Friday, February 21, 2025

ed T endo Identifies As An "It"

As per ed T end0, "gender identity is a satanic mental disorder".

Really, edward? I thought end0's gender identity was male, but I must have been mistaken. Given what he said, obviously he doesn't identify as male or female. Or even non-binary. Clearly he identifies as an "it".

I asked the AI Copilot about end0's comment and Copilot replied, "The comment you mentioned seems to reflect a misunderstanding or a lack of awareness about gender identity".

Indeed. I think "lack of awareness" describes a lot of what end0 believes. He is unaware of facts and believes falsehoods instead. Or he is aware of the facts but chooses to believe lies. Like the fact that everyone has a gender identity.

But maybe he wants to be referred to as "it"? Given that "gender identity is a satanic mental disorder".

Was Itt a cousin of end0 that was a member of the Addams family? The video above suggests that Itt is a male, but Copilot told me "the creators of The Addams Family did not specify Cousin Itt's gender identity, leaving it somewhat ambiguous. This ambiguity adds to the character's mysterious and quirky charm. Cousin Itt is often referred to using male pronouns, but their gender is never a central aspect of their character".

Post authored by Dervish Sanders. EEH047.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Gavin Newsom False Allegations

As per ed T end0, "Governor Baldy Moonbeam started flushing the dams to save the smelt fish during his reoccupation of Sacramento in 2011-17 with Lieutenant Governor Gaffing Nuisance as his buttplug. Moonbeam's buttplug has continued his infliction of pain, with that weasel Karen Bass aiding and abetting him these past 2 years. The water shortage has been aggravated by Moonbeam, Gaffing Gavin, Mayor Yogapants Garcetti and Mayor Weasel's bad policies". 2/5/2025.

end0 wote this (and called me a liar) after I wrote, "d0n0ld forced California to open dams and flush water to the ocean. This was water that was being held in reserve for farmers who will need to later in summer. Now it's gone due to d0n0ld's incredible stupidity".

I did not lie, edward. As per an LA Times article titled "The water unexpectedly released from dams on Trump's order didn't help farms or L.A", d0n0ld tRump did do exactly what I said.

Acting on an order from Washington, the corps allowed irrigation water to flow down river channels for three days, into the network of engineered waterways that fan out among farm fields in the San Joaquin Valley. Coursing from rivers to canals to irrigation ditches, much of the water eventually made its way to retention basins, where it soaked into the ground, replenishing groundwater.

"It's been recharged to the ground", said Tom Barcellos, president of the Lower Tule River Irrigation District and a dairyman and farmer. That sounds good, except farmers in parts of the San Joaquin Valley typically depend on water from the two dams to irrigate crops in the summer. In other words, the release of water this time of year, when agriculture usually doesn't require it, means that growers are likely to have less water stored in the reservoirs this summer, during a year that so far is among the area's driest on record.

Also, attempts to save the smelt were not a factor in the recent California wildfires as end0 claims. The NYT says, "even under the more restrictive rules that were in place until 2019, regulations that specifically related to delta smelt were responsible for no more than an average of 1.2 percent additional water flowing into San Francisco Bay, according to an analysis..."

Video: Feb 3, 2025. This is so stupid. Kat Abu. 58.4K subscribers.

The above is a Woodsterman delusion, although the same delusion is shared by many rightturds. Including end0... I would confidently guess.

Post authored by Dervish Sanders. EEH046.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Turd Spins Obviously False Tale In Which He Is Sexually Assaulted By Kamala Harris

Note: I originally published this post on another blog on 10/24/2024. I lost this post (because I didn't have it backed up) when the aforementioned blog was reported to g00gle for a bogus T0S infraction. After which the Turds at g00gle locked it for over 3 months. I just got the bl0g back. However... in the meantime I created a new bl0g to take it's place. Given this, I am going to be porting over posts from that blog to this blog. This is the first post I'm transfering from the old blog to the new one.

ed T endo posted the following video to his blog on 9/11/2024.

Video Transcript
y'all I wasn't even comfortable with even talking about this. um, the fear of people judging me. but if I don't share this story I will be doing a disservice to a lot of people who are afraid to speak up. um and who want to speak up. so, yeah, I'm sorry. um, about 20 years ago I was uh I was at the mall. um, I was I was buying some, um, I was trying on some shoes. some Mike Air Jordans. um, I remember this day. um, because it was the day I got paid. um, and I was trying on my Nike air Jordans. (0:00 to 1:30).

and that's when Kamala Harris came in my dressing room and she and she grabbed me. she grabbed me and she said "give me that Willie Brown". I'm speaking about this now because I forgot about it. I just remembered as I was in my closet looking at my Nike Air Jordans. and I remember this day now. I don't know how I forgot about it, but now I remember it was 20 years ago. I remember this day. it was a day that I got paid. I was waiting on this paycheck. I remember I could not wait to get paid because I was behind on my bills. I was behind my ... my, my lights were turned off. (1:30 to 2:10).

and um, and I was uh waiting on this paycheck. and when I got paid I went to the mall instead. which was a dumb thing. which was really dumb on me because I spent all my money on tennis shoes when I was supposed to pay my bills. and, um, but I went but whatever I went to, um, I went to the mall and I tried on -- I was trying on these shoes these Nike Air Jordans -- and that's when Kamala Harris came in my locker room and um, she, she grabbed my pants and she said "you give me that Willie Brown". and then she started laughing and cackling. (2:10 to 2:53).

and I remember going home. I had, I was so I was going home and I went home. I had my new shoes. my lights were still turned off because of course I spent all my money on the shoes. and I'm sitting in the dark just crying my eyes out cuz I couldn't believe that this woman came in this locker room and grabbed me. I don't know what was funny about her grabbing me and telling me to "give me that Willie Brown". who is Willie? At the time, like who is Willie Brown? what do you mean, "give me that Willie Brown". She referred to my private area as "Willie Brown" (2:53 to 3:34).

but hopefully more people will speak up and share their story. 20 years this woman does not deserve to be president after what she did to me. (3:34 to 3:56).

Posted by Terrence K Williams on Aug 27, 2024. 283K subscribers.

On YouTube @death_dealer_382yt9 said "more believable than Trump's accuser". And @xb-1 said "sue her for 83 million. I believe you too".

Obviously this Turd's false story is his take on the true story told by E Jean Carroll. What he said isn't "more believable". Firstly, who tries on shoes in a dressing room? Nobody. Secondly, in E Jean Carroll's true account of what d0n0ld tRump did to her, she worked at the store and that is why she was interacting with him. But in Terrence's fake story, Harris was just another customer that spotted him and had to have him? As per his obviously fictional and slanderous story?

You can lock the doors on dressing rooms. Precisely so someone can't walk in on you when you're undressed. He didn't say Kamala Harris was right behind him and came in the dressing room before he could lock the door.

This tall tale isn't the least bit believable. Or funny. Which I guess was what he was going for?

So what happened next, Terrence? Did Kamala Harris grab your "Willie Brown"? Or did you flee the dressing room. He says he purchased the Air Jordans. So he grabbed the shoes, then went to the register to pay for them? Despite just being sexually assaulted?

Bing Copilot Response

The following text was generated after I queried the Bing Copilot AI.

I'm sorry to hear that you were offended by the video. Terrence K. Williams often uses exaggerated and fictional scenarios in his comedy to make a point or entertain his audience. While his style can be humorous to some, it can also be off-putting or offensive to others, especially when sensitive topics are involved.

Terrence K. Williams is a well-known American comedian, actor, and social media personality. He gained popularity through his humorous and passionate rants on current issues, often shared on platforms like YouTube and Facebook. His conservative viewpoints and commentary have attracted a significant following.

Williams first came into the spotlight with a viral Facebook Live video in 2016. He has since expanded his reach, regularly touring across America and hosting "The Terrence K. Williams Show" on YouTube. Terrence K. Williams' book, "From The Foster House To The White House", is an autobiographical account of his life. In it, he shares his journey from growing up in foster care to becoming a recognized public figure and comedian. The book delves into his personal struggles, triumphs, and the experiences that shaped him.

Williams visited the White House on several occasions during Donald Trump's presidency. He was invited as a guest to various events, including a social media summit in 2019, where he and other conservative influencers discussed issues related to social media bias. His visits were part of his support for Trump's administration and his active role in conservative circles.

**End Bing Copilot Response**

Terrence K. Williams went to the White House? So, he's clearly a memember of the very small group I call "Blacks for White Supremacy". While end0 is a member of "Asians for White Supremacy". Remember that Adolf Hitler declared Japanese people "honory Ayrans". So end0 might consider himself to be White. Or an "honory Ayran".

That's despite it being Chinese people who are White and therefore "suprime" (aka supreme). Well, according to a moron that posted on the blog of Minus FJ. So it might be that Chinese people are suprime while Japanese people are Honory Ayrans.

btw, the liar Terrance says this happened 20 years ago. Terrence K. Williams was born on September 9, 1991 -- so he was 13 years old at the time. Apparently (at 13) he had a job and his own place?

Post authored by Dervish Sanders. EEH045.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

ed T end0's Delusions About Me Recording "Queer Selfie Porno Flicks"

"Rattrapper" is a Bl0gger account created by ed T end0. Using his "Rattrapper" account, end0 recently authored the following comment...

Rattrapper. February 11, 2025 at 6:17 AM.
No one wants to watch your queer selfie porno flicks, Dervish. And that's raising the temperature of the molten lava oozing at your eternal home at Fire Lake.

What is a "queer selfie porno flick"? If you enter "queer selfie porno" into g00gle image search (with "safe" off), what you get is a bunch of pics of men showing their aroused hot dogs.

I've never filmed, then uploaded to the internet, any footage of my hot dog. I've never filmed any footage of my hot dog, period. Maybe endo wishes I would? Because he would like to view such a "porno flick" very much?

FYI, I found the image at the top of this post by entering "queer selfie" into g00gle image search. I left off the "porno" that got me results of men showing off their ding-dongs.

btw, if me recording and offering to show people "queer porno selfies" is "raising the temperature of the molten lava oozing at your eternal home at Fire Lake", wouldn't making false allegations of this sort result in the same for him? I would think more so. Given the commandment to not bear false witness.

"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor", a commandment found in Exodus 20:16 and Deuteronomy 5:20, emphasizes the importance of honesty and truthfulness, particularly in legal and personal matters. It underscores the value of integrity in relationships and the need to avoid spreading falsehoods or making false accusations.

edward breaks this commandment daily. Yet he does not seem at all concerned about the molten lava that could one day be oozing at his eternal home at Fire Lake.

Post authored by Dervish Sanders. EEH044.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

ed T end0 Racist Chicken And Watermelon P0st

The images above are from the WordPress blog of a Turd that calls itself "Mystere". This person's real name is ed T. end0.

As per end0, the caption below the racist image of Alvin Bragg is a "liberal meme" being blamed on Conservatives. This is a lie. ed end0 authored the blog post and created the racist meme.

A bigly clue is the chicken puppet in Alvin Bragg's thought bubble. This image appears elsewhere on the racist Turd's blog. Like here. Mystere aka ed T. end0 uses this image endlessly.

end0 gave this image the name alvinbragg-chicken26watermelon02.

He titled the image of the puppet chickens that appears in the thought bubble (and elsewhere on his bl0g) fosterfarmschicken2.

A second image of chickens he uses over and over on his blog is titled liberalchickens-didshejustsay.

Nobody who sees this (if anyone) buys that it's a liberal meme being blamed on conservatives. Unless they are morons, they know the meme was created by the racist Turd end0.

end0's post is a Rumble link to a video by Catturd and his co-host -- a fellow Turd named Jewels Jones. Their cohosted podcast is called "In the Litterbox". I'm guessing they like it in the litterbox very much. Due to the presence of many turds. The podcaster Catturd aka Phillip Buchanan is a person that self-identifies as a sh!tposter and an internet troll. aka a bigly Turd.

The topic of the podcast is Alvin Bragg being arrested for daring to hold the fat Orange Turd d0n0ld tRump accountable for the 34 financial frauds he committed and was found guilty of committing. Alvin Bragg is definitely on d0n0ld's enemies list. Will Alvin Bragg go to prison? I doubt it. But Turd-2 (aka the 2nd tRump administration) will likely harass him and attempt to cause him misery.

Allegedly Alvin Bragg vowed to "get tRump" and his prosecution of tRump was directed by either Joe Biden or George Soros. I asked the AI Perplexity if Alvin Bragg said he was going to "get tRump". The following is Perplexity's response...

Based on the available information, there is no clear evidence that Alvin Bragg explicitly campaigned on a promise to "get Trump" during his run for Manhattan District Attorney. However, Bragg did frequently reference his experience with Trump-related legal matters during his campaign. Here are the key points...

1. Campaign References: Bragg often cited his past experience dealing with Trump-related cases, including lawsuits against the Trump administration and the Trump Foundation [3][6].

2. No Explicit Promise: While Bragg highlighted his experience, he did not make specific promises about prosecuting Trump. He emphasized being "fair" and following the facts [3].

3. Previous Involvement: As a chief deputy attorney general for New York state, Bragg was involved in over 100 lawsuits against Trump administration policies [3].

4. Campaign Statements: Bragg stated he was "ready to go wherever the facts take me" regarding the inherited Trump investigation[3].

5. Political Accusations: Some Republicans have accused Bragg of campaigning on a promise to prosecute Trump, but this claim appears to be an exaggeration of his actual campaign statements [6][7].

6. Focus on Experience: Bragg's campaign emphasized his overall prosecutorial experience, including but not limited to Trump-related matters [1][3].

In conclusion, while Bragg did highlight his experience with Trump-related cases during his campaign, there is no evidence of an explicit promise to "get Trump". His statements were more focused on his readiness to handle the case and follow the evidence where it led.

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

btw, as per the Wikipedia page, Fried chicken stereotype, "since the American Civil War, traditional slave foods like fried chicken, watermelon, and chitterlings have suffered a strong association with stereotypes of African Americans and blackface minstrelsy. ... Race and folklore professor Claire Schmidt attributes the stereotype both to the popularity of fried chicken in the cuisine of the Southern United States and to a scene from the film The Birth of a Nation in which a rowdy African American man is seen eating fried chicken in a legislative hall. The stereotype was commercialized in the 20th century by restaurants like Sambo's and Coon Chicken Inn, which selected exaggerated depictions of Black people as mascots, implying quality by their association with the stereotype".

On the blog "Political Tea Leaves" end0 (using his rattrapper account) wrote that Michelle Obama did not attend d0n0ld's inauguration because, "Trump won't be serving bananas at his inauguration and the inauguration balls. He'll be serving real classy meals".

Below is an image of another incredibly racist comment from the Turd end0. I won't copy and paste it, but present it as an image only. Bl0gger has no problem with end0 writing something so racist, but bl0gger might have a problem with it -- if I publish it on my blog. So I won't do so.

This is a person who is very clearly racist. Even so, the blogger Minus FJ defended the bananas comment, writing the following about my assessment of end0 as a racist... "that's not a very charitable assumption.. It's based upon an expectation of intention to offend, and does not reflect any caritas for the actual intentions of the speaker".

Minus goes on to suggest I'm engaging in "mind reading". No. That isn't what happened. end0 has made many comments that very clearly indicate he is a racist. No mind reading was necessary.

end0 also hates Mexican people and refer to them using the slur, "greaser". He thinks any Mexican in the United States is probably here illegally and should be deported.

Who else does end0 hate? Chinese people. Annd likely many other ethnicities. Also sexual orientations. He hates gay and trans people, who he refers to as "queers". But this is a post about how racist he is, which I think the examples given pretty conclusively prove he is.

Post authored by Dervish Sanders. EEH043.

Monday, February 10, 2025

ed T end0 Fake Copyrights

As per ed end0, [Tucker Carlson] " a right wing extremist pro d0tard d0n0ld tRump Putin puppet. ...and a Bigly Putin Butt Boy Pal... Tucker is Putin's Bigly lap mutt... Tucker caves in to all of Putin's desires... ...And I have 2 more things to say... And use your guns to take every one of them down and out".

These six images all say they were "copyrighted" by me. I didn't write this post or create this blog. Dervish Sanders' Death Angel is a fake blog that was created by ed end0. It's ed end0 that created the images. It was also ed end0 that wrote, "use your guns to take every one of them down and out".

The attribution says "Posted by the Never dotard d0n0ld tRump blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders", but this commentary was NOT posted by me. It was posted by the Turd end0. Using the account he created to impersonate me.

btw, Tucker Carlson IS a voice for Putin and a voice for Propaganda. That was something correct that end0 typed in when HE created these images. I don't think he is a voice for Russia, though. I think many Russians disagree with Putin's war of aggression against Ukraine. This poll says 70 percent of Russians agree with Putin, but that is only because they are higly propagandized. Even so, 30 percent disagree.

Post authored by the bigly Joe Biden fan Dervish Sanders. EEH042.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

On My Being Cheryl's Half Breed Bastard Boy From That One Night Stand With Her Black Pimp Daddy

Rattrapper. October 20, 2024 at 11:15 AM.
Says the imbecile who posted an untouched mailbox photo on his now wiped out Google blog, exposing his meemaw's address, doxxing and exposing his relatives' names indirectly. Screenshots are forever, Dylan, assuming you're Cheryl's half breed bastard boy from that one night stand she had with her black pimp daddy?

"Rattrapper" is an ed end0 bl0gger account. According to end0, Cheryl is either my sister, my sister-in-law (and is married to my brother, Vince) or Cheryl had a one night stand with a Black man and I'm her son.

The thing is, I don't know anyone named Cheryl Sanders or Vince Sanders. I don't have a mother, a sister or a SIL named "Cheryl". Nor do I have a brother or BIL named "Vince". I don't know anyone named Cheryl or Vince at all.

That I'm a "half breed bastard boy" is a racist delusion of ed end0. When I was born my parents were married. They are also both White. So I'm neither a bastard or a "half breed". Not that there is anything with being a "half breed". Except in ed end0's racist delusions.

I wonder why he didn't use the term mulatto? end0 says, "I'm of 100% Japanese blood". Could this be why he considers being a "half breed" to be terrible? Only people of pure blood like him have any worth?

Oddly, end0 also criticizes dogs that aren't purebred as "flea ridden mutts". As per Copilot, "the emphasis on pure blood and criticizing others based on race or heritage reflects a very narrow and outdated worldview". It's also a worldview shared by racists. Being "pure blood" is very important to White Supremacists.

Also racists of other ethnicities, which end0 clearly is. As per GNet, posts on White Supremacist online hangouts Telegram and 4Chan "referenced white supremacists' neutrality, and in some cases, preference for East Asians calling them honorary Aryans. The relationship between Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, the model minority myth, and the perception that East Asian societies guard their monoculture all factor into these viewpoints".

GNET, aka the Global Network on Extremism and Technology, is an academic research initiative at King's College in London. They look into how people are radicalized.

Does end0 consider himself to be an "honory Ayran"? I think he does. This would explain why he supports d0n0ld tRump. Though he probably rejects that term, given that it's linked to Adolf Hitler. But he is undoubtly an Asian person that supports White Supremacy. It seems he believes that he has an IQ of 160. When he clearly is a racist moron.

Mystere. 3/10/2018.
Pictured above are 2 of his mutts: Buttstink and Schweinhund. Dervish has a fixation of which you can see with one of his flea ridden mutts.

Mystere. 6/18/2018.
Hey liberals, bring your flea ridden mutts to MSU for a gold standard flea bath! Joey will give them the pleasure of a lifetime (as you liberals call it) when he's done with them! Ask for the Irl Hudnutt/Dervish Sanders special.

Mystere. 4/1/2021.
My flea ridden mutts give me tingles up my L'eggs (here end0 alleges he is quoting me).

Mystere. 5/13/2021.
Dervish relishes the public gay queening by fantasizing his flea ridden mutt delivers the flatulence.

Mystere. 12/24/2022.
Dervish gets his jollies making his mutts sniff other men's flatulence.

For the record, I never posted an "untouched mailbox photo" and I don't have a "now wiped out Google blog". The blog he refers to was reinstated after he falsely reported to g00gle that the blog contained "hate".

Post authored by the bigly Joe Biden fan Dervish Sanders. EEH041.