Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Where Fartso trumper Magaturd Mystere Parks It's Bloated Gas-Filled Rotten Carcass

He goes by Mystere on Blogger and various other social media sites. Because "Mystere" was taken, he uses myfoxmystere on other sites. His real name is edward T. end0.

ed end0 lives at 53O1 Del0ng StЯeet in Cypress CA. Previously I revealed this in a post titled "My Reaction To Being Doxed By Myst3re". This was a post that concerned Myst3re's (failed) attempt to doxx me. As per the pea brain, my "true identity" is Anthony Sanders, a 76 year-old juvenile court judge who works in Waverly TN.

According to me I'm not this person. But I guess Mystere knows better than me. LOL. But it is fine by me if Mystere continues believing his delusions are reality. Being a phony Christian hate-filled trumper magaturd, this is nothing new for him. Mystere's latest delusion concerns me being kicked out of the house were I live by "Babbles". This is a nickname Mystere has decided Barbara Sanders uses.

Now I live in a small trailer home. Despite being a well paid judge, who, if I was kicked out, could buy another home. I don't know why I wouldn't be the owner of my own residence to begin with. As opposed to "Babbles" being the owner. If my meemaw (who is somehow younger than me) tried to kick me out, I'd remind her that she was living in MY home with MY permission. And that if she did not like it SHE could move out. Not me.

Not that any of this matters, given that it is all a fantasy concocted by Mystere's diseased mentally ill brain that has no basis in reality. Except that these fantasies Mystere persists in are getting a little annoying. Which is why I've decided to post additional pictures of Mystere's residence in Cypress CA. Note that this information concerning Myst3re's residence is based on (and verified by) Google research.

Whereas Mystere asked the voices in his head and listened to their responses to determine that "Babbles" got mad at me and kicked me out. And that I had to move into a small trailer home as a result.

Zooming In On 53O1 Delong Street In Cypress CA (6 Images).

Note: "Fartso" is a portmanteau of "fart" and "fatso". Also a nickname (I presume) Mystere's husband Rikishi gave him.

01. Irl Hudnutt. May 30, 2019 at 11:21 AM.
Fartsniffer Eddie should spend some time on landscaping. What a dump.

02. Joe Conservative. May 30, 2019 at 12:30 PM.
Half a million $. Sounds like he's got some dough!

03. Dervish Sanders. May 30, 2019 at 1:59 PM.
You're unfamiliar with the concept of a mortgage? Anyway, I couldn't find any information that confirms Mystere is the owner. This website says 3 other people live there, including "K. Enow" who is 77 years old. Maybe this person is the owner? Even if Mystere is the owner he might be "house rich, cash poor". If he inherited a property that went up in value over time that doesn't mean "he's got some dough".

BTW, says a "B. Endo" used to live at that address. A "Barbara Endo" (age 58) is a relative of Mystere's. He falsely says I know a "Barbara Sanders", but Mystere is the one who knows a "Barbara". Did Babbles leave after she found out Mystere voted for tRump? My guess is that she couldn't take any more of her brother's idiocy and HAD to get the hell out of there (and moved to Torrance).

04. Dervish Sanders. May 31, 2019 at 11:26 AM.

Published: Wednesday, May 29, 2019 at 2:53 PM. Updated 11/27/2024. wym118.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

E Is For Eproctophilia, Which Is Good Enough For Mystere

Mystere calls himself "Mr. E" on Twitter. While people might think the "E" stands for "End0" because that is Edward's last name, that would be an incorrect assumption. I mean, why shorten "Endo" (which is 4 letters) to "Mr. E" which is 5 characters (including the period and the space)? Clearly that makes no sense. Obviously the "E" in "Mr. E" stands for Eproctophile, which Mystere is. Someone sexually excited by sniffing farts, that is.

Mystere (a closeted homosexual) is married to the WWE wrestler who goes by the ring name "Rikishi". Obviously Mystere does not have to fantasize about getting Rikishi stinkfaces. Or about then sticking out his tongue and having a "wet lick". Given that he can get a stickface and butthole lick whenever he wants. Although maybe Mystere dreams about Rikishi passing gas in his face when his husband is away from home. I've heard that Rikishi spends many hours on the road due to his profession.

Rikishi, the breadwinner in the relationship, works his tail off to support his shiftless husband. Rikishi is quite angry with his mate due to the fact that Mystere is always frittering away his husband's hard earned money buying stuff online. Mystere's latest addiction is collecting dildos molded from the penises of famous gay porn stars. When Rikishi saw his latest credit card bill he blew his top. Mystere (as a punishment) received a bare-bottomed spanking that left his buttocks a fiery red and quite sore for several days.

By the way, Mystere's admission that he probed his anus with his finger (then licked it) is something he attributes to me. He posted a comment on WYD using a sockpuppet he created using my Blogger handle and avatar. But it was clearly written by him. Probing his anus and licking the finger being something Mystere would clearly do. Although Franco played along, I doubt he was actually fooled by Mystere's juvenile retort (such a comment being right up his alley).

For the record, yes, this blog is now 100 percent about Mystere. All Mystere all the time. In fact, I'm thinking about changing the name of the blog to "Inside Endo's Head AKA Mystere Is A Jackass" (based on the title of a blog Mystere created to express his hatred for Irl Hudnutt).

Finally (for those of you who may be wondering), zero posts that appear on this blog have (or ever will) be published in Out Magazine. Because (for one), Mystere is not "out" but in the closet (as previously noted).

Published: Sunday, May 11, 2019 at 10:19 PM.

Image photoshopped by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. Photo provided by Irl Hudnutt. wym113.