Dervish Sanders: What do you think about people who profess to be Christian, but are intolerant of people who are not like them? For example, a person who hates gay people and says gay people are going to burn in Hell?
Copilot: Christianity encompasses a wide range of views on sexual orientation and homosexuality. While some Christians hold the belief that certain Bible passages label homosexuality as immoral or sinful, it's essential to recognize that this perspective emerged over time and has become entrenched in many denominations. However, it’s crucial to approach this topic with nuance and understanding.
Not all Christians are intolerant, and there are progressive leaders within the faith who advocate for inclusion and acceptance. For instance, Pope Francis has expressed compassion for LGBTI individuals, emphasizing that they are children of God and should not be condemned.
Scripture interpretation varies, and some church leaders may use cultural and theological lenses to exclude homosexuals. However, Jesus himself demonstrated a gospel of inclusion. In Mark's Gospel, he challenged temple leaders who used their interpretation of Scripture to exclude others. Jesus emphasized love of God and neighbor, rather than exclusion.
Ultimately, Christians should strive for empathy, understanding, and meaningful relationships, rather than treating anyone as an "evangelistic project" By embracing compassion and dialogue, we can foster a more inclusive and loving community.
Dervish Sanders: Do you think trans people and gays are trying to convert children to be perverts like them?
Copilot: As an AI language model, I don’t hold personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide information based on research and understanding.
It's essential to recognize that sexual orientation and gender identity are not choices. Being gay or transgender is not something that someone can "convert" into or out of. These aspects of a person's identity are deeply ingrained and often understood to be influenced by a combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors.
LGBTQ+ individuals do not seek to "convert" anyone, especially children. Instead, they advocate for acceptance, understanding, and equal rights. Like anyone else, they want to live authentically and be treated with respect.
Promoting understanding and empathy is crucial. Open conversations and education can help dispel misconceptions and foster a more inclusive society. If you have any other questions or need further information, feel free to ask!

Dervish Sanders: You said "it's essential to recognize that sexual orientation and gender identity are not choices". So, what about someone who identifies as a dog? Would you say that isn't a choice?
Copilot: Certainly! Identifying as a dog or any other non-human entity is a complex and multifaceted topic. Let's explore it further:
Human Pups and Pet Play.
Some individuals engage in a form of role-play known as "pet play", where they take on the persona of an animal, often dogs or puppies. These individuals may refer to themselves as "human pups" or "dogs" and adopt behaviors associated with their chosen animal, such as barking, crawling on all fours, and even wearing collars or other accessories.
Pet play is typically a consensual and non-sexual activity, allowing participants to explore their identity, express themselves, and experience a sense of freedom or playfulness.
For example, "Meow" is a female human adult who identifies as a female Dalmatian. Meow shares insights into her daily life, including sleeping in a crate, enjoying treats, and having "handlers" who assist her. She even livestreams her canine lifestyle on platforms like Twitch. While Meow's experience is unique, it highlights the diversity of human identity and the ways people express themselves.
Is It a Choice?
Whether identifying as a dog (or any other non-human entity) is a "choice" depends on how we define choice. For some, it's an intrinsic part of their identity, akin to sexual orientation or gender identity. They may feel a deep connection to their chosen persona. Others may engage in pet play as a form of escapism, playfulness, or self-expression without necessarily considering it an integral part of their identity. It's essential to recognize that these experiences are subjective and can vary significantly from person to person.
Acceptance and Understanding.
As with any aspect of human diversity, empathy and understanding are crucial. While some may find it challenging to relate to identifying as a dog, it's essential to approach these discussions with an open mind and respect for individual experiences. Ultimately, the question of whether it's a "choice" may not have a straightforward answer, as it intersects with personal feelings, cultural context, and societal norms. Remember that our understanding of identity continues to evolve, and compassion allows us to learn from one another.
Dervish Sanders: Rita Panahi of Sky News Australia says people identifying as dogs is an example of how "lefties" are "losing it". She makes fun of such people. She believes that such behavior is abnormal and that someone who identifies as a dog is mentally ill and this behavior should not be accepted. What do you think?
Copilot: Rita Panahi's viewpoint reflects a conservative stance, and it's essential to recognize that opinions on identity and acceptance can vary widely. Discussions about identity require nuance and an open mind. While Rita Panahi's viewpoint represents one perspective, it's essential to engage in respectful conversations that promote understanding and empathy.
Dervish Sanders: I agree. The Conservative view is to reject both understanding and empathy. Conservatives hate what they don't understand and have zero empathy for people unlike themselves. Do you concur?
Copilot: Conservatism encompasses a wide range of beliefs, from fiscal conservatism to social conservatism. Some conservatives may indeed resist change and prefer traditional values. They may be cautious about rapid societal shifts. However, it's essential to avoid painting all conservatives with the same brush. Many conservatives are empathetic, compassionate, and open-minded.
Dervish Sanders: I disagree that "many conservatives are empathetic, compassionate, and open-minded". At least not Donald Trump supporters. Donald Trump ran (and is running) for president on a platform of hate and White Supremacy. Certainly you have to agree that is self evident.
Copilot: Looks like I can't respond to this topic. Sorry, this conversation has reached its limit. Let's start a new chat.
Dervish Sanders: (not conversing with Copilot any longer) Yeah, I think the Bing AI Copilot is right about Mystere. He is definitely a counterfeit Christian, as the Copilot detected.
Trump calls, Christians "idiots," "fools," & "schmucks" over 6 pages in his book Think Big.
— David Cay Johnston (@DavidCayJ) November 16, 2023
In public statements, he repeatedly rejected the message of Jesus, saying his life philosophy is one word: "revenge."
Anyone who supports him is, by definition, anti-Christian. pic.twitter.com/6jcvP69Hne
Post authored by Dervish Sanders. EEH028.
Fake Christian
Friday, May 17, 2024
ed T end0 Hid His Blog, Homme Mystere Lingerie For Men?
According to a recent comment by ed T end0, he hid his blog that used to be called Donkey's Liberal Heel Kick and was located at the URL dervishsandersisastinkyliberaltroll.blogspot.com.
Rattrapper (Mystere sockpuppet). May 16, 2024 at 8:32 PM.
Are you enjoying making a BIGLY ASS of yourself, Dervish? Have at it. Funny thing is you have no idea of what the name of the original blog turned into. Google didn't take the blog down. We changed the name and blog address, then revamped it a bit. It's funny because you won't be able to find it. You'll have to hack my account to get in and find it. :P
Really, edward? I won't be able to find it unless I hack your account? Well what about this? This is a blog called "Homme Mystere Lingerie For Men". You said you changed the name and revamped it. Is this the blog you changed the name and address of? Looks like a strong possibility to me. Given that you call yourself Mystere on Blogger. And myfoxmystere on WordPress.
Why did you hide your blog, edward? Embarassed about the "revamped" content? Maybe (due to embarassment) you'll refute that "Homme Mystere" is your blog? Go ahead. I'll allow you to comment here. btw, if you don't dispute that "Homme Mystere" your blog, I'm going to assume that it is.
Post authored by the hilarous jokester Dervish Sanders. EEH027.
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
ed T end0 Is A Bigly Anti Chinese Bigot?

ed T end0 sez, "Where art thou, oh Assface Dervi$h bin §atan-§ander$666? Your idol is in the pants and hands of that Chinese warlord. You are so proud of that warmongering White China man".
The "white China man" that end0 is referring to is Joe Biden. But Joe Biden is 0% Chinese. Regarding the 46th President's ethnicity, "Biden's family is mostly descended from the British Isles, with most of their ancestors coming from Ireland and England, and a smaller number descending from the French".
Regarding ed end0's ethnicity, he says "I'm of 100% Japanese blood". G00gle says that end0 "is the 38th most common Japanese surname".
end0, in a comment from the blog of "The Mad Jewess" says his people "turned a blind eye and deaf ear to the Gospel". end0 is a rightturd Christian who thinks that "prophets" (speaking for God) say dotard donald tRump will return to the White House next year.
There will be "judgments" upon Japan because "Satan got a stranglehold on my people". That's unfortunate, end0. Yet, even though Satan is in control in Japan, it seems that end0 shares his people's hate for China.
"Anti-Chinese sentiment has been present in Japan Anti-Chinese sentiment has been present in Japan since ancient times".
So, Joe Biden is a "White Chinese man" who is in the "pants and hands" of Xi Jinping? What the heck is end0 babbling about? Does he think that Xi and Joe are gay lovers? Well, he also thinks that Jill Biden is having a sexual affair with Merrick Garland. He brings up "Jill Biden's dirty deeds done in bed with Merrick Garland" in a 8/9/2022 comment.

You think Biden loves Xi more than donald tRump, edward? It wasn't that long ago that the Orange Turd gushed, "I like President Xi a lot, he was a very good friend of mine during my term".
Xi Jinping is rooting for tRump to return to the White House in 2025. While tRump was predisent China spent $5.6 million at Trump Tower in New York and Trump International Hotels in Washington DC and Las Vegas (CNN 1/4/2024).
Below are some fake comments in which end0 pretends that Les Carpter and myself are conversing. Apparently Edw@rd believes that Chinese people are smuggling marijuana into the United State inside their bodies.
Les Carpenter (Mystere fake). January 27, 2024 at 11:42 AM.
There's nothing to see here. It's time we take a break and kick back with some high quality weed. I enjoy the high quality marijuana coming across the border. Some of the mules carry it up their anal cavities, giving the marijuana a flavoring of home made tacos and burritos. The ones brought in by Chinese migrants smell and taste like chop suey or sweet and sour pork.
Dervish Sanders (end0 fake). January 27, 2024 at 12:02 PM.
Chinamen import the best tasting monkey bean coffee into the United States too, Les. It's superly bigly tasty when the beans pass out of their anal cavities and dry out before being roasted and ground. The chow mein and chop suey flavors make the monkey beans a superb coffee to sip and savor.
According to end0, weed that has been up a Chinese person's butt takes on the flavor of "chop suey or sweet and sour pork". Obviously this is false. And stupid. But it also sounds racist. Does all this mean that ed end0 is an anti-Chinese bigot? I say yes. Given other facts I say it's pretty obvious.
What are these other facts you say? It seems he believes that Democrats are CCP allies and spies. And Chinese soldiers are sneaking across the border with Mexico. I'll give some more details in my next post. It's really nutty stuff. But end0 is clearly very paranoid. And very insane.
myfoxmystere. August 8, 2023 at 3:17 PM.
I'm of 100% Japanese blood (my late parents were born in the US and went back to Japan as kids when my paternal grandparents and my maternal grandmother went back 90 – 100 years ago. My maternal grandfather returned to Japan after WW2 when he left the Tule Lake prison camp. My older maternal uncle and my maternal aunt (my mother's big brother & big sister) returned to Japan with my grandfather in 1946.) My people have had numerous chances to listen to Yeshua, but as a nation, they turned a blind eye and deaf ear to the Gospel. They brought it upon themselves centuries before in the late 1500s to early 1600s when the warlords persecuted Japanese Christians and spread lies. The same warlords who drove the crazed Chinese Warlords out of Japan by defeating them in fierce battles turned their back on God Almighty, letting Satan get a stranglehold on my people. My autistic prophet friend who is also pure Japanese blood saw judgements on Japan, including the 2011 Quake, Tsunami and nuclear Fukushima disaster that was meant to warn my people of further judgement coming their way. It's not going to go well for Japan. The commie CCP assassin who assassinated PM Shinzo Abé helped bring on more judgement, as Abé was secretly a believer in Yeshua. In Japanese politics, the believers must be careful in revealing their faith, like Esther had to be in the Old Testament Times. Abé was about to expose some corruption, but got assassinated before he could. link
The Fukushima disaster was a warning from God? Doesn't sound insane to you? It definitely sounds like crazy nuttery to me. Was Shinzo Abe secretly a Christian? The person who assassinated him said he did so because Abe had ties to the Unification Church.
"The Unification Church is a new religious movement, derived from Christianity, whose members are called Unificationists or sometimes informally Moonies. [The Church's founder] Sun Myung Moon ... considered himself the Second Coming of Christ".
The assassin who killed Abe, Tetsuya Yamagami, "said he didn't have a grudge against Abe's political beliefs". So, NO, Yamagami wasn't a CCP assassin. Was Abe a Christian? I don't think so. Not if he was a member of the Unification Church. The Moonies are a false church founded by a crazy person with a Messiah complex. People who follow false teachers are not true Christians (see Romans 16:17–18).
Post authored by the Anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. EEH026.
Anti Chinese,
Joe Biden,
Shinzo Abe,
Xi Jinping
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
ed T end0 Says I Attacked Many People On My Blogs

From the Minus FJ trumpturd Blog Political Tea Leaves. end0 gloats after taking down several of my blogs.
Rattrapper (end0 sockpuppet). April 2, 2024 at 7:35 PM.
What happened to your blogs, Dervish? I happen to click onto a link to 1 of them and noticed it got removed too. Did someone complain about a copyright to the music on 1 of your clownish posts, that one you said you didn't post in 2017? :P
Joe Conservative (Minus FJ sockpuppet). April 3, 2024 at 8:51 AM.
Sounds like you're claiming responsibility, RT. I hate people that cancel or get other people cancelled. It's like the f*ckers who censor social media. They're ALL Karens & Dickwads.
Rattrapper (end0 sockpuppet). April 3, 2024 at 9:27 AM.
I'm not claiming responsibility for the takedowns, Joe. Dervish attacked many people on his blogs, including you, FJ, Always On Watch, Lisa, Luke, Tom, Mystere, Donkey, Porky, Willis Hart and a few others. He had it coming. His bio mentioned Assassinating Donald Trump as 1 of his interests. I think he's licking his wounds for now. He tried to wipe out the Donkeys Revenge blog several times including this week, but failed.
> mystere's moonbat slayer club. April 3, 2024 at 11:25 PM.
Hi there Dervish! My condolences over the losses of your blogs. How long did you think you would get away with violating the Blogger T0S? About the WordPress blogs: someone hacked my account and used it to fake your ID. There were some data breaches reported on the web, and my accounts were included in the breach. And Cleveland Foxers is a blog I manage but not own. I just happen to be the only one active at the moment. ...
You should be very careful about false prophecy accusations, Dervish. When you poke God in the eyes and essentially call God a liar to His face, I wouldn't want to see the wrath of God when He deals with you in person. The prophecies of the Biden in a casket and Kamala Harris running around frantically only to find out she got betrayed is not my fantasy. My duty is to report what I hear. If you are upset over it, go to God and plead your grievance to Him yourself. I post what I hear on WordPress since I post Elijah Streams and In the Litterbox With Jewels and Catturd links for true patriots to find and read. I post The Eleventh Hour to give readers updates and a way to watch, especially if their YouTube account is banned and they're blocked from watching YouTube videos. You should be very careful about who you mock. God will not let you get away with it.
Post authored by Progressive blogger Dervish Sanders. EEH025.
Blog Attack
Monday, May 13, 2024
ed T end0 Confessed To Attacking My Blogs In 2019

ed T end0 is a blog attacker by his own admission. Now he denies having anything to do with 6 of my blogs being locked by g00gle for fake T0S violations (see sidebar). One (so far) was re-evaluated and reinstated. But (as of the publication of this post) 5 blogs remain locked. Below is a screengrab (from his own blog) of one of his many denials.
Sure, edward. I believe you. Not. Given the fact that you confessed that you were attacking my blogs with false T0S violation reports to g00gle. As seen in the screen grab below.
end0 says he's going to go after Whoz Yo Mama. Concidently that is the blog that was locked first (but is now reinstated). He might say that he wrote he MIGHT go after my blog. But then he decided not to. And did no reporting to g00gle at all. Some other blog enemy went after the same blog that end0 threatened and got it taken down. Sure, that's believable.
I knew it was him right away. I didn't remember this comment, but I knew he was angry with me because he lost several WordPress blogs for (real, not imaginary) T0S infractions that caused him to get spanked for being naughty (he faked comments from me).
I think the comment above is some pretty sold evidence it was him, though. Below is a screengrab of Rusty Shackleford's Blogger profile. He has two blogs, though there isn't much content on either. The comment in question was posted to "Mr. Mackey Speaks". There is only one post on that blog.
end0's comment is undated because that is how Rusty set things up. Knowing this, I added the date to my comment. 5/7/2019 is when I saw ed's comment. I'm not sure how long before that he made it. It could have been awhile.
Post authored by Dervish Sanders. EEH024.
Blog Attack,
TOS Violations
Saturday, May 11, 2024
ed T end0's Dad Met His Mom At A Donkey Show?

This is an image from a post titled "Met Your Mama At A Donkey Show". Posted 5/9/2024 to one of Edw@rd End0's blogs.
"A Donkey Show is a type of live sex show in which a woman engages in Interspecies Erotica with a donkey..."
The title of the post is a reference to something Edw@rd's dad told him. She was there as the main attraction. Well, her and the donkey that she performed sex acts on. Edw@rd's pappy was very taken with how she fellated the donkey's member. Or that is what I'm guessing. He doesn't go into any details.
He does post a link to some Youtube video. Apparently this is a song. So end0 would likely claim that the post title is a reference to the song, and not about how his parents met. Though his post does not say that. He only posts the pic at the top of this post (and another one) plus the link to the video.
So he leaves it to his readers to fill in the blanks. I left a comment which he apparently did not like, as he deleted it. I guessed that he is into donkey shows. Though ones in which a man performs sex acts on a jack, not a jenny. Another guess. But who is to say my guesses are not accurate? end0 didn't.
end0 could have deleted my comments in anger. What upset him? The fact that I accurately surmised the true reason he posted about donkey shows. Some video existing on YouTube being just a coincidence. A song about what some guy's dad told him about how he met his son's mother. And that matched exactly the circumstances of ed's parent's meeting.
Unless he comes here and leaves a comment disputing this. Though he had the chance to do that on his blog and passed. Because he was so enraged and embarassed that I somehow knew the truth. Yeah, so if he was to issue a denial here I would not believe it. In fact I'd take it as a confirmation and admission that his parents DID meet at a donkey show. One in which his mother was the performer.
Or maybe it was his dad. It was a gay bar in which ed's mother worked serving drinks. And his dad got on stage and performed a live sex show with a ass. He orally pleasured the animal's organ. Then the donkey inserted it's jack into the end0 of ed's dad. I think that sounds more likely.
Post authored by the Anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. EEH023.
Friday, May 10, 2024
Jew Hater ed T end0's Fake Adolf Hitler Bl0gger Account
Below are some comments from the trumper blog Who's Your Daddy in which ed end0 lobs accusations at Liberal bloggers of being Hit!er fans, fakes comments from Liberal bloggers and has them praising Hit!er, or uses his own fake Hit!er account to praise Hit!er himself.
Rattrapper (end0 sockpuppet). December 15, 2023 at 7:53 AM. WYD.
That's rich, Derpish SandersKKK666! You're the Klan Grand Kleagle of Paris Tennessee. And your hatred of Bibi Netanyahu and false accusations of Netanyahu being a pro Hamas terrorist race traitor keeps adding ammunition to Satan's war chest. Satan is cheering for you, Dervish. There's a special place in Hell for your kind, the Jew haters. When you hang off a meat hook next to Adolf Hitler, Satan will be laughing at you until the moment comes for Fire Lake to consume everyone in Hell. Consider this a warning about what awaits you when you take your dirt nap soon.
Dave Dubya (end0 fake comment). November 6, 2023 at 10:09 PM. WYD
All Hail The Mighty Great Adolf Hitler! HEIL HITLER! HEIL HITLER!
The Most Honorable World Leader Of All Time Adolf Schittler, A Leader With Superior Intellect And Leadership Qualities (aka ed end0). September 8, 2022 at 6:41 PM. WYM.
Das ist der Geist, mein Genosse Derwisch! Sag es ihm! WEIßE MACHT! WEIßE MACHT!
[English: This is the spirit, my comrade dervish! Tell him! WHITE POWER! WHITE POWER!]
Dervish Sanders (end0 fake comment). September 5, 2022 at 11:13 PM. WYM.
Ich habe nur geackert und mein Tanga-Höschen verschmutzt!
[English: I was just toiling and dirtying my thong panties!]
The Most Honorable World Leader Of All Time Adolf Schittler, A Leader With Superior Intellect And Leadership Qualities (aka ed end0). September 5, 2022 at 2:53 PM.
Da bist du, mein Genosse Derwisch! Hast du dich wieder in deinem Keller versteckt?
[English: There you are, my comrade Dervish! Did you hide in your basement again?]
Looks to me like it's end0 who is the bigly Hitler fan. Just like his Orange Turd cult leader, d0n0ld tRump.
Trump told chief of staff Hitler "did a lot of good things", book says. Article from The Guardian by Martin Pengelly,
On a visit to Europe to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of the first world war, Donald Trump insisted to his then chief of staff, John Kelly, "Well, Hitler did a lot of good things". The remark from the former US president on the 2018 trip, which reportedly "stunned" Kelly, a retired US Marine Corps general, is reported in a new book by Michael Bender of the Wall Street Journal. |
For the record I never said NuttenYahoo is a "pro Hamas terrorist race traitor". He is obviously very anti-Hamas. Given that he has ordered them to be exterminated. And I don't oppose that. Terrorist scum should be exterminated. What I object to is the killing of innocent people (including thousands of children) in Gaza.
end0 believes that anyone who does not support NuttenYahoo's war on the people of Gaza and the resulting carnage of innocents is "antisemitic". Well, not only does end0 believe this, but all rightturds. If you don't support killing tens of thousands by bombing the sh!t out of Gaza, then you're a Nazi.
For the record, NuttenYahoo DID support Hamas. That isn't a "false accusation", it is a evidence-supported fact.
For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it's blown up in our face. The Times of Israel article by Tal Scheider, 10/8/2023 (excerpts).
For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank -- bringing Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to his knees while making moves that propped up the Hamas terror group. The idea was to prevent Abbas -- or anyone else in the Palestinian Authority's West Bank government -- from advancing toward the establishment of a Palestinian state. Meanwhile, Israel has allowed suitcases holding millions in Qatari cash to enter Gaza through its crossings since 2018, in order to maintain its fragile ceasefire with the Hamas rulers of the Strip. |
NuttenYahoo allowed money in that funded Hamas. It was a strategy to weaken the Palestinian Authority. Because rightturds in Israel don't want a 2 state solution. It doesn't mean NuttenYahoo liked Hamas. I definitely believe it makes NuttenYahoo an enemy of Israel, though. Similar to how donald tRump is an enemy of the United States for colluding with our enemy Russia.
Polls reveal that Only 15% of Israelis want NuttenYahoo to keep job. Does Edw@rd think that means 85% of Israeli Jews are antisemites?
According to the latest polls, d0n0ld has an approval rating of 42% which is way higher than the corupt turd NuttenYahoo's rating. Why is this? It makes zero sense, given what a fantastic job Joe Biden has done presidenting. The approval rating of Herr tRump should be 15-22 percent, max.
fyi, end0, as per Pew, "Jews are among the most consistently liberal and Democratic groups in the US population. Seven-in-ten Jewish adults identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party...". end0 likely thinks American Jews are also anti-semites. For not supporting the Hit!er-admiring dotard donald.
YOU, ed T end0, are the Jew hater. American Jews and Israeli Jews are overwhelmingly Liberal. Or not NuttenYahoo or tRump supporting rightturds, at least. Think ed believes these Jews are free to have whatever political opinons they want? Given that he has written that NuttenYahoo is "God's chosen leader" for Israel and that donald tRump is "God's chosen leader" for America?
If there's a section in Hell for Jew Haters like the a$swipe ed end0, then it's he who is definitely going to that special place. And it might be that Satan laughs at Edw@rd when he hangs him up on a meathook next to Adolf Hitler.
Rattrapper (endo sockpuppet). Tuesday, December 26, 2023.
...the truth has now landed you two into serious trouble, Dervish Sanders and Davey Dubya. ... Attacking God's chosen leaders [NettenYahoo & tRump] has landed you two into the point of no return.
Published: Friday, May 10, 2024 at 7:23 AM.
Post authored by the Anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. EEH022.
Thursday, May 9, 2024
Weird Pervert ed T end0 Calls Human Genitals "Tenderloinz"
From the WYM Archives: This post was originally published as "Sick Pervert Mystere Uses Tenderloinz As A Euphemism For Genitals Many Times, Then Lies About Doing So" on 8/30/2017 at 9:29 AM. wym006.
Note: the proprietor of the blog (that the comments below are from) deleted her post. So all my links display a message that says "Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist". She often does this. Don't ask me why. But these comments were cut and pasted into the MY post before HER post was trashed/removed.
Frequent commenter on the trumpanzee blog Who's Your Daddy, Mystere (aka ed T end0) typed in "tenderloinz" many times as a euphemism for male genitals, then lied about it when I called out the sick pervert.
Two examples as follows...
The key word here is "loins" (although Mystere spells it "loinz"), which Dictionary.com defines as "the part or parts of the human body or of a quadruped animal on either side of the spinal column, between the false ribs and hipbone".
Clearly, when Mystere refers to tenderloinz, he's talking about either the anus (example comment #1) or the genitals (example comment #2).
Yet he lied when I called him on his use of "tenderloinz" re the following exchange.
Next the low IQ trumper (after lying about his use of tenderloinz) called me a "mental midget" and claimed I was having a "meltdown" in response to his lie. Despite the fact that everyone can see his prior use of "tenderloinz" to refer to human genitals and the anus.
"Quackobyrd" is what Mystere calls the blogger Ducky's Here. The "turd sandwich" (I'm guessing), is both Ducky and myself referring to White Nationalists loving tRump's "many sides" comment (and our "binkie" is our alleged playing of the race card).>
Mystere thinks he debunked the accusation. According to Mystere, Trump "kept blasting the racist groups, calling them out, making them run for protection".
A claim that is laughable, given the fact that White Nationalist Richard Spencer tweeted "Trump has never denounced the Alt-Right. Nor will he". The headline, "Really Proud of Him: Alt-Right Leaders Praise Trump's Comments" (8/15/2017 Atlantic article), proves Myst3re's claim that tRump's comments caused the Alt-Right to "run for protection" is utter rubbish and that Edw@rd is a MASSIVELY deluded trumpanzee.
DJT lies, and end0 believes him (and fabricates LOL-able narratives to cover for Fart). Mystere is gobbling up predisent Fart's sloppy turd sandwiches (in his parlance). That tRump's Charlottesville comments caused the Alt-Right to "run for protection" is total bullplop.
Mystere refers to "Ambulance Chaser Gloria Allred's tenderloinz" in a 5/4/2017 comment, so "tenderloinz" can also be a reference to female genitals. What we can be ABOSOLUTELY postive about is that the idiot is NOT talking about a "soft cut of meat from an animal carcass". What a stupid and obvious lie.
Post authored by Dervish Sanders. EEH021.

Note: the proprietor of the blog (that the comments below are from) deleted her post. So all my links display a message that says "Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist". She often does this. Don't ask me why. But these comments were cut and pasted into the MY post before HER post was trashed/removed.
Frequent commenter on the trumpanzee blog Who's Your Daddy, Mystere (aka ed T end0) typed in "tenderloinz" many times as a euphemism for male genitals, then lied about it when I called out the sick pervert.
Two examples as follows...
Mystere: Poor Dervish and Quackobyrd! They lost their binkies, so now they yank their turd sandwiches out of their tenderloinz! I hear their chomping noises as they guzzle up their turd sandwiches in a hurry. 8/21/2017 at 8:13am.
Mystere: Anonymous feels a Chrissie Matthews tingle up his tenderloinz. 8/21/2017 at 8:17am. |
The key word here is "loins" (although Mystere spells it "loinz"), which Dictionary.com defines as "the part or parts of the human body or of a quadruped animal on either side of the spinal column, between the false ribs and hipbone".
Clearly, when Mystere refers to tenderloinz, he's talking about either the anus (example comment #1) or the genitals (example comment #2).
Yet he lied when I called him on his use of "tenderloinz" re the following exchange.
Mystere: Wow! Dervish is fixated on President Trump's genitals! What a sick pervert! 8/23/2017 at 4:32pm.
Dervish Sanders: Pointing out that Trump might have syphilis (as per Dr. Steven Beutler) isn't a "fixation". You are the one who always jumps on what you perceive as a "fixation" on genitals by commenters you dislike. Add to that YOUR fixation on "tenderloinz"... The obvious conclusion is that it is Mystere who is the sick pervert. 8/23/2017 at 5:48pm. Mystere: Tenderloins are a soft cut of meat from an animal carcass. They are from the least worked part of an animal before it goes to the slaughterhouse. Poor braindead Dervish seems to think it's the male genitals of the body. Dervish is a mental midget. 8/25/2017 at 11:52am. |
Next the low IQ trumper (after lying about his use of tenderloinz) called me a "mental midget" and claimed I was having a "meltdown" in response to his lie. Despite the fact that everyone can see his prior use of "tenderloinz" to refer to human genitals and the anus.
"Quackobyrd" is what Mystere calls the blogger Ducky's Here. The "turd sandwich" (I'm guessing), is both Ducky and myself referring to White Nationalists loving tRump's "many sides" comment (and our "binkie" is our alleged playing of the race card).>
Mystere thinks he debunked the accusation. According to Mystere, Trump "kept blasting the racist groups, calling them out, making them run for protection".
A claim that is laughable, given the fact that White Nationalist Richard Spencer tweeted "Trump has never denounced the Alt-Right. Nor will he". The headline, "Really Proud of Him: Alt-Right Leaders Praise Trump's Comments" (8/15/2017 Atlantic article), proves Myst3re's claim that tRump's comments caused the Alt-Right to "run for protection" is utter rubbish and that Edw@rd is a MASSIVELY deluded trumpanzee.
DJT lies, and end0 believes him (and fabricates LOL-able narratives to cover for Fart). Mystere is gobbling up predisent Fart's sloppy turd sandwiches (in his parlance). That tRump's Charlottesville comments caused the Alt-Right to "run for protection" is total bullplop.
Mystere refers to "Ambulance Chaser Gloria Allred's tenderloinz" in a 5/4/2017 comment, so "tenderloinz" can also be a reference to female genitals. What we can be ABOSOLUTELY postive about is that the idiot is NOT talking about a "soft cut of meat from an animal carcass". What a stupid and obvious lie.
Post authored by Dervish Sanders. EEH021.
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
ed T end0's Windtalkers Navajo Code Talkers FanFic

I call BS. Rattrapper is telling this story about something that happened to him and Mystere -- but Rattrapper and Mystere are both Blogger accounts created by Edw@rd End0. These aren't two different people.
I know there were acutal Navajo Code Talkers. The Nick Cage movie was a fictionalized account of real historical events. But I absolutely do NOT believe that Edw@rd was told anything by the son of a Navajo code talker. Or "Rattraper". He wasn't told anything either.
"He saw fit to tell me and Mystere about this". No, he didn't. If this person exists, it isn't someone Edw@rd knows. Maybe it's someone he read about. Or someone he made up after watching Windtalkers.
"What I see going on with J6 is similar to how the Japanese got treated during WW2". No. It isn't. At all. None of the criminals who participated in the insurrection have been sent to internment camps. Or deported. Or killed. None ever will be. Many served prison sentences and have been released.
In a post on his Donkeyturds blog (see below), Edw@rd claims Ronald Reagan said "the D'Allesandro family is a well oiled corrupt Democrat Crime Clan". This didn't happen. As per FactCheck.org, Ronald Reagan never said that Nancy Pelosi "comes from the Baltimore democrat corruption machine the D'Alesandro family". PolitiFact rates the quote as "Pants on Fire".
As per a Reuters fact check, "Melissa Giller, chief marketing officer at The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute, told Reuters ... "Not only did President Reagan never say this, but I searched all of his presidential speeches from all 8 years, and he never mentions Nancy Pelosi even once".
Near the end of his commentary, Edw@rd claims that "the son of the Navajo code talker who told me and Mystere about what the WEF was plotting for the future told us about the plot to kill off a huge number of Russians". No, that didn't happen. Unless "me and Mystere" (aka Edw@rd End0) was talking to a person who was completely insane.
Apparently (in Edw@rd's tinfoil hat delusions) the WEF planned (half a century ago) that Vlad Putin would invade Ukraine. Then the WEF would have the proxy war they wanted. After successfully manipulating Putin into doing what they wanted, they would instruct the United States to send military assistance to Ukraine so they could kill the large number of Russians the evil geniuses at the WEF wanted dead.
That all sounds very plausible? Sure, probably if you are a crazy nutter. As Edw@rd clearly is. In Edw@rd's tiny pea brain there is no doubt that Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates got together and hatched some diabolically evil plans.
This being but one of several of their evil plans. Another was the release of covid to cause a global pandemic (for population control). Another evil plan involves forcing everyone to eat bugs.
Rattrapper (Myst3re sockpuppet). March 22, 2024 at 5:56 PM.
Q, did you know that what Pigloser did was from an old FDR WW2 blueprint FDR & General John DeWitt created in the late 30s in a plot to deport all Japanese from North, Central and South America? Pigloser's pappy Thomas D'Allesandro Sr was privy to FDR's plot and passed down the information to Nanshee later on. Nanshee's pappy hated the Japanese as much as DeWitt and FDR did. A son of a Navajo code talker told me and my friend Mystere back in 1982 about the plot FDR had hatched with General John DeWitt in 1938 to deport the Japanese from all the Americas. This Navajo man had a Japanese wife he married in the 1950s. The code talker's son served in the Korean War in Okinawa. He met his wife in Japan, and she came to the US as his bride. He saw fit to tell me and Mystere about this. What I see going on with J6 is similar to how the Japanese got treated during WW2.
Rattrapper (Myst3re sockpuppet). Sunday, April 28, 2024
J6 Parallels The Dirty FDR-General DeWitt 1939 Plot To Deport All Japanese From North, Central and South America.
Back in the late 1930s, FDR was looking to deport all Japanese people from North, Central and South America. In 1938, FDR and Army General John DeWitt concocted a plan to deport all those of Japanese blood from North America, Hawaii, Central America and South America by rounding them up into prison camps, charging them as spies for Japan.
As President Ronald Wilson Reagan Sr. said, the D'Allesandro family is a well oiled corrupt Democrat Crime Clan. Pelosi's pappy had very close ties with FDR and General John DeWitt when they plotted to try deporting the Japanese from all the Americas. Mystere and I learned about this secret plot from a Navajo man in 1982, a son of a Navajo code talker who served in the Army during WW2. This Navajo man served in the Army during the Korean War when he became of Military age, and met his bride while in Japan. He had a daughter our age attending the college Mystere and I were attending at the time. He told us things about the cabal running the World Economic Forum that we are now seeing happening in front of our eyes.
Pelosi used the 1930s blueprints FDR & General John DeWitt used in February 1942 to round up January 6 protestors and others seen at DC near the Capitol to imprison them and possibly execute a number of them over bogus charges including treason. This plot of injustice is about to backfire badly and boomerang back at Pelosi's cronies.
Pelosi conveniently forgets that the original plot to deport the Japanese backfired against FDR and General DeWitt. When FDR & DeWitt tried to bully countries in North, Central and South America to deport the Japanese living in their countries to the United States prison camps during WW2, most of them refused to deport them. Panama deported the Japanese to the prison camps in the USA, with many of them ending up in Piston Arizona, Rohwer Arkansas, Topaz Utah, Manzanar California and Tule Lake California. The plot failed because God Almighty told prophets ahead of time about the dirty deeds being hatched by FDR and DeWitt. FDR also helped Hitler slaughter Jews by not allowing many of them to emigrate to the USA when Hitler started engaging his reign of terror against all Jews in Europe. At that time, God spoke to prophets in Holland, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Poland to engage them in rescue missions. God also made Lithuania a safe haven for Jews escaping from Hitler's reign of death by promoting believers to help them escape with visas issues to them.
Pelosi's dirty deals with the RINOs have gotten exposed to prophets, and many have closed up spiritual portals to prevent evil from happening. Over 40+ years ago, the son of the Navajo code talker who told me and Mystere about what the WEF was plotting for the future told us about the plot to kill off a huge number of Russians through multiple ways such as wars started by Ukrainian and others in the Communist Countries allied with Russia. China is one of the nations involved in this.
Post authored by Dervish Sanders. EEH020.
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