Rattrapper. October 20, 2024 at 11:15 AM.
Says the imbecile who posted an untouched mailbox photo on his now wiped out Google blog, exposing his meemaw's address, doxxing and exposing his relatives' names indirectly. Screenshots are forever, Dylan, assuming you're Cheryl's half breed bastard boy from that one night stand she had with her black pimp daddy?😆😆😆😆😆
"Rattrapper" is an ed end0 bl0gger account. According to end0, Cheryl is either my sister, my sister-in-law (and is married to my brother, Vince) or Cheryl had a one night stand with a Black man and I'm her son.
The thing is, I don't know anyone named Cheryl Sanders or Vince Sanders. I don't have a mother, a sister or a SIL named "Cheryl". Nor do I have a brother or BIL named "Vince". I don't know anyone named Cheryl or Vince at all.
That I'm a "half breed bastard boy" is a racist delusion of ed end0. When I was born my parents were married. They are also both White. So I'm neither a bastard or a "half breed". Not that there is anything with being a "half breed". Except in ed end0's racist delusions.
I wonder why he didn't use the term mulatto? end0 says, "I'm of 100% Japanese blood". Could this be why he considers being a "half breed" to be terrible? Only people of pure blood like him have any worth?
Oddly, end0 also criticizes dogs that aren't purebred as "flea ridden mutts". As per Copilot, "the emphasis on pure blood and criticizing others based on race or heritage reflects a very narrow and outdated worldview". It's also a worldview shared by racists. Being "pure blood" is very important to White Supremacists.
Also racists of other ethnicities, which end0 clearly is. As per GNet, posts on White Supremacist online hangouts Telegram and 4Chan "referenced white supremacists' neutrality, and in some cases, preference for East Asians calling them honorary Aryans. The relationship between Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, the model minority myth, and the perception that East Asian societies guard their monoculture all factor into these viewpoints".
GNET, aka the Global Network on Extremism and Technology, is an academic research initiative at King's College in London. They look into how people are radicalized.
Does end0 consider himself to be an "honory Ayran"? I think he does. This would explain why he supports d0n0ld tRump. Though he probably rejects that term, given that it's linked to Adolf Hitler. But he is undoubtly an Asian person that supports White Supremacy. It seems he believes that he has an IQ of 160. When he clearly is a racist moron.
Mystere. 3/10/2018.
Pictured above are 2 of his mutts: Buttstink and Schweinhund. Dervish has a fixation of which you can see with one of his flea ridden mutts.
Mystere. 6/18/2018.
Hey liberals, bring your flea ridden mutts to MSU for a gold standard flea bath! Joey will give them the pleasure of a lifetime (as you liberals call it) when he's done with them! Ask for the Irl Hudnutt/Dervish Sanders special.
Mystere. 4/1/2021.
My flea ridden mutts give me tingles up my L'eggs (here end0 alleges he is quoting me).
Mystere. 5/13/2021.
Dervish relishes the public gay queening by fantasizing his flea ridden mutt delivers the flatulence.
Mystere. 12/24/2022.
Dervish gets his jollies making his mutts sniff other men's flatulence.
For the record, I never posted an "untouched mailbox photo" and I don't have a "now wiped out Google blog". The blog he refers to was reinstated after he falsely reported to g00gle that the blog contained "hate".
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