Friday, January 3, 2025

Low IQ Imbecile ed T End0 Laughably Claims He Is A Genius

The comments in the image are attached to a post on the blog of ed T end0. In this post edn0 links to a video that tells a story about d0n0ld tRump speaking at a church where he answers a question from a little girl named "Lily".

If you go to the YouTube page you can see that it says "The stories presented on this channel are entirely fictional and crafted solely for entertainment".

Yet, even given that he is a "genius", end0 was apparently fooled. If you look at the comments on the YouTube page, I see none where the person sharing their thoughts thinks anything other than that the video is a true story.

I pointed this out to the "genius", but he never replied by saying "yes, I know the story is fiction". He does not acknowledge this in his post either. His post is titled, "What Does God Mean To You, Mr. President?". But the video does not concern d0n0ld tRump sharing what God means to him. Because the story is not true. The events as described in the video never occurred.

Not only does the description say the stories on the channel are "entirely fictional", but the words the narrator says d0n0ld tRump spoke are 100 percent unbelievable. d0n0ld has never said anything close to what the narrator says in any context. Not in this fictional reply to the fictional "Lily", nor anywhere else to anyone else.

The title of the video claims that "A Little Girl Asks Trump About God; His Response Brings Her To Tears!". A little girl did not ask d0n0ld a question and he did not give a response that brought her to tears. Not only did this not happen, but it is completely unbelievable that d0n0ld has ever, or would ever, say such things.

Nobody but a moron would believe this fabrication. Unless you are a moron. Which end0 clearly is. Maybe his IQ is HALF of what he claims. Possibly lower, but there is absolutely no way he is a genius. A genius would speak of Satan shoving his head up someone's buttocks?

Post authored by Dervish Sanders. eeh-036.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Hate From 2017 And 2018

A directory of hate posts written by ed T. end0 from 2017 and 2018. Commentaries about Dervish Sanders published on one of Mystere's various hate blogs and trailer trash sites.

According to Irl Hudnutt, after he banned Mystere from his blog for leaving "strange incoherent comments" he became fixated on Irl. Now Mystere's fixation has shifted to me, apparently. The second troll I've attracted during my time blogging. The first being an asshole who has gone by various names including TOM, Steve, Luke and Paul.

20170627. The Baseless Hate Filled Attack Against Jermac1955 "Luke" From Dervish Sanders. [Funny Misadventures Of A Troll]. Dervish "has baselessly attacked Luke, threatening his life".

20170706. Have You Laughed At A Liberal Today? Liberals Want To Be Legally Recognized As Dogs! [Funny Misadventures Of A Troll]. Link to an article followed by "#DervishSanders". Apparently, in addition to being a gay Muslim, I also want to be legally recognized as a dog, which is news to me.

20170821. Blog Rikishi Is On The Hunt Again. [Funny Misadventures Of A Troll]. Dervish is a closet Muslim.

20170829. Introducing Dervish Sanders. [Mystere's Moonbat Spanker Club WP]. This is Mike Perquin, a stinky left wing extremist libturd troll blogger who calls himself Dervish Sanders. Sanders secretly backs the KKK and uses the alias Klansman Mystere on blogger at times".

20170905. Dervish Sanders Loves Getting Stinkfaces! [Funny Misadventures Of A Troll]. Photoshopped pic of my avatar (my canine, Zoie) about to give Mystere's boyfriend a vicious dog bite on his posterior!

20170926. Introducing Dervish Sanders. [Liberal Troll Watch]. Dervish is a gay KKK member who wears KKK burqas and hijabs.

20170927. Beware Of Blog Troll Dervish Sanders. [Cleveland Foxers WP]. Mystere banned me from this blog back in September of 2017, even though I didn't find it until 5/9/2018.

20171024. Dervish Sanders Is A Closet Eproctophile. [Funny Misadventures Of A Troll].

20171101. Have You Laughed At A Liberal Today? Funny Stuff On The Web. [Mystere's Moonbat Spanker Club, WP]. "Dervish hasn't been feeding his dog adequately lately".

20171102. Dervish Loves Stinkfaces Part 2. [Funny Misadventures Of A Troll].

20171115. Misadventures Of Dervish Sanders & Lester Liberalmann. [Mystere's Moonbat Spanker Club WP].

20171125. Lester Liberalmann's Butt Boy Slobbers Over Naked Donald Trump Statue Pictures. [Liberalmann Is A Dingbat].

20171208. Liberal Christmas Carols. [Mystere's Moonbat Spanker Club WP]. "Jingle bells, Dervish smells, his mutt ran away".

20171222. Dervish Sanders Just Topped The Naughty List. [Mystere's Moonbat Slayer Club]. "It's hard to believe Dervish the blog troll has beaten Pookie Toot Toot this year".

20180111. Dervish Sanders Becomes Further Unhinged At Who's Your Daddy Blog. [Funny Misadventures Of A Troll]. Also posted to Mystere's Moonbat Slayer Club on 1/20/2018.

20180115. Dervish Alert! Dervish Alert!. [Liberal Troll Watch]. According this ad hominem work of fiction authored by rattrapper, I practice zoophilia with my canine.

20180120. Dervish Sanders Gets Further Unhinged At Who's Your Daddy Blog. [Mystere's Moonbat Slayer Club].

20180130. Happy Birthday Dervish Sanders & Lester Liberalmann. [Liberal Troll Watch].

20180310. Mein Blog War. [Cleveland Foxers WP]. Later posted to the Moonbat Spanker blog.

20180312. Mein Blog War. [Mystere's Moonbat Spanker WP]. Mystere's alter ego is Shoichi Funaki. Mystere is fighting evil in the blogosphere. Mystere accuses me of hijacking other blogger's identities but 2 of the 3 "Dervish Sanders" replies to his post are fakes.

20180314. Another Misadventure From Dervish Sanders, Ducky's Here and Lester Liberalmann [Funny Misadventures of a Troll]. Pookie Toot Toot, Quackobyrd and another imaginary character called "Fartbreath al-Dervish Sanders" go on a road trip to CA for some reason where they eventually meet up with governor Jerry Brown.

20180316. Dervish Sanders' Road Trip [Liberal Troll Watch]. 2nd posting of the same story told first on "Funny Misadventures of a Troll".

20180316. Dervish Sanders, Quackobyrd & Pookie Toot Toot's Infamous Road Trip [Liberalman is a Dingbat]. 3rd posting of the same story told first on "Funny Misadventures of a Troll".

20180316. Dervish Sanders' Gay Road Trip [The Donkey's Revenge]. 4th posting of the same story told first on "Funny Misadventures of a Troll".

20180316. Dervish Sanders [Chopped Wackos]. 5th posting of the same story told first on "Funny Misadventures of a Troll".

20180414. Have You Laughed At A Liberal Today? Dervish Sanders Suffers A Meltdown [Mystere's Noonbat Spanker WP].

20180427. Dervish Got Trolled [Liberal Troll Watch]. Rattrapper (a Mystere sockpuppet) denies that he faked comments from me on the "Moonbat Spanker" blog.

20180522. Dervish Sanders Throws Another Temper Tantrum [Funny Misadventures of a Troll].

20180521. The Donald Trump Song [Liberal Troll Watch]. Link to a YouTube video along with the comment "deal with it, libtards! That means YOU, Dervish".

20180525. Dervish Sanders Sells His Burqas & Hajibs Under The Fake Trump KKK Brand [Mystere's Moonbat Slayer Club]. Mystere links to post from the Dervish Sanders Blog.

20180529. Have You Laughed At A Liberal Today? Delusional Dervish Freaks Out Again [Liberal Troll Watch].

20180529. Have You Laughed At A Liberal Today? Delusional Dervish Freaks Out Again [Funny Misadventures Of A Troll].

Note: This was originally published on wym as a page. At the time I intended to continue compiling this list of hate posts, but didn't. There have been many more in the 5 years since I wrote this up. I'm not going spend hours looking for more at this point. Even though I'm sure I'd find plenty to make this list a lot longer.

I'd have to find that hate on other blogs of end0's, however. Given that he lost many of the blogs linked to above for being naughty by violating Blogger TOS. Resulting him getting a spanking i.e. having his blogs taken away. Though, despite many spankings, end0 has not learned is lesson yet. I doubt he ever will. Every time he gets a spanking it makes him MORE determined to continue being naughty.

Post authored by Dervish Sanders. EEH035.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Fake Christian And Bigly Bl0g Turd ed end0 Threatens Me With Hell Yet Again

Another threat of being sent to hell by the fake Christian ed end0, aka Mystere. Here he uses his sockpuppet Helmut Von Streudelstein.

d0n0ld is an evil Turd, Mystere. The Orange Turd getting back into office is definitely not an "act of Jesus".

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders. November 13, 2024 at 12:20 PM.
Satan's minion is d0n0ld tRump. Though apparently you think the VP lives at the White House and not One Observatory Circle. Maybe that's what is going to happen under the rule of d0n0ld and jd? That way, when jd becomes predisent, he doesn't have to move. The plan must be for that to happen quickly?

Helmut Von Streudelstein (Mystere Sockpuppet). November 13, 2024 at 3:32 PM.
When the Pharisees called an act of Jesus an act of Beelzebub, Yeshua warned them of doing that knowingly endangered their eternity. You just lit your eternity on fire, Dervish.

Fvck off, you piece of sh!t. I'm not afraid of bs warnings from an evil Christianist Turd. fyi, dipsh!t, I did not "just" do what you say I did. I have been consistently (and for a long time) been telling the truth about the evil orange Turd. If either of us are lighting our eternity on fire, it is you, Mystere.

Post authored by Dervish Sanders. EEH034.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

A Message From The Bl0g Harasser ed T end0

The bl0g harassing Turd ed T end0 recently left the following 2 comments on the "P0litical Tea Leaves" blog under an alias. For what reason did he do this? It was a message. He's telling me (with these comments) that he's looking at my blog.

Roger The Talking Canine. October 29, 2024 at 12:02 PM
Шоу Менестрель Камали існує лише в омані.

Roger The Talking Canine. October 29, 2024 at 12:10 PM.
Wild West Show Покахонтаса існує тільки в маренні.

Roger The Talking Canine. October 30, 2024 at 9:38 PM.
Oh Dervish, I couldn't agree with you more, my master! I want my doggie treat now.

I also take this as a threat. edn0 has been very busy reporting my bl0gs for (imaginary) hate. This is a threat against my bl0g. edward is telling me "I can take out this blog".

Specifically he does not like this post because it refers to d0n0ld's infamous "covfefe" tweet from 6/1/2017. At the time he tweeted this, d0n0ld was predisent. In the post I refer to d0n0ld as the "Moron-in-chief".

This probably made edward angry and compelled to let me know of his displeasure with my post. btw, translated from Ukranian, edward's two comments read "The Kamali Minstrel Show is no longer in Oman" and "Pocahontas sleeps in madder".

Post authored by Dervish Sanders. eeh-033.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

That Fvcker ed end0 Falsely Reported And Got Another Blog Locked

Your blog titled "" has been removed. Inbox.

Blogger. Fri, Oct 25, 9:02 AM (18 hours ago).

Hello, As you may know, our Community Guidelines ( describe the boundaries for what we allow -- and don't allow -- on Blogger. Your blog titled "" was flagged to us for review. We have determined that it violates our guidelines and have made the URL unavailable to blog readers. Why was your blog removed? Your content has violated our HATE policy. Please visit our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more. If we feel that a blog's content does not fit within the expectations of our Policy, we no longer allow it to be publicly available. If you believe we made an error, you can request an appeal You may have the option to pursue your claims in court. If you have legal questions or wish to examine legal options that may be available to you, you may want to consult with your own legal counsel. Sincerely, The Blogger Team.

Somehow Ed knew that this was going to happen. He posted about it on his blog the day BEFORE I received the notification.

Perhaps it was a coincidence? In his blog post he says that my blog "Upthe end0 is an Asswipe" is the one he is talking about. But it was another blog that was locked. That blog was called "edward endo harasser". Though I know it was him that got it locked. He's probably reporting my blogs all the time, trying to get as many of them locked as possible.

For the record, "Upthe end0 is an Asswipe" was locked, but I appealed and it was reinstated. Hopefully I can get back my "harasser" blog. Because it contains no hate. Obvioulsy g00gle carefully examined "Upthe end0 is an Asswipe" and determined there is absolutely no hate at all there. Only truth-telling. If not, they would't have given it back.

Post authored by Dervish Sanders. EEH032.

Friday, October 18, 2024

d0n0ld tRump Walks With Fake White Jesus

Above is something I found recently on Facebook. Is this an genuine photo of d0n0ld tRump walking with Jesus? Of course not. Jesus wasn't a White man. According to the website All That's Interesting, the image below is a "reconstruction of the face of a first-century man from Judea" and more closely resembles what Jesus probably looked like.

"New developments in forensic anthropology have allowed researchers to form a better idea of what Jesus actually looked like. In 2001, Richard Neave, a British expert in forensic facial reconstruction, used modern science to recreate the face of a first-century Judean man like Jesus... most modern researchers agree that he would have looked like a first-century Jewish man".

btw, Jesus is definitely is not a d0n-0ld tRump supporter. rightturd Christofascists who support tRump are completely convinced that he is. But I can assure you, he is not. d0n-0ld is an evil Turd who is likely supported by Satan.

If you click the image of "Jesus" walking with d0n0ld, you will be redirected to the blog of the end0 who posted this image. He posted it to his blog in addition to posting it to his Facebook account.

Post authored by Dervish Sanders. EEH031.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Edw@rd End0 Dreams Of Cake Pops & Marshmallow Wands

Above is a pic of some cake pops. Edw@rd End0 might enjoy deep throating one of these. As per his fanfic below. A story about how I came up with the name of one of my blogs. Also a second short work of fiction concerning phallic foods Edw@rd enjoys.

the highly snarky donkey's revenge, a funny high IQ individual with witty quips (End0 sockpuppet). May 27, 2024 at 2:59 PM.
Dervish's mama was a sex worker who became pregnant with Dervish by accident. His deranged blog site is created and named in shameless disgrace of his mama: Whoz Yo Mama.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders (End0 fake). May 27, 2024 at 3:04 PM.
I'm sitting at home today, watching TV, eating great barbecue, cake pops and marshmallow wands for dessert.

Post authored by Dervish Sanders. EEH030.