end0 blog links: image1 image2 20241024.
end0's caption for the first image is "The brainwashing starts at a very early age". By which he means parents are to blame. They "brainwash" their childern into thinking they are the wrong gender.
Question submitted to the AI Copilot...
Me: According to a blog post about transgender people, "The brainwashing starts at a very early age". This person thinks that parents "brainwash" their childern into thinking they are the wrong sex. I think there are probably studies that disprove this. Can you confirm or refute this? Copilot: There are indeed numerous studies that explore the development of gender identity and refute the notion that transgender identities are a result of "brainwashing" by parents. Research in psychology and gender studies consistently shows that gender identity is a deeply ingrained aspect of a person's self-concept and is not something that can be easily influenced or changed by external factors like parental guidance alone. For example, a study published in the International Journal of Transgenderism discusses the gender identity development among transgender and gender nonconforming emerging adults, highlighting the complex interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors in the formation of gender identity. [1] Additionally, the SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender provides insights into transgender and gender nonconforming identity development, emphasizing that gender identity is a cognitive construct shaped by a combination of self-perceptions and social interactions. [2] These studies and many others support the understanding that gender identity is a deeply personal and intrinsic aspect of who a person is, rather than something imposed or "brainwashed" into them. |
The conclusion? The "brainwashing" does not begin at an early age. Because parents do not brainwash their children into thinking they are the wrong gender.
Video: Oct 3, 2021. The Neuro-biology of trans-sexuality by Prof. Robert Sapolsky.
In Robert Sapolsky's lecture on the neurobiology of transsexuality, he discusses research findings that show differences in the size of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) in transgender individuals. Studies have found that the size of the BNST in transgender people aligns with their identified gender rather than their assigned sex at birth [1]. This research supports the idea that gender identity has a biological basis and is not solely a result of social or environmental factors. Robert Sapolsky is a professor of biology, neurology, and neurosurgery at Stanford University. (via Copilot and Wikipedia).
The "bed nucleus of the stria terminalis" (BNST) is a brain structure located in the basal forebrain that plays a key role in regulating stress responses, anxiety, and social behaviors, often considered part of the "extended amygdala" due to its connections with the amygdala. The BNST is generally found to be larger in males compared to females in many species, including humans. (via Google AI and Copilot).
Note: The second image (at the top of this post) is from the The Drew Barrymore Show. During the 3/13/2023 airing of the show, guest Dylan Mulvaney discussed her experience documenting her transition through a TikTok series called "365 Days of Girlhood" and shared her journey as a trans woman.
btw... Willis Hart also hates trans people, as does Minus FJ.
The Copilot AI says the following about referring to trans women as "mentally ill men" as Willis Hart does...
ReplyDeleteCopilot: Referring to trans women as "mentally ill men" is both inaccurate and harmful. Trans women are individuals who identify and live as women, and it's important to respect their gender identity. The medical and psychological communities recognize that being transgender is not a mental illness; instead, it's understood as a part of the natural diversity of human experience.
The term "gender dysphoria" refers to the distress that some transgender people may experience due to a mismatch between their gender identity and their assigned sex at birth. It's important to treat this condition with understanding and support, rather than stigmatization.
Promoting respect and acceptance for transgender individuals can help create a more inclusive and compassionate society.
Via g00gle...
ReplyDeleteIn 2019 the World Health Organization (WHO) removed transgenderism from the list of mental disorders. The WHO now classifies transgender people's gender identity as gender incongruence, which is a condition related to sexual health. The WHO's change was based on the idea that transgender identities are not mental disorders, and that classifying them as such can cause stigma.