The as$hole who calls himself Myst3re is now faking comments from me on his blog. Today I noticed that, in a post titled "Mein Blog War", following a genuine comment by me, there are 2 more from "Dervish Sanders" that I did not submit.
Ironically in this post Mystere falsely accuses me of "hijacking other bloggers' identities". Additionally, my Gravatar image shows up for these comments. Gravatar images are linked to email addresses. I removed easy access to my email when the blog troll Luke (AKA Paul) indicated that he wanted my email so he could spam me (dsd201). There may still be someplace where it is displayed. I'm not sure, but he obviously has it (I wanted Blogger friends to be able to contact me privately at the time).
The first comment (which I do recall making) links to for some reason. I know for a fact I didn't enter this URL. The 2 fakes link to and Mystere links to these gay websites because he is a bigot who THINKS God wants him to hate gay people. And, because (in his mind) gay people are vile sinners, that somehow (in the fake Christian Mystere's tiny pea brain) makes it OK to accuse ANYONE he dislikes of being gay.
In any case, it didn't occur to me until now that my Gravatar could be stolen because I made my email address public. Like I said, I don't use Wordpress (although I did set up a Gravatar). I have, however, suspected that this asshole fakes comments. Previously I saw comments on his wordpress blog (attached to a post titled "Introducing Dervish Sanders") in which another blogger he doesn't like (This One) uses 2 racial slurs directed at Myst3re (who presents himself as an Asian man).
As for my first comment linking to, the asshole must have deleted my original comment, then resubmitted it using my original words, my email address, and the g@y URL. I know I didn't enter PROOF that Mystere is the one who hijacked my name and Gravatar, given the fact that only he (as the blog proprietor) can delete comments (him or anyone he allows access to his blog).
You can't hijack identities on Blogger. Not without it being easy to spot, in any case. You can create a different account and use the same name and avatar, but the account numbers won't match. You can also, using the Name/URL option, enter the name of the blogger who you want to fake a comment by (along with the link to their profile), but the avatar won't show up.
Either the account number won't match or the avatar image won't show up. Faking comments by people who don't use avatars is easier. So long as the Name/URL option is enabled. Which it isn't on any of my Blogger blogs. Wordpress is clearly a different story. It's obviously a lot easier to post fake comments if you use Wordpress. Even if you aren't the blog proprietor.
BTW, In the "Mein Blog War" post, Mystere posts pictures of an Obama dild0, which he refers to as a "gay sex toy". As per Mystere, I post "vile sexually graphic insults". In the same post Mystere talks about (the impossible feat of) inserting heads into anuses (both canine and human) as well as the aforementioned dildo. Which (as per Mystere) is used for (@nal) "probing".
Yet Mystere CLAIMS it is I (and other bloggers he does not like, who he refers to as my "butt boys") who are "spewing hate and g@y pornography in their vile mean spirited retorts". I don't know what he's talking about, although (I suspect) gay porn0graphy might be found at any of the gay websites HE links to (in his faked comments).
Additionally, the second This One comment attached to the "Introducing Dervish Sanders" post links to "". Proof it was Mystere using racial slurs against himself. Is this guy actually Asian? Who knows.
It is clear who the ID hijacker is, however. It can also be stated (IMO) with a high degree of certainty who the pervert linking to g@y pornography is (I didn't follow any of Mystere's links so I can only assume what might be there).
Update: I just tried to submit another comment to Mystere's Wordpress blog using my tablet... and was asked to sign in. Given that Mystere doesn't have my password, what he must have done is to set up another Gravatar account using another (not my) email. And associate MY Gravatar image with it.
Huh? "This post was put behind a warning for readers because it contains sensitive content as outlined in Blogger's Community Guidelines". Because of the gay URLs? Dumb. 20240419.
01. Dervish Sanders. March 31, 2018 at 6:17 PM.
Mystere's response to getting called out for posting fake comments? He posts several more. After deleting my comment calling out the fakes, he posts one where I "admit" that what the fake comments say is true.
02. Les Carpenter. April 1, 2018 at 3:03 PM.
mystere is a proud member of the MAGA movement. One of the irredeemables. An Asshole Extraordinaire.
03. mystere's moonbat slayer club. April 12, 2018 at 3:35 PM.
Dervish, you've made some blog enemies with your replies and counterfeit blogs. I'm sure some of your enemies have a Wordpress blog you've commented on, and found a way to counterfeit your replies. I've blocked a number of crude retorts with your signature on them and let some of the less offensive ones come on my posts. You have some serious enemies out there Dervish faking your signature on my Wordpress blog.
04. Dervish Sanders. April 13, 2018 at 9:11 AM.
No, asshole, it is you faking my comments, not some other ememy. This you proved by deleting genuine comments and replacing them with fake ones. Anyone can post fake comments, but only the owner of the blog can delete comments.
05. Dervish Sanders. April 13, 2018 at 9:16 AM.
Mystere is now wishing death for Lisa's husband. And he hopes that Lisa also gets cancer (via fake "This One" comments). This after supposedly "praying" for Lisa and her husband. Mystere has posted his genuine feelings about Lisa and her husband with his fake comment.
06. mystere's moonbat slayer club. April 13, 2018 at 9:53 PM.
No Dervish. That slimeball wishing death on Lisa's hubby is This One, aka Liberalmann, Lester and Lester Liberalmann. You need to stop blaming me for your problems with whoever is trolling you on Wordpress. I have better things to do than troll you. That faker who uses the Stalin avatar to mock you also made a fake Ducky, fake RN and fake Lester account to mock them as well. I don't spread curses on others, lest I get rebuked by God Almighty. You've angered most of your enemies like Luke, Radical Redneck and Rusty. Your huge mistake was to mess with me. I just laugh at you every time you try to pull a stunt against me and fail.
07. Dervish Sanders. April 17, 2018 at 2:40 PM.
YES, YOU made the comment wishing death to Lisa and her husband. YOU are the slimeball. And I am NOT going to stop blaming you, because I know with 100 percent certainty that YOU faked the comments, not "whoever". YOU deleted my comment then resubmitted it. You didn't change what I wrote, but linked my name to a gay website. ONLY the blog owner can delete comments, which proves it was you.
FYI, you're an idiot who THINKS he is slapping me around on your pathetic juvenile blog. The fact is that I LAUGH at your badly photoshopped images and stupid gay road trip story. A story that makes no sense at all. YOU admire WWE divas, so why the hell would I dream about them? WHY would any "steal" sewage when pumping out sewage tanks is a job people get PAID for??
08. mystere's moonbat slayer club. April 18, 2018 at 6:19 PM.
Hey Dervish? How come you're abusing Jersey McJones' name on my Wordpress blog site? I just sent your latest comment under the Jersey McJones moniker to the trash bin. I assume it's you this time abusing a dead liberal blogger's name to deliver cheap vile shots. Or did you email your boifriend This One and ask him to do you a favor, Michael Sanders? Or did you do a seance and ask your 76 year old dead pappy Donald for advice? Which is it, Michael?
09. Dervish Sanders. April 19, 2018 at 7:54 AM.
I've never submitted a comment under the name "Jersey McJones" anywhere, liar. You make these false allegations (no doubt) because I called you out on your fake (and vile) This One comment (the one where you wish death to an alleged friend. What a scumbag). BTW, I don't know who This One is and I don't know any "Michael". FYI, the father of "Michael Sanders" (whoever that is) might be dead, but my father is alive.
10. mystere's moonbat slayer club. April 19, 2018 at 12:02 PM.
Well Michael Dervish Sanders, for once, I believe you, at least in regards to the Jersey McJones incident. I was testing you about that one. You just helped confirm that it was Pookie Toot Toot Lying Lester Liberalmann aka This One who did the dirty deed. I will say this: beware of This One. This One will turn on you, exploit you and spit you out like he did to Australian liberal blogger Elroy and our deceased blogger Jersey McJones.
Published: Friday, March 31, 2018 at 4:10 PM. wym Censored Version.