Friday, June 7, 2019

Accused Sick Puppy Peddler Arrested On Felony Charges After Years Of FOX 11 Investigations

As revealed in my prior commentary, Mystere was recently arrested for farting. I admit later in that post, however, that it was Sean Sykes of Kansas City Missouri who ripped a loud fart, forcing the police officer to flee the interrogation room. It turns out, however, that the exact same thing happened to Mystere. Coincidentally. Something I didn't know at the time. Clearly I am a surprisingly prescient prognosticator.

Anyway, unlike Sean Sykes, who was picked up for being caught with a backpack full of drugs and a gun, Myst3re was brought in for questioning in regards to puppy porn0graphy he was selling on the street. Homemade DVDs in which the sick freak boinks male dogs in the bu+t. The charges Myst3re faces include animal abuse. That is in addition to the assault charge for flatulence that almost caused a police officer to pass out. After which he may have hit his head and suffered a concussion. So we're talking about something that is really serious.

Apparently Myst3re belongs to a group of puppy ped0philes who call themselves the "Cleveland F*ckers". I read about this on Myst3re's blog of the same name. I think Mystere admits to his sick perversions because he, instead of being embarrassed for being caught participating in animal r@pe, is actually proud.

BTW, when I say I "read" about this on Myst3re's blog, what I mean is that I read the title of a post on his blog. The "post" (such as it is) is completely devoid of content. Except for a link which I didn't follow. Instead I, given the lack of content in the post by Myst3re, decided to make an educated guess as to what Myst3re was trying to tell his readers.

Approximately 11 months ago I found an alarming commentary on Myst3re's "Moonbat Spanker" blog. In this post Myst3re relates a tale in which a "good friend" invited him over to watch some be@stality videos. What happened (I'm guessing) is that Myst3re went from watching videos others made to "starring" in his own videos.

This despite the fact that (as he related in the post on his blog) the police were investigating. I don't know what took them so long. He should have been arrested a long time ago. But just watching beastality videos (while sick and perverted) is shockingly not illegal. Unlike watching or simply possessing child p0rn. If you're into child p0rn the cops will arrest you quick and send you to prison for a long time.

Be@stality videos, not so much. So long as you're only watching. Myst3re crossed the line into animal abuse when he started filming himself. Although I think it was probably another member of the "Cleveland F*ckers" who filmed him. Hopefully Myst3re won't be offered immunity for flipping on his co-conspirators. I imagine the cops (due to the farting incident) aren't inclined to cut Myst3re any slack.

Myst3re's husband Rikishi better hire a good lawyer if he hopes to keep his mate out of prison. Still Myst3re likely won't get much time, given the fact that animal sexual abuse isn't a crime nearly as serious as child s3xual abuse. Maybe it should be. But luckily for Myst3re it isn't.

BTW, I don't know why the story that Myst3re links to on his blog says that Fox 11 investigated for years. My understanding is that the investigation took a little less than a year. But now Myst3re must answer for his crimes. And he continued s3xually abusing dogs (and filming it) all that time (I assume). It really is a travesty that the cops didn't stop him sooner -- in my opinion.

Accused Sick Puppy Peddler Arrested On Felony Charges After Years Of FOX 11 Investigations. Posted: Friday, June 7, 2019 at 5:36 PM. Labels: Dog Hate, Mystere, Farting, WYM.

Post authored by the anti-tRump, anti-Mystere Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. wym121.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Mystere Arrested For Farting. Charged With Assaulting A Police Officer

According to a news story I read recently, "Mystere" (aka ed T. end0 of 53O1 Del0ng Street in CypЯess CA) was recently brought in for questioning. When the police officer asked where he lived, end0 ripped a loud fart. Then he continued passing gas, forcing the officer to flee the interrogation room or risk passing out due to the noxious fumes.

Allowing some time for the smell to dissipate, the officer returned to the room and placed End0 in handcuffs. The charge (I presume) was assaulting a police officer.

Hard to believe, you say? Well check it out yourself. Below I've copied and pasted the story, including a link you can follow for verification.

A man whose excessive flatulence forced a police detective to cut short an interrogation has pleaded guilty to federal gun and drug charges. The Kansas City Star reports that 25-year-old Sean Sykes Jr. entered the plea Monday. The charges stem from a police traffic stop in September in Kansas City, Missouri, in which officers found a backpack with drugs and guns. Sykes was a passenger in the vehicle.

A detective reported that when asked for his address, Sykes "leaned to one side of his chair and released a loud fart before answering". Court documents say Sykes "continued to be flatulent" and the detective was forced to quickly end the interview. Sykes will be sentenced at a later date, after a pre-sentence report is completed. (Man Whose Farts Ended Police Interview Pleads Guilty).

Oops. Looks like it wasn't Myst3re, but someone named "Sykes". Also, the incident occurred in Missouri, not California. My mistake. I did, however, immediately think of Myst3re when I read the title of the article. But, upon clicking the link and reading the article, found it wasn't about Fartso. Although I can imagine that Myst3re may have been arrested for farting at some time in the past. Or perhaps he will be some time in the future.

btw, if your reaction upon reading this post is to call it stupid... I agree. Yet it is far less stupid than the MAJORITY of what Mystere writes on any of his many blogs (a list that continues to shrink). Or doesn't write, as many times he simply publishes a link without any commentary (thinking this qualifies as a post) or puts up the litany of badly photoshopped images that return over and over.

Post authored by the anti-tRump, anti-Mystere Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. wym119.