Monday, February 10, 2025

ed T end0 Fake Copyrights

As per ed end0, [Tucker Carlson] " a right wing extremist pro d0tard d0n0ld tRump Putin puppet. ...and a Bigly Putin Butt Boy Pal... Tucker is Putin's Bigly lap mutt... Tucker caves in to all of Putin's desires... ...And I have 2 more things to say... And use your guns to take every one of them down and out".

These six images all say they were "copyrighted" by me. I didn't write this post or create this blog. Dervish Sanders' Death Angel is a fake blog that was created by ed end0. It's ed end0 that created the images. It was also ed end0 that wrote, "use your guns to take every one of them down and out".

The attribution says "Posted by the Never dotard d0n0ld tRump blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders", but this commentary was NOT posted by me. It was posted by the Turd end0. Using the account he created to impersonate me.

btw, Tucker Carlson IS a voice for Putin and a voice for Propaganda. That was something correct that end0 typed in when HE created these images. I don't think he is a voice for Russia, though. I think many Russians disagree with Putin's war of aggression against Ukraine. This poll says 70 percent of Russians agree with Putin, but that is only because they are higly propagandized. Even so, 30 percent disagree.

Post authored by the bigly Joe Biden fan Dervish Sanders. EEH042.


  1. When I say that end0 created the images, what I mean is that he found existing images then added the text that falsely attributes a copyright to me. These are not my images and I did not falsely claim that I have a copyright on any of these images.

  2. Me: The content isn't mine. He found images online and added text that says I have the copyright.

    Copilot: Thanks for clarifying. If someone is falsely claiming that you hold the copyright to images they found online and then created a fake blog pretending to be you, that's a serious case of misrepresentation. Here are some steps you can take...

    1. Report the Impersonation: Contact the platform hosting the fake blog and report the impersonation and false copyright claims. Provide them with evidence that you are being impersonated and that the content is not yours.

    2. Contact the Image Owners: If you can identify the original creators of the images, you can notify them about the misuse of their work and the false copyright claims. They may also take action to protect their rights.

    3. Seek Legal Advice: Consider consulting with a lawyer who specializes in intellectual property and online impersonation. They can provide you with guidance on how to address this situation legally and protect your identity.

    4. Protect Your Online Presence: Maintain an active online presence to establish your genuine identity and make it clear who you are. This can help differentiate your authentic content from any fake material.
